英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

行为, 表演, 法案, 行动, 假装

Act 的含义在中文中

“act” 这个词在日常英语中有多种用法。它可以作为动词或名词使用。

作为动词,“act” 意思是“采取行动”或“表现”。常见用法包括:

  1. 表示行为

    • 例句:She will act in the school play.(她将在学校的戏剧中表演。)
    • 适用场景:通常在谈论表演、演出或任何需要行动的情况下使用。
  2. 表示表现

    • 例句:He acted surprised when he heard the news.(他听到消息时表现得很惊讶。)
    • 适用场景:用于描述某人的反应或表现,常见于日常对话中。
  3. 法律用语

    • 例句:The act was passed by the government.(该法案被政府通过。)
    • 适用场景:在正式或法律背景下使用,指代法律或法案。

作为名词,“act” 可以指“行为”或“法案”。常见用法包括:

  1. 行为

    • 例句:His act of kindness was appreciated.(他的善举受到赞赏。)
    • 适用场景:用于描述某人的行为,通常在非正式场合中。
  2. 法案

    • 例句:The Clean Air Act was enacted in 1970.(《清洁空气法》于1970年颁布。)
    • 适用场景:在正式或法律相关的讨论中使用。


  • “act like” 意思是“表现得像”。

    • 例句:Don’t act like a child.(别表现得像个孩子。)
  • “act up” 意思是“出故障”或“捣乱”。

    • 例句:My computer is acting up again.(我的电脑又出故障了。)
  • “take action” 意思是“采取行动”。

    • 例句:We need to take action to solve this problem.(我们需要采取行动来解决这个问题。)



  • 同义词:perform, behave
  • 反义词:rest, idle

“act”的发音为 /ækt/,注意元音音节的清晰发音。


Act 的含义在中文中


His act of kindness was appreciated.
The act of bravery saved many lives.
使用: formal语境: Used in legal, moral, or social contexts to describe a specific deed or action taken.
笔记: 这个意思通常指的是一个具体的行为,强调其重要性或价值。


The play had a great act at the end.
She had a solo act during the concert.
使用: informal语境: Used in the context of performances, such as theater or concerts.
笔记: 在这个意思中,'act' 指的是表演的一部分,常用于戏剧或音乐会中。


The government passed a new act to protect the environment.
He is studying the Civil Rights Act.
使用: formal语境: Used in legal contexts to refer to a statute or law enacted by a legislative body.
笔记: 这个意思通常涉及法律和法规,强调立法的性质。


It's time to act on our plans.
They need to act quickly to resolve the issue.
使用: informal语境: Used in everyday conversation to indicate taking action or making a decision.
笔记: 在这个语境中,'act' 通常意味着采取某种措施或者做出决定。


Don't act like you don't know me.
She acted surprised when she saw the gift.
使用: informal语境: Used in informal contexts to suggest someone is pretending or putting on a facade.
笔记: 这个意思常常用来描述某人假装或表现得与实际情况不符。



To carry out a task or action, especially in a formal or public setting.
例子: She will perform in the school play tonight.
笔记: Perform often implies a more planned or intentional action compared to the general term 'act'.


To carry out or accomplish a task or action with precision or skill.
例子: The actor executed the scene flawlessly.
笔记: Execute suggests a higher level of skill or precision in carrying out the action.


To conduct oneself in a particular way, especially in terms of manners or actions.
例子: The children were told to behave during the ceremony.
笔记: Behave focuses more on one's conduct or manners rather than a specific task or performance.


To act as if something is true or real, especially for amusement or to deceive.
例子: He likes to pretend he is a superhero when playing with his friends.
笔记: Pretend involves acting in a way that may not reflect reality, often for play or entertainment purposes.


act on

To take action based on a suggestion, idea, or information.
例子: She decided to act on the advice given by her mentor.
笔记: This phrase emphasizes acting upon something, rather than just performing an action.

act out

To express one's emotions or feelings through behavior, often in a dramatic or exaggerated manner.
例子: The child often acts out when she doesn't get her way.
笔记: This phrase involves physically demonstrating emotions or feelings.

put on an act

To pretend or behave in a way that is not genuine, often for deceptive purposes.
例子: He pretended to be sick, but I think he was just putting on an act.
笔记: This phrase implies a deliberate attempt to deceive or manipulate others.

act up

To malfunction or behave in a disruptive or unruly manner.
例子: My computer always seems to act up when I'm in a hurry.
笔记: This phrase typically refers to things or systems misbehaving.

act one's age

To behave in a manner appropriate to one's chronological age.
例子: Stop fooling around and act your age!
笔记: This phrase emphasizes behaving according to societal expectations of maturity.

act the fool

To behave in a silly or foolish manner, often for entertainment or attention.
例子: He loves to act the fool to make his friends laugh.
笔记: This phrase suggests a deliberate choice to behave foolishly.

act of kindness

A gesture or action done with the intention of helping or benefiting others.
例子: Her act of kindness towards the homeless man touched everyone's hearts.
笔记: This phrase highlights a specific action done for the purpose of showing kindness.


Act a fool

To behave in a silly or ridiculous manner, usually for entertainment or attention.
例子: He always acts a fool at parties, making everyone laugh.
笔记: While 'act a fool' contains the word 'act', it deviates from the original word as it refers to behaving foolishly rather than performing a role or pretending.

Acting brand new

To behave as if one is better or different from before, often due to a change in circumstances.
例子: She's been acting brand new since she got that promotion.
笔记: This slang term plays on the idea of someone acting like a new or different person, rather than portraying a character, as in the original meaning of 'act'.

Act - 例子

She always acts quickly in emergency situations.
The government needs to take immediate action to address the issue.
The actor's performance in the play was outstanding.


Act - 动词 (Verb) / 动词,原形 (Verb, base form)
词元: act
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): acted
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): acting
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): acts
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): act
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): act
act 包含1个音节: act
音标: ˈakt
act , ˈakt (红色音节是重读的)

Act - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
act: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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