英语 - 罗马尼亚语


500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

central, principal, esential, mediu, nucleu

Central 的含义在罗马尼亚语中


The central park is a great place to relax.
Parcul central este un loc minunat pentru a te relaxa.
She plays a central role in the project.
Ea joacă un rol central în proiect.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used in discussions about locations, roles, or importance.
笔记: This term is often used to describe something that is at the heart or main part of a subject or area.


The principal reason for the meeting is to discuss the budget.
Motivul principal al întâlnirii este de a discuta bugetul.
He is the principal investigator of the study.
El este investigatorul principal al studiului.
使用: formal语境: Commonly used in academic and professional settings.
笔记: This meaning emphasizes the importance or primary nature of something.


It's essential to have a central theme in your essay.
Este esențial să ai o temă centrală în eseul tău.
A central idea is crucial for understanding the text.
O idee centrală este crucială pentru înțelegerea textului.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used in educational contexts, literature, and discussions.
笔记: Refers to something that is fundamental or necessary.


The central area of the city is always busy.
Zona centrală a orașului este întotdeauna aglomerată.
They live in a central neighborhood.
Ei locuiesc într-un cartier central.
使用: informal语境: Used in everyday conversations about living locations.
笔记: This meaning refers to a geographical location, often implying accessibility.


The central core of the atom is called the nucleus.
Nucleul central al atomului se numește nucleu.
In biology, the central nucleus contains genetic material.
În biologie, nucleul central conține material genetic.
使用: formal语境: Commonly used in scientific discussions.
笔记: This term is specific to scientific contexts, particularly in physics and biology.



Centralized refers to something that is controlled or managed from a single central point.
例子: The company implemented a centralized system for managing all its branches.
笔记: Centralized implies a concentration of control or power at a central location, whereas central can simply refer to being located in the center.


Core refers to the central or most important part of something.
例子: The core values of the organization guide all decision-making processes.
笔记: Core emphasizes the fundamental or essential nature of something, while central can describe a location or position.


Main means principal or most important.
例子: The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss the new project.
笔记: Main is often used to indicate the primary or leading role of something, while central can refer to a central location or position.


Key means crucial or essential.
例子: Time management is a key factor in achieving success.
笔记: Key emphasizes the importance or significance of something, while central can describe a location or position.


Central to

This phrase means something is extremely important or essential to a particular situation or topic.
例子: Education is central to a child's development.
笔记: The phrase 'central to' emphasizes the crucial role or significance of something within a context.

Central figure

Refers to a person who plays a key or prominent role in a particular situation or event.
例子: Martin Luther King Jr. was a central figure in the civil rights movement.
笔记: While 'central' denotes a location, 'central figure' highlights the importance of a person in a specific context.

Central point

The main or key idea in a discussion, argument, or presentation.
例子: Let me summarize the central points of the presentation.
笔记: Contrary to 'central' indicating a location, 'central point' refers to the core idea of a topic.

Central theme

The main subject or idea that a piece of writing, speech, artwork, etc., is based on.
例子: Love and sacrifice are the central themes of the novel.
笔记: While 'central' denotes a location or importance, 'central theme' specifies the main subject or idea of a creative work.


To bring all parts of a system, organization, etc., together at one central point.
例子: The company decided to centralize its operations in one location.
笔记: In contrast to 'central' indicating a location, 'centralize' refers to the process of consolidating or concentrating at one point.

Central heating

A system in which heat is produced at a central source and distributed throughout a building.
例子: The house has central heating, so it stays warm in winter.
笔记: While 'central' typically refers to a location, 'central heating' is a specific system for heating buildings.

Central nervous system (CNS)

The part of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord and controls most functions of the body and mind.
例子: The brain and spinal cord are part of the central nervous system.
笔记: This specialized term uses 'central' to describe the core system responsible for coordinating bodily functions.


The Central

Referring to a popular or well-known central location, like a specific central meeting point or gathering place.
例子: Let's meet at The Central for coffee later.
笔记: The term 'The Central' is more informal and specific to a particular location, compared to the general term 'central'.

Central Station

Used to refer to a main transportation hub, such as a train or bus station located in a central area.
例子: I'll be waiting for you at Central Station after work.
笔记: While 'Central Station' alludes to a specific transportation location, 'central' is a broader term indicating something at the core or middle portion.

Central Hub

Describes a place or entity that serves as a focal point for activity or interaction within a community.
例子: Our local café has become the central hub for the community to socialize.
笔记: While 'central' denotes a location at the center, 'Central Hub' implies a central location that is particularly active or important.

Central Command

Refers to a specific headquarters or control center where important decisions are made and key operations are coordinated.
例子: Our team leader operates from Central Command during critical missions.
笔记: In contrast to the general term 'central', 'Central Command' emphasizes a central location for strategic decision-making and control.

Central Spot

Points to a specific area or location that is favored or commonly used for a particular purpose.
例子: This park is our central spot for picnics on weekends.
笔记: While 'central' denotes a position at the center, 'Central Spot' highlights a chosen or preferred location.

Central Hangout

Indicates a place where people regularly gather, socialize, and spend time together.
例子: The café down the street is our central hangout for catching up with friends.
笔记: Different from the general term 'central', 'Central Hangout' refers to a specific spot where social interactions often take place.

Central - 例子

The central location of the hotel was perfect for sightseeing.
Locația centrală a hotelului a fost perfectă pentru a vizita obiectivele turistice.
The company's central office is located in Budapest.
Biroul central al companiei este situat în Budapesta.
The central idea of the book is the importance of family.
Ideea centrală a cărții este importanța familiei.


Central - 形容词 (Adjective) / 形容词 (Adjective)
词元: central
形容词 (Adjective): central
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): centrals
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): central
central 包含2个音节: cen • tral
音标: ˈsen-trəl
cen tral , ˈsen trəl (红色音节是重读的)

Central - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
central: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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