英语 - 德语


0 - 100
0 - 100
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

er (personal pronoun, masculine), das (demonstrative pronoun, neuter), jener (demonstrative pronoun, archaic)

He 的含义在德语中

er (personal pronoun, masculine)

He is tall.
Er ist groß.
He likes to read books.
Er liest gerne Bücher.
使用: formal语境: General statements or descriptions about a male person or thing.
笔记: The German pronoun 'er' corresponds to the English pronoun 'he' when referring to a male person or object.

das (demonstrative pronoun, neuter)

He told me that.
Das hat er mir gesagt.
He is the one who called.
Das ist derjenige, der angerufen hat.
使用: formal语境: Referring to something previously mentioned or as a subject in a sentence.
笔记: In German, 'das' can also mean 'he' in certain contexts, especially when referring to a situation or an event.

jener (demonstrative pronoun, archaic)

He who dares wins.
Jener, der wagt, gewinnt.
He who hesitates is lost.
Jener, der zögert, ist verloren.
使用: formal语境: Old-fashioned or literary contexts.
笔记: The use of 'jener' to mean 'he' is less common in modern German and is mostly seen in formal writing or historical texts.



Refers to a male person or animal previously mentioned.
例子: He is going to the store.


Used as the object form of 'he' when referring to a male person or animal.
例子: I saw him at the party last night.
笔记: Him is used as the object form of 'he', while 'he' is the subject form.


Indicates possession or ownership by a male person or animal.
例子: This is his book.
笔记: His is a possessive form of 'he', used to show that something belongs to the male person or animal.


Used to emphasize that a male person or animal performed an action on their own.
例子: He did it himself.
笔记: Himself is a reflexive pronoun used to emphasize that the action was performed by the same male person or animal.


Refers to an adult male human being.
例子: The man is tall.
笔记: Man is a more specific term referring to an adult male human being, while 'he' is a pronoun used more generally.


He is a chip off the old block

This phrase means someone has many of the same qualities or characteristics as one of their parents.
例子: His son is a chip off the old block - he's just like his father.
笔记: The phrase focuses on similarities between a person and their parent, emphasizing inherited traits.

He is all bark and no bite

This idiom describes someone who talks tough or threatens a lot but doesn't take action.
例子: Don't worry about him, he's all bark and no bite.
笔记: The phrase highlights the discrepancy between someone's words and actions.

He wears his heart on his sleeve

This expression means someone shows their emotions openly and visibly.
例子: You always know how he feels; he wears his heart on his sleeve.
笔记: The phrase emphasizes the outward display of one's emotions.

He has a heart of gold

This phrase describes someone who is kind, generous, and caring.
例子: Despite his tough exterior, he has a heart of gold and is always helping others.
笔记: The phrase symbolizes someone's inner goodness or kindness.

He has a long arm

This idiom means someone has influence or power, especially in reaching or affecting distant places.
例子: Watch out for him; he has a long arm in the political circles.
笔记: The phrase metaphorically refers to someone's ability to reach beyond their immediate sphere of influence.

He is the apple of my eye

This phrase means someone is cherished or loved deeply.
例子: My grandson is the apple of my eye; I adore him.
笔记: The phrase signifies someone as being most beloved or treasured.

He is a wolf in sheep's clothing

This idiom describes someone who appears harmless but is actually dangerous or deceitful.
例子: Be cautious of him; he seems friendly but is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
笔记: The phrase highlights the deception or hidden nature of someone's true character.


He's the bee's knees

This means someone is excellent or outstanding.
例子: Tom is the bee's knees at playing guitar.
笔记: The original word 'He' is replaced by 'bee's knees' to emphasize how exceptional or impressive someone is.

He's the bomb

This means someone is fantastic or really good at something.
例子: David is the bomb when it comes to cooking.
笔记: The original word 'He' is replaced by 'the bomb' to convey a strong sense of admiration or praise.

He's a real hoot

This means someone is amusing, entertaining, or funny.
例子: Sarah's grandpa is a real hoot at family gatherings.
笔记: The original word 'He' is replaced by 'a real hoot' to highlight how enjoyable or entertaining someone is.

He's a stand-up guy

This means someone is honest, reliable, and upright.
例子: Mark is a stand-up guy who always helps out his friends.
笔记: The original word 'He' is replaced by 'stand-up guy' to emphasize the admirable qualities of integrity and dependability.

He's a good egg

This means someone is kind-hearted, trustworthy, and dependable.
例子: Jenny is a good egg, always willing to lend a hand.
笔记: The original word 'He' is replaced by 'a good egg' to convey a sense of warmth and positivity in describing someone.

He's the cat's whiskers

This means someone is highly skilled or exceptional.
例子: Lisa is the cat's whiskers when it comes to solving problems.
笔记: The original word 'He' is replaced by 'the cat's whiskers' to highlight how impressive or talented someone is.

He's a cool cat

This means someone is relaxed, composed, and effortlessly stylish.
例子: Samuel is a cool cat who always stays calm under pressure.
笔记: The original word 'He' is replaced by 'cool cat' to convey a sense of laid-back confidence and charm.

He - 例子

He is my friend.
Er ist mein Freund.
He live in a big house
Er lebt in einem großen Haus.
He loves to read.
Er liebt es zu lesen.


He - 代词 (Pronoun) / 人称代词 (Personal pronoun)
词元: he
He 包含1个音节: he
音标: ˈhē
he , ˈhē (红色音节是重读的)

He - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
He: 0 - 100 (极其常见).
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