英语 - 德语


0 - 100
0 - 100
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

wie, als, da, so wie

As 的含义在德语中


As you know, I am a teacher.
Wie du weißt, bin ich Lehrer.
As a child, I loved playing outside.
Als Kind habe ich gerne draußen gespielt.
使用: formal/informal语境: Comparisons, similarities
笔记: This meaning of 'as' is used to indicate similarity or comparison between two things or situations.


I work as a doctor.
Ich arbeite als Arzt.
She's known as the best singer in town.
Sie ist als beste Sängerin der Stadt bekannt.
使用: formal/informal语境: Role, function, identity
笔记: In this context, 'as' is used to indicate a person's role, function, or identity.


As I was leaving, he arrived.
Da ich ging, kam er an.
As I mentioned earlier, the project is due next week.
Wie ich früher erwähnte, ist das Projekt nächste Woche fällig.
使用: formal/informal语境: Time, causality
笔记: This meaning of 'as' is used to indicate time sequences or causality.

so wie

Do as I say, not as I do.
Tu, was ich sage, nicht was ich tue.
As we agreed, the meeting will take place next Monday.
So wie wir vereinbart haben, findet das Treffen nächsten Montag statt.
使用: formal/informal语境: Agreement, conformity
笔记: When used in the sense of 'so wie,' 'as' indicates agreement or conformity to a previous decision or situation.



Like is used to show similarity or comparison between two things or people.
例子: She sings like a bird.
笔记: Like is often used to compare things or people, while 'as' can also be used to indicate a role or function.


Since is used to indicate a starting point in time or a cause.
例子: I have been studying English since I was a child.
笔记: Since is more specific in indicating a starting point in time, whereas 'as' can be more general.


Because is used to give a reason or explanation for something.
例子: I stayed at home because it was raining outside.
笔记: Because explicitly provides a reason, while 'as' can also be used to indicate a simultaneous action.


While is used to indicate a contrast or two simultaneous actions.
例子: She was cooking dinner while he was watching TV.
笔记: While emphasizes the contrast or simultaneous actions, while 'as' can have a broader meaning of 'at the same time as'.


As if

Used to describe a situation that is not true or possible.
例子: She acted as if nothing had happened.
笔记: The addition of 'if' changes the meaning to imply a hypothetical scenario.

As well

In addition; also.
例子: He plays the piano as well as the guitar.
笔记: Extends the meaning of 'as' to include another related action or quality.

As soon as

Immediately after; when.
例子: I'll call you as soon as I arrive.
笔记: Specifies a specific point in time or event that triggers another action.

As for

Regarding; concerning.
例子: As for the dessert, I'll have the cheesecake.
笔记: Introduces a topic or subject for discussion or consideration.

As long as

On the condition that; provided that.
例子: You can stay as long as you like.
笔记: Establishes a condition or requirement for something to happen or continue.

As a result

Because of this; consequently.
例子: She worked hard, and as a result, she passed the exam.
笔记: Connects a cause (working hard) to an effect (passing the exam).

As per

According to; in accordance with.
例子: As per your request, here is the report.
笔记: Often used in formal contexts to indicate compliance with a request or requirement.


As per usual

Means 'as usual' or 'as expected'. It is an informal way to express a consistent behavior or outcome.
例子: She was late to the meeting, as per usual.
笔记: The use of 'per' adds a sense of formality to the phrase.

As far as I know

Indicates the limit of one's knowledge or the extent of information one possesses.
例子: As far as I know, the event starts at 8 PM.
笔记: The phrase emphasizes the speaker's knowledge or awareness level.

As for now

Indicates the present moment or current situation.
例子: As for now, let's focus on finishing this task.
笔记: Provides a transition to address the immediate state or topic.

As follows

Used to introduce a list or set of instructions.
例子: Please complete the steps as follows: step 1, step 2, step 3.
笔记: Serves as an introduction to a series of items or actions.

As - 例子

Go as fast as you can.
Gehe so schnell du kannst.
She works as a teacher.
Sie arbeitet als Lehrerin.
They use it as a tool.
Sie verwenden es als Werkzeug.
He sees himself as an artist.
Er sieht sich selbst als Künstler.


As - 介词 (Adposition) / 介词或从属连词 (Preposition or subordinating conjunction)
词元: as
副词 (Adverb): as
As 包含1个音节: as
音标: əz
as , əz (红色音节是重读的)

As - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
As: 0 - 100 (极其常见).
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