英语 - 匈牙利语


600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

gúnyos mosoly, öntelt mosoly, cinkos mosoly

Smirk 的含义在匈牙利语中

gúnyos mosoly

He couldn't help but smirk at her mistake.
Nem tudta megállni, hogy gúnyos mosolyt ne csaljon az arcára a hibája láttán.
She gave a smug smirk after winning the argument.
Gúnyos mosolyt villantott, miután megnyerte a vitát.
使用: informal语境: Often used in contexts where someone is pleased or amused at another's misfortune or mistake.
笔记: The term often carries a negative connotation, implying a sense of superiority or mockery.

öntelt mosoly

His smirk indicated that he knew more than he was letting on.
Az öntelt mosolya azt jelezte, hogy többet tud, mint amennyit elárul.
She wore a smirk, as if she was in on a secret.
Öntelt mosoly ült az arcán, mintha tudna valami titkot.
使用: informal语境: Used to describe a smile that suggests arrogance or self-satisfaction.
笔记: This meaning emphasizes the attitude of the person smirking, often viewed negatively.

cinkos mosoly

He smirked at his friend, as if they shared an inside joke.
Cinkos mosolyt villantott a barátjára, mintha közös viccet osztanának meg.
She gave him a smirk when they successfully pulled off the prank.
Cinkos mosolyt villantott, amikor sikeresen végrehajtották a tréfát.
使用: informal语境: Typically used in friendly or playful settings where there’s mutual understanding or complicity.
笔记: This usage can be more positive, reflecting camaraderie or shared amusement.



A smile is a facial expression showing happiness, pleasure, or amusement. Smirking often implies a sense of superiority or smugness, while a smile is more generally positive.
例子: She smiled slyly as she delivered the clever comeback.
笔记: Smiling is a broader expression of positive emotions, whereas smirking often has a negative or mocking connotation.


A grin is a broad smile showing teeth, often indicating amusement or satisfaction. It can be more open and genuine than a smirk.
例子: He couldn't help but grin mischievously when he heard the inside joke.
笔记: A grin is typically more genuine and open, while a smirk can be more subtle and smug.


A sneer is a facial expression of scorn or contempt, often involving a curling of the lip. It conveys disdain or mockery.
例子: She gave a sneer of contempt when she saw her rival stumble.
笔记: A sneer is more openly contemptuous or mocking compared to a smirk, which can be more subtle.


To leer is to look or gaze in an unpleasant, malicious, or lascivious way. It often conveys a sense of lust or creepiness.
例子: The creepy man at the bar leered at her suggestively.
笔记: Leering is usually more overtly suggestive or creepy compared to a smirk, which may be more subtle.


smirk at

To smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way, often expressing superiority or amusement.
例子: She smirked at the teacher when she thought the answer was obvious.
笔记: Using 'smirk at' implies a specific target of the smirk, indicating who the smirk is directed towards.

wipe that smirk off your face

To demand that someone stop looking smug or pleased with themselves.
例子: When he was caught cheating, the teacher told him to wipe that smirk off his face.
笔记: This phrase is a command to remove the smirk from one's face, emphasizing the negative connotation of the smirk.

smirk of satisfaction

A smug or self-satisfied smile indicating contentment or pleasure in one's success.
例子: After winning the game, he had a smirk of satisfaction on his face.
笔记: This phrase describes a specific type of smirk associated with feeling accomplished or pleased with oneself.

a knowing smirk

A smile that suggests one has privileged or secret information, often accompanied by a sense of superiority.
例子: She gave him a knowing smirk, hinting that she understood his secret.
笔记: This phrase implies that the smirk is not just a random smile but one that indicates understanding or insider knowledge.

hide a smirk

To suppress or conceal a smug or amused smile.
例子: He tried to hide a smirk when his friend slipped on a banana peel.
笔记: This phrase focuses on the act of trying to hide the smirk, implying that the person is attempting to control their expression.

smirk and nod

To respond with a sly smile and a slight movement of the head to indicate agreement or understanding.
例子: She just smirked and nodded when asked if she knew the truth.
笔记: This phrase combines the smirk with a nod, showing a non-verbal way of acknowledging something.

smirk of disbelief

A smile expressing doubt or skepticism, often in response to something surprising or hard to believe.
例子: He couldn't help but have a smirk of disbelief when he heard the outrageous news.
笔记: This phrase describes a smirk that is fueled by disbelief or skepticism rather than satisfaction or amusement.


smug look

A smug look is a self-satisfied or arrogant expression.
例子: He wore a smug look after winning the debate.
笔记: A smug look is more overt and less subtle than a smirk, often involving more facial features.


To snicker is to give a small, quiet laugh or chuckle.
例子: I heard her snicker when he made a corny joke.
笔记: Snickering involves audible laughter, unlike the quiet and subtle nature of a smirk.


Smirkle is a combination of smirk and giggle, indicating a subtle and suppressed amusement.
例子: She couldn't help but smirkle at his failed attempt to impress her.
笔记: Smirkle implies a slight laughing element compared to a usual smirk.


To chuckle is to laugh quietly or to oneself.
例子: She couldn't help but chuckle at his clumsy antics.
笔记: Chuckle involves a more audible and overt expression of amusement compared to a smirk.

smile smugly

To smile smugly is to wear a self-satisfied or arrogant smile.
例子: He smiled smugly when he proved everyone wrong.
笔记: While similar to a smirk, a smile smugly may be more visible and less subtle in displaying satisfaction.

Smirk - 例子

She gave him a smirk when he stumbled over his words.
Gúnyos mosolyt villantott, amikor elakadt a szava.
He wore an arrogant smirk on his face as he walked away.
Önelégült vigyorral az arcán sétált el.
The bully's smirk only made the situation worse.
A zaklató kárörvendő mosolya csak rontotta a helyzetet.


Smirk - 专有名词 (Proper noun) / 专有名词,单数 (Proper noun, singular)
词元: smirk
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): smirks
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): smirk
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): smirked
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): smirking
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): smirks
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): smirk
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): smirk
smirk 包含1个音节: smirk
音标: ˈsmərk
smirk , ˈsmərk (红色音节是重读的)

Smirk - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
smirk: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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