英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

实现, 达到, 获得, 成功完成

Achieve 的含义在中文中

“Achieve” 是一个常用的英语动词,意思是通过努力或努力工作而获得某种结果或目标。它在日常英语中广泛使用,适用于多种场合,包括工作、学习、运动和个人发展等。


  1. 工作环境:在工作中,员工常常会提到他们的成就。例如:

    • “I achieved my sales target this month.”(我这个月达到了销售目标。)
  2. 学习:学生在学习过程中也会使用“achieve”来描述他们的学术成就。例如:

    • “She achieved excellent grades in her exams.”(她在考试中取得了优异的成绩。)
  3. 运动:运动员常用“achieve”来描述他们在比赛或训练中的成功。例如:

    • “He achieved a personal best in the marathon.”(他在马拉松比赛中创造了个人最佳成绩。)
  4. 个人目标:人们在谈论个人成长和目标时也会使用这个词。例如:

    • “I want to achieve my dream of traveling the world.”(我想实现环游世界的梦想。)


  • Achieve success(取得成功)
  • Achieve a goal(实现目标)
  • Achieve a dream(实现梦想)
  • Achieve results(取得成果)


“Achieve” 可以在正式和非正式场合中使用。在商业和学术环境中,使用更加正式。在日常对话中,可以更随意地使用。


  1. 误用词形:有时学习者可能会将“achieve”与“obtain”混淆。虽然两者都表示获得,但“achieve”更强调通过努力实现目标。
  2. 时态错误:注意动词时态的变化,例如在描述过去的成就时应使用“achieved”。


  • 同义词:attain(达到)、accomplish(完成)、realize(实现)
  • 反义词:fail(失败)、lose(失去)


“Achieve”的发音为 /əˈtʃiːv/。注意第一个音节的“ə”发音为弱读音,第二个音节“chieve”发音清晰。


“Achieve” 是一个及物动词,后面通常跟名词或名词短语。它源于古法语“achever”,意为“完成”。

Achieve 的含义在中文中


She worked hard to achieve her goals.
He finally achieved his dream of becoming a doctor.
使用: formal语境: used in personal and professional development, goal setting
笔记: Often used in contexts related to personal aspirations, career goals, and significant life achievements.


The team achieved a high level of performance this year.
We achieved a record sales volume last quarter.
使用: formal语境: used in business, sports, and performance metrics
笔记: Commonly used to describe quantitative results in business and sports contexts.


She achieved first place in the competition.
He achieved recognition for his contributions to the field.
使用: formal/informal语境: used in competition, awards, and acknowledgment
笔记: Can also imply receiving awards or recognition for one's efforts.


They achieved the project ahead of schedule.
We achieved all our tasks for the day.
使用: formal/informal语境: used in project management and day-to-day tasks
笔记: This meaning emphasizes the completion of tasks and projects successfully.



To attain means to succeed in achieving something through effort or skill.
例子: She worked hard to attain her goal of becoming a doctor.
笔记: Attain often implies reaching a specific goal or target.


To accomplish means to successfully complete or achieve a task or goal.
例子: He managed to accomplish all the tasks on his to-do list.
笔记: Accomplish emphasizes the completion of a task or goal.


To reach means to arrive at a specific point or achieve a goal.
例子: After years of hard work, she finally reached her dream of owning her own business.
笔记: Reach can refer to both physical and metaphorical achievement.


To gain means to obtain or acquire something through effort or achievement.
例子: Through hard work and dedication, she was able to gain the respect of her colleagues.
笔记: Gain can refer to both tangible and intangible achievements.


Reach a goal

To successfully accomplish a specific objective or target.
例子: She worked hard to reach her goal of running a marathon.
笔记: This phrase emphasizes the act of reaching a specific target or objective, rather than just generally achieving something.

Attain success

To achieve a level of accomplishment or prosperity.
例子: After years of hard work, he finally attained success in his career.
笔记: This phrase implies reaching a level of success or achievement, often in a broader sense than just accomplishing a single goal.

Fulfill a dream

To make a dream come true or achieve something desired for a long time.
例子: Winning the championship fulfilled his lifelong dream of being a champion.
笔记: This phrase specifically relates to achieving something that has been a long-held aspiration or desire, often carrying emotional significance.

Accomplish a task

To complete or achieve a specific task or objective.
例子: She was able to accomplish the task within the given deadline.
笔记: This phrase focuses on the successful completion of a particular task or objective, highlighting the action taken to achieve it.

Realize a goal

To achieve or make a goal a reality through effort and determination.
例子: With dedication and perseverance, she was able to realize her goal of starting her own business.
笔记: This phrase emphasizes the process of making a goal a reality through effort and determination, highlighting the journey to achieving the goal.

Meet an objective

To successfully achieve a specific target or goal.
例子: The team worked together to meet the objective of launching the project on time.
笔记: This phrase underscores the successful completion of a specific objective or target, often within a set timeframe or criteria.

Succeed in

To achieve a positive result in a particular endeavor or area.
例子: She succeeded in securing a promotion at work.
笔记: This phrase conveys achieving a favorable outcome or result in a specific endeavor or area, indicating accomplishment or progress.


Nail it

To accomplish something perfectly or with great success.
例子: You really nailed that presentation!
笔记: The slang term 'nail it' emphasizes doing something exceptionally well or with precision.

Crush it

To perform exceptionally well or dominate in a task or situation.
例子: She absolutely crushed her exam!
笔记: The slang term 'crush it' implies excelling or overpowering in a specific task.

Ace it

To succeed or perform extremely well in a particular endeavor.
例子: He aced the interview and got the job!
笔记: The slang term 'ace it' conveys achieving success or excellence in a specific context.

Hit the mark

To achieve the desired result or be successful in meeting a goal.
例子: Her marketing campaign really hit the mark with our target audience.
笔记: The slang term 'hit the mark' highlights achieving a goal effectively or accurately.


To achieve a positive outcome or success.
例子: I scored a promotion at work!
笔记: The slang term 'score' is often used informally to denote achieving something desirable or advantageous.

Nail the landing

To successfully complete an important aspect or moment in a task or endeavor.
例子: She nailed the landing of her new business venture.
笔记: The slang term 'nail the landing' refers to effectively concluding a significant part of a venture or project.

Pull it off

To successfully accomplish something, especially in challenging circumstances.
例子: Wow, she really pulled off the event despite the challenges!
笔记: The slang term 'pull it off' emphasizes achieving success despite obstacles or difficulties.

Achieve - 例子

I want to achieve my goals this year.
She worked hard to achieve her dream job.
It took him years to achieve success in his field.


Achieve - 动词 (Verb) / 动词,原形 (Verb, base form)
词元: achieve
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): achieved
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): achieving
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): achieves
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): achieve
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): achieve
achieve 包含1个音节: achieve
音标: ə-ˈchēv
achieve , ə ˈchēv (红色音节是重读的)

Achieve - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
achieve: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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