英语 - 捷克语


500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

jednotka, část, měrná jednotka, skupina

Unit 的含义在捷克语中


The meter is a unit of length.
Metr je jednotka délky.
He works in a research unit.
Pracuje v výzkumné jednotce.
使用: formal语境: Used in scientific, educational, and technical contexts to refer to a standard measure or a specific division of something.
笔记: This is the most common translation and is often used in mathematics, science, and engineering.


Each unit of this product costs $10.
Každá část tohoto produktu stojí 10 dolarů.
We need one more unit to complete the assembly.
Potřebujeme ještě jednu část k dokončení montáže.
使用: informal语境: Used in everyday conversation to refer to a part or component of a whole.
笔记: This meaning is often used in the context of items for sale or components in a system.

měrná jednotka

The unit of measurement for this recipe is cups.
Měrná jednotka pro tento recept je šálek.
In physics, the unit of force is the Newton.
Ve fyzice je měrná jednotka síly Newton.
使用: formal语境: Commonly used in academic or professional settings that involve measurements and standards.
笔记: This is a specific usage relating to measurement systems and standards.


The military unit was deployed overseas.
Vojenská skupina byla nasazena do zahraničí.
We formed a study unit to tackle the project together.
Vytvořili jsme studijní skupinu, abychom společně zvládli projekt.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used in contexts that refer to a group organized for a specific purpose, such as military or educational contexts.
笔记: This meaning emphasizes organization and teamwork.



A module is a self-contained unit or component of a larger system, often used in educational or organizational contexts.
例子: The course is divided into several modules, each focusing on a different aspect of the subject.
笔记: A module typically implies a more specialized or focused unit compared to a general 'unit.'


A section refers to a distinct part or division of something larger, often used in written or organized materials.
例子: Please read the first section of the manual before proceeding to the next unit.
笔记: A section may refer to a part that is sequentially ordered or categorized within a larger whole.


A component is a part or element that forms a larger whole, often used in technical or mechanical contexts.
例子: The car engine consists of various components that work together to power the vehicle.
笔记: A component emphasizes the role of the part in contributing to the functioning of a system.


An element is a fundamental part or aspect of a whole, often used in scientific or abstract contexts.
例子: Each element in the periodic table has unique properties and characteristics.
笔记: An element can refer to a fundamental building block or constituent part of a system, emphasizing its essential nature.


In unit

Refers to something being sold or bought as a single entity or item.
例子: The items are sold in unit quantities.
笔记: Focuses on the singular entity rather than a group or collection.

Unit price

Refers to the price of a single unit of a product or service.
例子: What is the unit price of this product?
笔记: Specifically addresses the cost of one individual item rather than the total cost.

Unit of measurement

Refers to a specific quantity used as a standard measure.
例子: Grams and kilograms are units of measurement for weight.
笔记: Describes a fixed amount used for comparison or calculation.

Unit test

Refers to a specific type of testing in software development where individual units or components are tested in isolation.
例子: Before deploying the software, we need to run the unit tests.
笔记: Focuses on testing small, isolated parts of a system rather than the system as a whole.

Unit of work

Refers to a specific task or assignment within a larger project or goal.
例子: Each team member has a unit of work assigned to them for this project.
笔记: Specifies a discrete task or assignment within a broader context.

Unit cost

Refers to the cost incurred in producing a single unit of a product.
例子: The unit cost of production has increased due to rising raw material prices.
笔记: Focuses on the expenses related to manufacturing each individual item.

Unit circle

Refers to a circle with a radius of 1 unit, often used in mathematics for trigonometric functions.
例子: In trigonometry, the unit circle is a circle with a radius of 1.
笔记: Specifically denotes a circle with a defined radius rather than any arbitrary circle.



Unity refers to the state of being united or joined as a whole, often used to describe harmony or cooperation among a group of people.
例子: Let's maintain unity within the team to achieve our goals.
笔记: Unlike 'unit', which typically refers to an individual entity or element, 'unity' emphasizes the collective aspect and working together as one.


To unite means to come or bring together for a common purpose or cause, often suggesting solidarity or cohesion.
例子: We must unite against injustice and fight for what is right.
笔记: While 'unit' denotes a single item or entity, 'unite' focuses on the action of joining together with others.


Unison refers to simultaneous action, agreement, or harmony among a group of people.
例子: The choir sang in perfect unison, creating a beautiful harmony.
笔记: In contrast to 'unit' representing an individual part, 'unison' highlights the synchronized and harmonious collaboration of multiple parts.


A unitard is a form-fitting one-piece garment that covers the torso and legs, often worn in dance or gymnastics.
例子: She wore a sparkling unitard for her dance performance.
笔记: In this context, 'unitard' diverges from the general notion of 'unit' as a single item by referring to a specific type of clothing.


A uniter is a person who works to unite or bring people together, often through diplomacy or collaboration.
例子: He has proven to be a great uniter in bringing diverse communities together.
笔记: Unlike 'unit' indicating an individual entity, 'uniter' points to a person or agent who fosters unity and cohesion among others.


A unitasker is a tool or device designed for a single specific purpose rather than having multiple functions.
例子: I prefer multi-functional tools over unitaskers in the kitchen.
笔记: While 'unit' typically denotes a single item, 'unitasker' underscores the limited functionality or specialization of a particular tool or product.


Unitive refers to actions or attitudes that promote unity, oneness, or harmonious relations.
例子: Their unitive approach to problem-solving emphasized cooperation over competition.
笔记: In contrast to 'unit' conveying individuality, 'unitive' underscores the focus on unity, togetherness, or integration.

Unit - 例子

The army unit marched in formation.
Armádní jednotka pochodovala v formaci.
We need to have a unit approach to this problem.
Musíme mít jednotný přístup k tomuto problému.
The company decided to standardize their procedures to achieve greater unit.
Společnost se rozhodla standardizovat své postupy, aby dosáhla větší jednotnosti.


Unit - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: unit
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): units
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): unit
unit 包含1个音节: unit
音标: ˈyü-nət
unit , ˈyü nət (红色音节是重读的)

Unit - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
unit: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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