英语 - 俄语


400 - 500
400 - 500
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

роль, функция, должность, позиция

Role 的含义在俄语中


She plays the role of the mother in the play.
Она исполняет роль матери в пьесе.
His role in the project was crucial for its success.
Его роль в проекте была решающей для его успеха.
使用: formal/informal语境: Theatrical performances, projects, teamwork.
笔记: Used to describe a part or character played by an actor or a function someone has in a specific context.


In this system, each member has a specific role.
В этой системе у каждого члена есть своя функция.
The role of education is to prepare students for the future.
Функция образования заключается в подготовке студентов к будущему.
使用: formal语境: Describing responsibilities or purposes in systems, organizations, or processes.
笔记: Often used in academic or technical contexts to describe the purpose or function of something.


She has a managerial role in the company.
Она занимает должность менеджера в компании.
His role as a director comes with many responsibilities.
Его должность директора накладывает много обязанностей.
使用: formal语境: Business and organizational settings.
笔记: Refers to a specific position or title within a workplace or organization.


He took on a leadership role during the crisis.
Он занял позицию лидера во время кризиса.
They need someone to fill the role of spokesperson.
Им нужен кто-то, кто займет позицию пресс-секретаря.
使用: formal/informal语境: Leadership, representation, and authority in various situations.
笔记: Can be used interchangeably with 'должность' in some contexts, especially when talking about leadership or authority.



A part refers to a portion or division of a whole, similar to a role in a situation or activity.
例子: She played a crucial part in the success of the project.
笔记: Part can be used more broadly to refer to a section or component of something, while role often specifically denotes a character or function in a particular context.


Function emphasizes the purpose or duty performed by someone in a specific capacity or position.
例子: Her function in the company is to oversee marketing strategies.
笔记: Function is more focused on the purpose or task performed, whereas role can encompass a broader set of responsibilities and behaviors.


Position refers to a person's rank, status, or job within a group or organization.
例子: He holds a high-ranking position in the organization.
笔记: Position often implies a formal title or standing within a hierarchy, while role can be more fluid and adaptable to different situations.


Character can refer to the personality, traits, or role assumed by a person in a specific context.
例子: In the play, she portrayed the character of a wise grandmother.
笔记: Character is often associated with acting or fictional roles, while role can extend to real-life functions and responsibilities.


play a role

To have an influence or effect on a situation or outcome.
例子: Her experience played a key role in the success of the project.
笔记: The phrase 'play a role' implies active involvement or contribution, while 'role' alone refers to a character or position.

take on a role

To accept or begin to perform a particular function or position.
例子: She took on a leadership role in the new team.
笔记: While 'role' represents a position or character, 'take on a role' emphasizes the action of assuming that position.

step into a role

To start performing the duties and responsibilities of a particular position, often unexpectedly or temporarily.
例子: After the manager left, she had to step into the role temporarily.
笔记: Similar to 'take on a role,' 'step into a role' emphasizes the action of assuming a position rather than just the position itself.

define one's role

To establish or clarify the responsibilities and expectations associated with a particular position or function.
例子: It's important to define your role within the team to avoid conflicts.
笔记: While 'role' refers to a position or function, 'define one's role' focuses on setting boundaries and expectations for that position.

supporting role

A position or function that provides assistance or backup to the main or lead role.
例子: She played a supporting role in the play, but her performance was outstanding.
笔记: Unlike 'role' alone, 'supporting role' specifies a secondary or assisting function in relation to a primary role.

lead role

The main or principal position in a performance or project, often with significant responsibilities and prominence.
例子: He was thrilled to be offered the lead role in the upcoming movie.
笔记: Contrary to 'role' which is a general term, 'lead role' specifies the primary and central position in a particular context.

fit the role

To be suitable or appropriate for a particular position or function.
例子: She didn't initially seem like a good fit for the role, but she surprised everyone with her performance.
笔记: While 'role' denotes a position or function, 'fit the role' emphasizes the compatibility or suitability of a person for that position.

cast in a role

To assign or select someone for a particular character or position in a performance or production.
例子: She was cast in the role of the villain, showcasing her versatility as an actress.
笔记: 'Cast in a role' involves the specific action of assigning a person to a role, whereas 'role' itself refers to the position or character.

redefine one's role

To reassess, adjust, or change the responsibilities and functions associated with a particular position or function.
例子: After the restructuring, she had to redefine her role within the company.
笔记: While 'role' represents a position or function, 'redefine one's role' focuses on the action of modifying or clarifying that position.


Fill a role

To substitute or temporarily take on a specific position or responsibility within a group or organization.
例子: I need someone to fill the role of team leader while I'm away.
笔记: The slang term 'fill a role' implies a more temporary or interim nature compared to 'role'.

Fit the bill

To be suitable or appropriate for a particular role or situation.
例子: Sarah really fits the bill for the new project manager role.
笔记: This phrase indicates more of a match or suitability rather than a general concept of 'role'.

Wear multiple hats

To take on multiple roles or responsibilities, typically within the same job or organization.
例子: In a start-up, you often have to wear multiple hats, from marketing to project management.
笔记: This slang implies versatility and flexibility in handling different roles compared to a single 'role'.

Juggle roles

To manage or handle multiple roles and responsibilities, often at the same time.
例子: As a working parent, she constantly juggles roles between her career and family life.
笔记: This term emphasizes the act of balancing and managing different roles simultaneously.

Wear the pants

To be the dominant or authoritative figure in a particular role or relationship.
例子: In this household, my wife wears the pants - she's the decision-maker!
笔记: This phrase focuses on authority rather than a generic 'role' in a situation.

Hat you wear

Refers to the different roles or responsibilities a person may take on within a specific context or profession.
例子: As a teacher, one hat you wear is that of a counselor, listening to students' problems.
笔记: This slang highlights the idea of varying responsibilities within a role rather than a singular definition of 'role'.

Don different hats

To assume different roles or functions as needed in varying situations or contexts.
例子: Working in a startup often requires you to don different hats, from sales to customer service.
笔记: Similar to 'wear multiple hats', this emphasizes the adaptability and versatility in handling various roles.

Role - 例子

His role in the company is to manage the finances.
Его роль в компании заключается в управлении финансами.
The teacher's role is to educate and guide the students.
Роль учителя заключается в обучении и наставлении студентов.
The rules clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
Правила четко определяют роли и обязанности каждого члена команды.


Role - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: role
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): roles
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): role
role 包含1个音节: role
音标: ˈrōl
role , ˈrōl (红色音节是重读的)

Role - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
role: 400 - 500 (极其常见).
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