英语 - 简体中文
400 - 500
400 - 500
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

银行, 河岸, 储备, 堆积

Bank 的含义在中文中


  1. 金融机构:最常见的用法是指“银行”,即提供存款、贷款和其他金融服务的机构。

    • 例句:I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.(我需要去银行取一些钱。)
    • 使用场景:通常在与财务相关的对话中,适用于正式和非正式场合。
  2. 河岸:在地理上,“bank”可以指河流的岸边。

    • 例句:We had a picnic on the bank of the river.(我们在河岸上野餐。)
    • 使用场景:多用于自然环境的描述,适用于非正式场合。
  3. 储备或积累:作为动词,意指储存或积累某物。

    • 例句:She plans to bank some money for her vacation.(她计划为假期存一些钱。)
    • 使用场景:可用于个人理财的讨论,适用于正式和非正式场合。
  4. 银行业务:在某些短语中,指的是与银行相关的业务。

    • 例句:Online banking has become very popular.(网上银行变得非常流行。)
    • 使用场景:适用于讨论现代金融技术,通常在正式或半正式的场合。


  • Bank account(银行账户):指个人或企业在银行开设的账户。

    • 例句:I opened a new bank account last week.(我上周开了一个新的银行账户。)
  • Bank statement(银行对账单):指银行每月提供的账户交易记录。

    • 例句:I need to check my bank statement for any errors.(我需要检查我的银行对账单是否有错误。)
  • Bank on(依靠):表示依赖或信任某人或某事。

    • 例句:You can bank on her to help you.(你可以依靠她来帮助你。)


  • 将“bank”与“bench”混淆。两者发音相似,但意义完全不同。
  • 在使用“bank”作为动词时,容易与其他动词混淆,需注意上下文。


  • 同义词:financial institution(金融机构)、shore(岸边)
  • 反义词:debt(债务)


  • “bank”的发音为/bæŋk/,注意元音的发音和结尾的/k/音。


  • “bank”源于意大利语“banca”,意指“长凳”,最初指的是在交易时使用的长凳。

Bank 的含义在中文中


I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.
She works at a local bank.
使用: formal语境: Financial transactions, personal finance management.
笔记: In Chinese, '银行' specifically refers to financial institutions that offer services like savings accounts, loans, and other banking services.


We had a picnic on the bank of the river.
The children played near the bank of the lake.
使用: informal语境: Outdoor activities, nature settings.
笔记: This meaning refers to the sides of a river or stream, and is often used in contexts related to nature and recreation.


He has a bank of knowledge about history.
The company has a bank of data for analysis.
使用: formal语境: Education, data collection, and resource management.
笔记: In this context, '储备' implies a reserve or collection of resources or knowledge that can be drawn upon when needed.


The bank of snow was high after the storm.
They built a bank of sand to hold back the water.
使用: informal语境: Construction, natural occurrences.
笔记: This meaning refers to a mound or pile, often used in physical descriptions of landscapes or construction.


financial institution

A financial institution is a broad term that encompasses banks as well as other entities that provide financial services such as credit unions and investment firms.
例子: I opened a savings account at a local financial institution.
笔记: Financial institution is a more general term that includes banks, whereas a bank specifically refers to an institution that provides financial services like accepting deposits and lending money.


A lender is an individual, group, or financial institution that provides funds to borrowers with the expectation of repayment with interest.
例子: The lender approved my loan application for the new house.
笔记: A lender specifically focuses on providing funds to borrowers, while a bank offers a wider range of financial services beyond lending.

financial organization

A financial organization refers to a company or entity involved in financial activities such as banking, investing, or insurance.
例子: The financial organization announced a merger with another bank.
笔记: Financial organization is a more encompassing term that includes various entities involved in financial activities, whereas a bank specifically deals with financial transactions and services.

credit union

A credit union is a member-owned financial cooperative that offers similar services to a bank, such as savings accounts, loans, and other financial products.
例子: I decided to join a credit union for better interest rates on loans.
笔记: Credit unions are member-owned cooperatives that operate for the benefit of their members, while banks are typically for-profit institutions owned by shareholders.


