英語 - 日本語


~ 2100
~ 2100
単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。 この重要度指数は、言語学習の過程で最も役立つ単語に焦点を当てるのに役立ちます。

驚いた (おどろいた), 驚愕した (きょうがくした), 意外だった (いがいだった), 驚きの (おどろきの)

Surprised の日本語での意味

驚いた (おどろいた)

I was surprised by the news.
She was surprised to see him at the party.
使用法: Informalコンテクスト: Used in everyday conversation to express shock or amazement.
注記: Commonly used in casual settings; can express both positive and negative surprises.

驚愕した (きょうがくした)

He was shocked and surprised by the sudden change.
The audience was surprised by the magician's act.
使用法: Formalコンテクスト: Used in more serious contexts, such as news reports or formal discussions.
注記: This term conveys a stronger sense of shock than 驚いた.

意外だった (いがいだった)

It was surprising that he won the award.
I found it surprising that she could sing so well.
使用法: Informalコンテクスト: Used when something is unexpected but not necessarily shocking.
注記: Often implies a pleasant surprise or something that defies expectations.

驚きの (おどろきの)

It was a surprising turn of events.
The surprising fact was revealed later.
使用法: Formal/Informalコンテクスト: Can be used in both casual and formal scenarios to describe something that causes surprise.
注記: This is more of an adjective form and can describe a noun.



To be astonished means to be greatly surprised or amazed.
例: She was astonished by the news of her promotion.
注記: Astonished often implies a stronger or more intense feeling of surprise compared to 'surprised'.


To be amazed means to be filled with wonder or astonishment.
例: The magician's tricks left the audience amazed.
注記: Amazed emphasizes a sense of wonder or awe along with surprise.


To be shocked means to be deeply surprised or stunned by something unexpected.
例: I was shocked to hear about the sudden death of my friend.
注記: Shocked often conveys a feeling of disbelief or being taken aback by the surprise.


To be startled means to be suddenly alarmed or surprised by a sudden sound or movement.
例: The loud bang startled the sleeping cat.
注記: Startled typically refers to a sudden or immediate reaction to a surprise.


Caught off guard

To be caught off guard means to be surprised by something unexpected or unprepared for a situation.
例: She was caught off guard when they threw her a surprise party.
注記: This phrase emphasizes being unprepared for the surprise, adding a sense of being taken by surprise.


To be blindsided means to be taken by surprise by something you did not see coming.
例: I was completely blindsided by the sudden news of his resignation.
注記: This phrase often implies a sense of shock and being unaware of the impending surprise.

Knock for a loop

To be knocked for a loop means to be greatly surprised or shocked by something unexpected.
例: The news of their engagement really knocked me for a loop.
注記: This phrase suggests a stronger impact of the surprise, as if being physically or emotionally knocked down.

Blow someone's mind

To blow someone's mind means to astonish or greatly surprise someone.
例: The magician's trick really blew my mind!
注記: This phrase conveys a sense of amazement and overwhelming surprise, often in a positive way.

Taken aback

To be taken aback means to be surprised or shocked by something unexpected.
例: I was taken aback by his sudden outburst.
注記: This phrase suggests a sudden and strong reaction to the surprise, leaving one momentarily speechless or shocked.


Jaw-dropping means extremely surprising or astonishing.
例: The special effects in the movie were jaw-dropping.
注記: This phrase implies such a high level of surprise that it literally causes one's jaw to drop in amazement.

Bowled over

To be bowled over means to be greatly surprised or overwhelmed, often in a positive way.
例: I was completely bowled over by the generous gift.
注記: This phrase conveys a sense of being emotionally moved or deeply touched by the surprise.


Mind blown

When something is so surprising or impressive that it overwhelms your ability to think clearly.
例: I just watched that movie and my mind was totally blown!
注記: This term specifically focuses on the act of one's mind being figuratively 'blown' by the surprising information or experience.

Taken by surprise

To be caught off guard or unexpectedly surprised by someone or something.
例: I was taken by surprise when he showed up at my door unexpectedly.
注記: It emphasizes the unexpected nature of the surprise, indicating a lack of readiness or anticipation.


In a state of shock or bewilderment due to a surprising or traumatic event.
例: After hearing the news, she seemed shell-shocked for a few minutes.
注記: Associated with a more intense or traumatic level of surprise, often implying a profound impact on the person's emotions or mental state.


Being in a state of shock or disbelief due to an unexpected or surprising situation.
例: She was left stunned by the sudden turn of events.
注記: Focuses on the feeling of being overwhelmed or emotionally paralyzed by the surprise, often accompanied by a lack of immediate reaction.

Caught unawares

To be caught off guard or surprised when one is not expecting it.
例: I was caught unawares by her sudden question.
注記: Conveys a sense of being completely unprepared or lacking awareness, resulting in a genuine surprise or shock.


To be astonished or astounded to the point of speechlessness because of something unexpected.
例: I was completely flabbergasted by the news of his resignation.
注記: This term suggests an extreme level of surprise or incredulity, often leaving the person speechless or unable to react immediately.


To be puzzled, confused, or uncertain due to unexpected or confusing circumstances.
例: He looked bewildered when he saw the surprise party waiting for him.
注記: Focuses on the state of being confused or disoriented as a result of the surprise, often accompanied by a sense of being lost or unsure.

Surprised - 例

She was surprised to see her old friend at the party.
The news of his promotion came as a surprise.
He had a surprised look on his face when he saw the huge cake.


Surprised - 形容詞 (Adjective) / 形容詞 (Adjective)
見出し語: surprised
surprised 2 音節を含む: sur • prised
音声表記: sər-ˈprīzd
sur prised , sər ˈprīzd (赤い音節が強調されています)

Surprised - 重要性と使用頻度

単語の頻度と重要度指数は、特定の言語で単語がどのくらい頻繁に出現するかを示します。 数字が小さいほど、単語が使用される頻度が高くなります。 最も頻繁に使用される単語は通常1から4000の範囲です。
surprised: ~ 2100 (非常に一般的).
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