英语 - 土耳其语


600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

çünkü, o zamandan beri, –den beri, –dığı için

Since 的含义在土耳其语中


I didn't go to the party since I was feeling unwell.
Partiye gitmedim çünkü kendimi iyi hissetmiyordum.
Since it was raining, we stayed indoors.
Yağmur yağdığı için, evde kaldık.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to indicate reason or cause.
笔记: Commonly used to explain why something happened or to give a justification.

o zamandan beri

I have lived here since 2010.
2010'dan beri burada yaşıyorum.
She has been my friend since childhood.
O, çocukluktan beri benim arkadaşım.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to indicate the starting point in time.
笔记: This usage emphasizes the duration of time from a specific point until now.

–den beri

Since last week, I have been exercising regularly.
Geçen haftadan beri düzenli olarak egzersiz yapıyorum.
They have been working on the project since last month.
Projeyle geçen aydan beri çalışıyorlar.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to indicate a continuous action that started in the past.
笔记: Similar to the previous meaning, but often used in more casual contexts.

–dığı için

Since you are busy, I will help you later.
Sen meşgul olduğun için, sana daha sonra yardım edeceğim.
Since it's late, we should go home.
Geç olduğu için, eve gitmeliyiz.
使用: informal语境: Used in conversational contexts to indicate a reason.
笔记: Often used in spoken Turkish to express cause in a more casual manner.



Used to give a reason or explanation for something.
例子: I couldn't attend the meeting because I was sick.
笔记: While 'since' can also indicate time, 'because' specifically shows causation or reason.


Similar to 'because,' it is used to introduce a reason or explanation.
例子: As I was leaving the house, I remembered to lock the door.
笔记: Both 'as' and 'since' can be used to show causation, but 'as' can also be used to indicate time or comparison.

seeing that

An informal way to introduce a reason or condition.
例子: Seeing that you're busy, I'll help you with the project.
笔记: This phrase is more casual and conversational compared to 'since.'

in view of the fact that

A formal and verbose way to introduce a reason or circumstance.
例子: In view of the fact that the deadline is approaching, we need to work faster.
笔记: This phrase is more formal and less commonly used in everyday language than 'since.'


Ever since

This phrase is used to indicate that something has been happening continuously from a particular past time until now.
例子: I have been practicing yoga ever since I injured my back.
笔记: Adds emphasis and specifies the continuous nature of the action.

Since day one

This phrase means from the very beginning or the start of something.
例子: She has been a loyal friend since day one of our friendship.
笔记: Emphasizes the duration of the action from the beginning.

Since then

This phrase refers to a specific point in the past after which an event occurred.
例子: I have not spoken to him since then.
笔记: Highlights the time frame starting from a specific event.

Since ages

This phrase means for a very long time, often implying a tradition or long-standing practice.
例子: People have been using this traditional recipe since ages.
笔记: Emphasizes the longstanding nature of the action or practice.

Since time immemorial

This phrase denotes a period extending beyond the reach of memory, history, or tradition.
例子: This ritual has been followed since time immemorial by the indigenous tribe.
笔记: Conveys a sense of antiquity or timelessness.

Since the beginning of time

This phrase emphasizes the idea of something existing or happening from the earliest period.
例子: Humans have sought answers to philosophical questions since the beginning of time.
笔记: Highlights the eternal or timeless nature of the action.

Since forever

This colloquial phrase means for a very long time, suggesting a deep-seated preference or habit.
例子: I have loved chocolate cake since forever.
笔记: Conveys a sense of enduring love or attachment to something.


Since yesteryear

Refers to a period of time in the past, usually emphasizing a nostalgic or long-standing connection.
例子: I've been a fan of this band since yesteryear.
笔记: It carries a sense of time passing from the past to the present, focusing on an era before the present moment.

Since way back when

Indicates a long-standing relationship or connection dating back to a distant point in time.
例子: We've been friends since way back when we were kids.
笔记: It emphasizes the length of time and familiarity in the relationship from a distant past.

Since the get-go

Means from the very beginning or the start of something.
例子: She has been supportive since the get-go of this project.
笔记: It highlights the initial stages or inception of an event or situation.

Since the jump

Refers to knowing something from the beginning or the early stages.
例子: We knew each other's secrets since the jump.
笔记: Similar to 'since the get-go,' it emphasizes knowing from the start or initiation.

Since a hot minute

Indicates a significant amount of time has passed since the last encounter or event.
例子: I haven't seen her since a hot minute.
笔记: It implies a lengthy period, often with a sense of surprise or nostalgia about the elapsed time.

Since the jump-off

Refers to the initial stages or the very beginning of a relationship or endeavor.
例子: We've been together since the jump-off.
笔记: Similar to 'since the get-go,' it underscores the starting point of an activity or connection.

Since the olden days

Relates to a time long ago, often with a sense of tradition or long-standing practice.
例子: They have been using that recipe since the olden days.
笔记: It conveys a historical or traditional aspect, emphasizing longevity and continuity over time.

Since - 例子

Since I started working here, I have learned a lot.
Burada çalışmaya başladığımdan beri çok şey öğrendim.
I have been studying French since high school.
Liseden beri Fransızca çalışıyorum.
Since it's raining outside, we should stay indoors.
Dışarıda yağmur yağdığı için içerde kalmalıyız.


Since - 从属连词 (Subordinating conjunction) / 介词或从属连词 (Preposition or subordinating conjunction)
词元: since
副词 (Adverb): since
since 包含1个音节: since
音标: ˈsin(t)s
since , ˈsin(t)s (红色音节是重读的)

Since - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
since: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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