Break the bank

To spend more money than one can afford or more than is reasonable.
例子: I wanted to buy that new car, but it would break the bank.
笔记: This idiom refers to spending beyond one's financial means, unlike the original word 'bank' which is a financial institution.

Bank on

To depend or rely on someone or something.
例子: I'm banking on you to finish the project on time.
笔记: In this context, 'bank' is used figuratively to mean relying on someone or something for a particular outcome.

On the banks of

To be situated near the edge of a river, lake, or other body of water.
例子: Their house is located on the banks of the river.
笔记: Here, 'banks' refers to the sides of a water body, as opposed to the financial institution meaning of 'bank'.

Food bank

A place where donated food is stored and distributed to those in need.
例子: The community organized a food drive for the local food bank.
笔记: In this case, 'bank' is used to indicate a place for collecting and distributing food, different from a financial bank.

Bank statement

A record of all the transactions that have occurred in a bank account over a specific period.
例子: I need to review my bank statement to track my expenses.
笔记: Here, 'bank' is used in the context of financial records, unlike a physical bank.

Piggy bank

A small container, often shaped like a pig, used by children to store coins.
例子: She saved all her allowance in a piggy bank.
笔记: In this case, 'bank' refers to a personal savings container, not an actual financial institution.


To provide the money for something, especially a business or project.
例子: He used his savings to bankroll his new business venture.
笔记: Here, 'bankroll' means to finance or fund, different from the traditional role of a bank.

Blood bank

A place where blood is collected, stored, and preserved for transfusion.
例子: The hospital urgently needed more donations for the blood bank.
笔记: In this context, 'bank' is used to refer to a facility for storing and providing blood for medical purposes.

Time bank

A system where participants exchange services based on time credits.
例子: They participate in a time bank where members exchange services.
笔记: In this case, 'bank' is used to represent a system of reciprocal service exchange, not a financial institution.



Slang term for someone who works in a bank.
例子: I'm meeting up with some old banker pals for drinks tonight.
笔记: The term 'banker' is informal and colloquial compared to the formal term 'bank employee'.


Used to describe a corrupt or unethical banker or financial professional.
例子: Those greedy banksters caused the financial crisis.
笔记: The term 'bankster' is pejorative and implies illegal or unethical behavior, unlike the neutral term 'banker'.

Bank shot

In billiards or pool, a shot where the cue ball is banked off one or more cushions before hitting the target ball.
例子: He won the game with a fantastic bank shot off the side cushion.
笔记: This term is specific to the game of billiards or pool, whereas 'bank' on its own refers to a financial institution.

Off the bank

Obtained directly from a bank with no intermediaries or negotiation.
例子: I got that loan approved off the bank, no questions asked.
笔记: The phrase 'off the bank' emphasizes the source of the loan directly from the bank, without involving other parties or intermediaries.


Predicted or proven to be financially successful.
例子: Her performance in the audition was so good, she's definitely bankable.
笔记: The term 'bankable' refers to something or someone's potential for financial success, whereas 'bank' on its own refers to the financial institution.

Bank shot in a bucket

Describes a shot that is extremely accurate and goes in effortlessly.
例子: His jump shot was so perfect, it was like a bank shot in a bucket.
笔记: This slang phrase is a playful and exaggerated way of saying a shot was incredibly accurate and easily made.

Bank - 例子

The bank is closed on Sundays.
I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.
The local credit union is a popular alternative to traditional banks.


Bank - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: bank
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): banks
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): bank
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): banked
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): banking
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): banks
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): bank
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): bank
bank 包含1个音节: bank
音标: ˈbaŋk
bank , ˈbaŋk (红色音节是重读的)

Bank - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
bank: 400 - 500 (极其常见).
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