英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

应用, 申请, 适用, 应用程序

Application 的含义在中文中


  1. 含义与用法

    • 应用:指软件程序或工具,例如手机应用(mobile application)或计算机应用(computer application)。在科技领域,常用“application”来描述各种软件。
      • 例句:I downloaded a new application for photo editing.(我下载了一个新的照片编辑应用。)
    • 申请:指向某个机构或组织请求某种权利或资源的行为,常用于工作、学校或贷款等场合。
      • 例句:She submitted her application for the scholarship.(她提交了奖学金申请。)
  2. 使用场景

    • 科技领域:常用于讨论软件、程序和技术工具,通常是正式语境。
    • 教育和工作:用于申请学校、职位或其他机会,通常是正式或半正式语境。
  3. 常用短语

    • Job application:工作申请
    • Application form:申请表
    • Mobile application:手机应用
    • Application process:申请过程
  4. 常见错误

    • 将“application”与“apply”混淆。前者是名词,后者是动词。应注意用法的不同。
    • 在非正式场合使用时,可能会误用为“app”,但“app”更常用于指代手机应用。
  5. 相关词汇

    • 同义词:使用(use)、请求(request)
    • 反义词:拒绝(refusal)
  6. 发音注意

    • “application”发音为 /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/,重音在第三个音节上。
  7. 语法与词源

    • “application”源自拉丁语“applicatio”,意为“附加、应用”。在语法上,通常作为名词使用。


Application 的含义在中文中


This software application is very user-friendly.
Mobile applications have changed the way we communicate.
使用: formal/informal语境: Technology, software development, and everyday usage.
笔记: 常用于指电脑或手机上的应用软件。


I submitted my application for the scholarship.
The application process can be quite lengthy.
使用: formal语境: Education, jobs, and official requests.
笔记: 通常指正式的申请过程,比如工作申请、学校申请等。


These rules apply to all employees.
This method has a wide range of applications.
使用: formal/informal语境: Legal, business, and academic contexts.
笔记: 用于表示某事物的适用性或适用范围。


The application program crashed unexpectedly.
You need to install the application program to access the features.
使用: formal语境: Software development and IT.
笔记: 指特定功能的软件程序,通常用于计算机或移动设备。



A formal written or verbal request for something.
例子: She submitted an application for the job.
笔记: While an application is typically a formal document submitted for a specific purpose, a request can be more general and can be made verbally or in writing.


A formal written request, typically signed by many people, appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause.
例子: The students signed a petition to have a new course added to the curriculum.
笔记: A petition is usually a collective request signed by multiple individuals, whereas an application is more commonly an individual request or submission.


The act of presenting a document or proposal for consideration or judgment.
例子: The deadline for project submissions is next week.
笔记: A submission is a broader term that can refer to any document or proposal presented for review, whereas an application is usually specific to a request for a job, admission, etc.


Fill out an application

To complete a form or document with your details when applying for something like a job, school, or program.
例子: I need to fill out an application for the job I'm applying for.
笔记: This phrase specifically refers to the act of completing a form, which is a part of the application process.

Submit an application

To formally send in your application for consideration or review by the relevant authority or organization.
例子: Please submit your application by the deadline.
笔记: This phrase emphasizes the action of sending in the application for further processing or evaluation.

Application deadline

The final date by which an application must be submitted.
例子: The application deadline for the scholarship is next Friday.
笔记: This phrase specifies the last day or time by which the application must be received.

Application process

The series of steps or procedures involved in applying for something.
例子: The application process for this university is quite straightforward.
笔记: This phrase encompasses all the stages and requirements involved in applying, not just the act of submitting the application form.

Application fee

A payment required when submitting an application for a service or program.
例子: There is a $50 application fee for each submission.
笔记: This phrase pertains to the monetary charge associated with applying for something.

Job application

A specific type of application used when applying for employment.
例子: She filled out a job application for a position at the local bookstore.
笔记: This phrase specifies the purpose of the application, which is seeking employment.

Application status

The current stage or condition of an application in the review or decision-making process.
例子: I have not heard back from them about my application status yet.
笔记: This phrase focuses on the progress or outcome of the application after submission.

Application form

A document containing fields to be filled in with personal details when applying for something.
例子: Please complete the application form and attach your resume.
笔记: This phrase refers specifically to the physical or digital document on which applicants provide their information.



Shortened form of 'application', commonly used to refer to software applications on mobile devices or computers.
例子: I need to download this new app for my workout routine.
笔记: Casual and abbreviated form of the word 'application'.


Informal term derived from 'application', used to describe a positive or content feeling associated with using applications.
例子: She's feeling so appy after customizing her phone with new apps.
笔记: Informal and colloquial way to express joy or satisfaction related to technology.

App Junkie

Someone who is addicted to or excessively interested in using and trying out different applications.
例子: He's such an app junkie, he downloads new apps every day.
笔记: Colloquial term emphasizing a person's extreme interest or dependency on applications.

App Store

Refers to a digital distribution platform for software applications, typically associated with mobile devices.
例子: I found this amazing game on the app store.
笔记: Common term used specifically for platforms where users can browse, download, and manage their applications.


To transform or integrate processes, products, or services into applications.
例子: This new software will appify our entire business process.
笔记: A term derived from 'application' to describe the act of converting something into an app-like format or functionality.


A playful way to describe someone who is excessively addicted to using applications.
例子: She's such an appaholic, she can't go a day without exploring new apps.
笔记: Humorous slang term highlighting a person's strong attachment to and dependency on apps.


An enthusiastic term to describe something as fantastic, amazing, or highly positive in relation to applications.
例子: The new updates have made this app-tastic for users!
笔记: A play on the word 'fantastic' specifically used to express excitement or praise towards an app.

Application - 例子

Application deadline is approaching.
The new employee needs to adapt to the company's application process.
I downloaded a new application on my phone.


Application - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: application
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): applications, application
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): application
application 包含4个音节: ap • pli • ca • tion
音标: ˌa-plə-ˈkā-shən
ap pli ca tion , ˌa plə ˈkā shən (红色音节是重读的)

Application - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
application: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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