Engleză - Finlandeză
Extrem De Comun
800 - 900
800 - 900
Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000. Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.
Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000. Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.
saada, vastaanottaa, hyväksyä, kuulla
Semnificațiile lui Received în finlandeză
I received your message yesterday.
Sain viestisi eilen.
She received a gift for her birthday.
Hän sai lahjan syntymäpäiväkseen.
Utilizare: informalContext: Used in everyday situations to indicate that something has been obtained or accepted.
Notă: This is the most common usage of 'received' in Finnish, often used in both spoken and written language.
The package was received at the office.
Paketti vastaanotettiin toimistossa.
He received the award at the ceremony.
Hän vastaanotti palkinnon seremonialla.
Utilizare: formalContext: Commonly used in formal contexts, such as business or official communications.
Notă: 'Vastaanottaa' emphasizes the action of receiving something, often used in more formal settings.
The proposal was received positively.
Ehdotus hyväksyttiin myönteisesti.
She received the news with joy.
Hän hyväksyi uutiset ilolla.
Utilizare: formal/informalContext: Used when discussing acceptance or approval of ideas, proposals, or news.
Notă: This meaning focuses on the acceptance aspect rather than the physical act of receiving.
I received the instructions clearly.
Kuulin ohjeet selvästi.
He received the feedback from his peers.
Hän kuuli palautteen kollegoiltaan.
Utilizare: informalContext: Used in contexts where information, feedback, or communication is conveyed.
Notă: This usage is more about understanding or perceiving information rather than physically receiving something.
Sinonimele Received
To obtain something means to acquire or get possession of it.
Exemplu: She obtained the package from the post office.
Notă: Obtained implies actively acquiring something, whereas received can be more passive.
To acquire something means to gain or come into possession of it.
Exemplu: He acquired a new skill after attending the workshop.
Notă: Acquired emphasizes the process of gaining something, similar to obtained.
To procure something means to obtain or secure it, often through effort or action.
Exemplu: The company procured new equipment for the project.
Notă: Procured suggests obtaining something through deliberate action or effort.
To receive something means to be given or presented with it.
Exemplu: She received a gift from her friend.
Notă: This is the original word provided.
Expresiile și frazele comune ale Received
Received wisdom
This phrase refers to traditional or commonly accepted beliefs or opinions.
Exemplu: According to received wisdom, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Notă: The word 'received' in this context implies that the wisdom has been passed down or accepted over time.
Received pronunciation
This term refers to the standard accent of British English traditionally considered the most correct or prestigious.
Exemplu: She has a very clear received pronunciation, which is often associated with prestige.
Notă: In this case, 'received' indicates that this pronunciation is widely accepted or recognized.
Received a warm welcome
To be warmly welcomed or greeted in a friendly and enthusiastic manner.
Exemplu: The new employee received a warm welcome from her colleagues on her first day.
Notă: This phrase emphasizes the positive and enthusiastic nature of the welcome received.
Received with open arms
To be welcomed very warmly and enthusiastically.
Exemplu: When she returned home after a long trip, her family received her with open arms.
Notă: It conveys a sense of wholehearted acceptance and joy in welcoming someone.
Received a shock
To be surprised or startled by an unexpected or unpleasant event.
Exemplu: He received a shock when he saw the final exam results and realized he had failed.
Notă: In this context, 'received' indicates the sudden and unexpected nature of the shock.
Received a standing ovation
To be applauded enthusiastically while standing as a sign of appreciation or approval.
Exemplu: The performance was so moving that the entire audience rose to their feet and gave a standing ovation.
Notă: It highlights the exceptional nature of the applause received for a performance or achievement.
Received a promotion
To be given a higher job title or position due to one's achievements or merit.
Exemplu: After years of hard work, he finally received a promotion to a managerial position.
Notă: It signifies a formal recognition and advancement in one's career or job status.
Expresii de zi cu zi (argou) ale Received
In spoken language, 'got' is often used as a slang term to mean 'received' or 'understood'.
Exemplu: I got your message.
Notă: Casual and informal alternative to 'received'.
Picked up
When something is 'picked up', it means that it was received or obtained.
Exemplu: I picked up the package from the post office.
Notă: Informal way to indicate reception or acquisition.
In informal language, 'scored' can mean having received or acquired something, often in a fortunate or unexpected way.
Exemplu: She scored a great gift for her birthday.
Notă: Implies an element of luck or success in receiving something.
To 'bag' something can mean to have successfully received or secured it, particularly in terms of achievement or acquisition.
Exemplu: He bagged a new job.
Notă: Conveys a sense of accomplishment in receiving or obtaining something.
In slang terms, 'copped' is used to indicate that something has been received or gained, often with an implication of obtaining through effort or skill.
Exemplu: She copped the award for best performance.
Notă: Suggests earning or acquiring something through skill or effort.
'Nabbed' can be used informally to mean having received or seized something, typically in a quick or opportunistic manner.
Exemplu: They nabbed the opportunity to showcase their talents.
Notă: Implies seizing or grabbing an opportunity or item.
To 'snag' something means to have successfully received or obtained it, often in a somewhat unexpected or fortunate way.
Exemplu: He snagged a date for the party.
Notă: Carries a connotation of unexpected or fortunate acquisition.
Received - Exemple
I received a letter from my friend yesterday.
Sain kirjeen ystävältäni eilen.
She received a scholarship for her academic achievements.
Hän sai apurahan akateemisista saavutuksistaan.
The company received a lot of positive feedback from their customers.
Yritys sai paljon positiivista palautetta asiakkailtaan.
Gramatica Received
Received - Verb (Verb) / Verb, timpul trecut (Verb, past tense)
Lemă: receive
Verb, timpul trecut (Verb, past tense): received
Verb, gerunziu sau participiu prezent (Verb, gerund or present participle): receiving
Verb, persoana a 3-a singular prezent (Verb, 3rd person singular present): receives
Verb, forma de bază (Verb, base form): receive
Verb, prezent non-persoana a 3-a singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): receive
Silabe, Separație și Accent
received conține 1 silabe: received
Transcriere fonetică:
received , (Silaba roșie este accentuată)
Received - Importanța și frecvența utilizării
Indicele de frecvență și importanță a cuvintelor indică cât de des apare un cuvânt într-o anumită limbă. Cu cât numărul este mai mic, cu atât cuvântul este folosit mai frecvent. Cele mai frecvent utilizate cuvinte variază de obicei de la 1 la 4000.
received: 800 - 900 (Extrem De Comun).
Acest indice de importanță te ajută să te concentrezi pe cele mai utile cuvinte în timpul procesului de învățare a limbii.