英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

附加的, 增加的, 额外的

Added 的含义在中文中

“Added” 是英语中一个常用的词,主要用作动词 "add" 的过去分词形式,表示“增加”或“添加”的意思。这个词在日常交流中广泛使用,适用于多种场合。


  1. 日常生活:在购物或烹饪时,人们常用“added”来描述新增的物品或成分。例如:

    • “I added some salt to the soup.”(我在汤里加了一些盐。)
    • “She added more sugar to her coffee.”(她在咖啡里加了更多的糖。)
  2. 工作和学习:在报告或演示中,常用“added”来说明增加的内容或数据。例如:

    • “We added new features to the software.”(我们在软件中增加了新功能。)
    • “The report added valuable insights.”(报告增加了有价值的见解。)
  3. 社交媒体:在网络交流中,常用“added”来说明增加的朋友或关注者。例如:

    • “I added you on Facebook.”(我在 Facebook 上加了你。)
    • “She added more photos to her album.”(她在相册中添加了更多照片。)


  • “added value” (附加值):指某物增加的额外价值。
  • “added benefit” (额外好处):指某事物带来的额外好处。

“Added” 可用于正式和非正式场合。在商业或学术环境中,通常使用较为正式的语气,而在日常交流中则较为随意。


  1. 使用时不注意时态。例如,使用“add”而不是“added”来描述过去的动作。
  2. 在句子中遗漏主语或上下文,使句子不完整。


  • 同义词:increased(增加的),supplemented(补充的),included(包含的)。
  • 反义词:removed(移除的),subtracted(减去的)。

“added”的发音为 /ˈædɪd/,重音在第一个音节。发音时注意双重 “d” 的清晰发出。

“Added” 是动词 “add”的过去分词,源自拉丁语“addere”,意为“放到……之上”。在英语中,通常用于被动语态或作为形容词使用。

Added 的含义在中文中


The price includes added taxes.
They have an added feature in the new model.
使用: formal语境: Used in technical or business contexts when referring to something extra that is included.
笔记: This meaning is often used in formal writing and can refer to additional costs, features, or elements.


The added workload was challenging.
She felt the added pressure to perform well.
使用: informal语境: Commonly used in everyday conversation to describe something that has been increased or intensified.
笔记: This meaning often relates to emotional, physical, or mental increases in burden or responsibility.


He received added benefits from the program.
There are added bonuses for early registration.
使用: formal/informal语境: Can be used in both casual and formal contexts to denote something extra or beyond what is normal.
笔记: This term is versatile and can apply to a variety of situations, including promotions and advantages.



Additional means extra or more of something.
例子: She made an additional comment during the meeting.
笔记: Similar to 'added', but often implies something being included beyond what was originally present.


Supplementary means something that is added to complete or enhance something.
例子: The teacher provided supplementary materials for the students to study.
笔记: Implies providing something extra to support or complement the main content.


Further means in addition to what has already been done or said.
例子: Further information is required before a decision can be made.
笔记: Suggests going beyond the current point or extending the existing information.


Extra means more than what is usual or expected.
例子: He ordered an extra side of fries with his meal.
笔记: Often used in a casual context to indicate something additional or beyond the standard amount.


Add insult to injury

To make a bad situation even worse by doing something additional.
例子: Not only did he lose his job, but his car was stolen too, adding insult to injury.
笔记: This idiom goes beyond just the act of adding; it emphasizes making a situation more painful or difficult.

In addition

Used to introduce an extra piece of information or a further point.
例子: She bought a new laptop, and in addition, she also got a fancy case for it.
笔记: While 'added' simply implies joining something, 'in addition' emphasizes the presence of something extra or supplementary.

Add up

To make sense or seem reasonable; to calculate the total of.
例子: The numbers didn't add up, so they had to recount the inventory.
笔记: While 'added' refers to the action of putting things together, 'add up' focuses on ensuring correctness or coherence in calculation or understanding.

Added bonus

Something extra that is given in addition to what was expected.
例子: Not only did she get a promotion, but an added bonus was a company-paid vacation.
笔记: This phrase implies an unexpected or additional benefit beyond what was initially anticipated, going beyond just the act of adding.

Add fuel to the fire

To make a bad situation worse by saying or doing something that makes people angry or upset.
例子: His careless remarks only added fuel to the fire, worsening the already tense situation.
笔记: Similar to 'add insult to injury,' this idiom emphasizes exacerbating a negative situation, rather than just adding to it.

Add up to

To reach a particular total when combined.
例子: The total expenses added up to more than they had budgeted for.
笔记: This phrase specifically indicates reaching a sum or total, rather than just combining elements.

Add to the mix

To include something as an additional element or factor.
例子: The unexpected rain added to the mix of challenges they were already facing.
笔记: While 'added' simply means putting something together, 'add to the mix' suggests contributing to an existing situation or context.

Add some spice to

To make something more interesting or exciting.
例子: She added some spice to the dish to enhance its flavor.
笔记: Unlike the straightforward action of adding, 'add some spice to' implies enhancing or improving the quality or appeal of something.



Used informally to express a strong liking or habit towards something.
例子: She's totally addicted to watching that TV show.
笔记: While 'added' refers to the action of combining or including something more, 'addicted' emphasizes a strong inclination or dependency on something.


Refers to an extra feature or enhancement to something existing.
例子: I downloaded an addon for my favorite video game.
笔记: While 'added' implies an increase or supplement, 'addon' specifically denotes an additional component to an existing entity.


Used to show an increase or improvement in something.
例子: Her new workout routine really boosted her energy levels.
笔记: While 'added' suggests inclusion or augmentation, 'boosted' emphasizes the amplification or enhancement of a particular aspect.

Bumped up

Means to increase or raise something, usually a price or level.
例子: They bumped up the price of the concert tickets at the last minute.
笔记: Contrasted with 'added', 'bumped up' specifically conveys an upward adjustment or escalation in the value or quantity of something.


Indicates a desire or need for additional quantity or time.
例子: I need more time to finish this project.
笔记: Similar to 'added', 'more' signifies an increase or extension, particularly in quantity or duration.

Toss in

Means to include or add something extra as a bonus or surprise.
例子: He decided to toss in a free dessert with the meal.
笔记: Different from 'added', 'toss in' implies an informal and often spontaneous inclusion of something extra, usually as a gift or bonus.

Added - 例子

I added some sugar to my coffee.
The new feature was added to the software.
She added a note to the email.


Added - 动词 (Verb) / 动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense)
词元: add
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): added
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): adding
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): adds
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): add
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): add
added 包含2个音节: add • ed
音标: ˈa-dəd
add ed , ˈa dəd (红色音节是重读的)

Added - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
added: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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