英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

更好, 更好地, 更合适, 更强, 较好的

Better 的含义在中文中

“Better” 是一个常用的英语形容词,主要用于比较两个或多个事物的优劣。它的基本含义是“更好”。在日常英语中,“better” 可以用于多种场合,适用于正式和非正式的语境。


  1. 比较:当需要比较两个事物时,可以使用“better”。

    • 例句:This book is better than that one. (这本书比那本书好。)
  2. 建议:在提供建议时,常用“better”来表达一种更优的选择。

    • 例句:You should try to eat better. (你应该尽量吃得更好。)
  3. 改善:表示某事物的改善或进步。

    • 例句:She feels better after resting. (她休息后感觉好多了。)
  4. 情感表达:用于表达情感或状态的改善。

    • 例句:I’m feeling better today. (我今天感觉好多了。)


  • Better late than never:迟到总比不到好。
  • Make it better:让它更好。
  • Feel better:感觉更好。


“Better” 可以在正式和非正式场合使用。在口语中,常用于日常对话中。在书面语中,尤其是在报告或文章中,也常见其使用。


  1. 混淆“better”和“good”:有些人可能会错误地使用“better”来描述单一事物,而没有进行比较。例如,正确用法是“this is better than that”,而不是“this is better”。

  2. 时态问题:在某些情况下,使用“better”时需要注意上下文的时态。例如,不能说“he is better than he was”而不明确比较的对象。


  • 同义词:superior, improved, enhanced
  • 反义词:worse, inferior


“Better”的发音为 /ˈbɛtər/。注意“t”的发音,通常在快速说话中,可能听起来更像是“beder”。


“Better” 是“good”的比较级,源自古英语“betera”。在语法上,通常用于比较句中,后面跟名词或从句。

Better 的含义在中文中


This book is better than the last one.
I feel better today.
使用: informal语境: Used when comparing quality, condition, or feelings.
笔记: Often used in comparisons to indicate an improvement or a higher quality.


You should do this task better.
She explained the concept better this time.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to describe how an action is performed, indicating improvement.
笔记: Often used with verbs to suggest a more effective or efficient way of doing something.


This solution is better for the situation.
A quieter place is better for studying.
使用: formal语境: Used to indicate a better fit or suitability for a specific situation.
笔记: Commonly used in discussions about preferences, choices, or suitability.


He has a better chance of winning.
This model is better at handling stress.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to compare abilities or chances of success.
笔记: Indicates superiority in capability or probability.


We need a better plan.
She is looking for a better job.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used when discussing improvements or higher standards.
笔记: Emphasizes the need for improvement in various aspects of life.



Superior means higher in quality, rank, or status. It implies being better in a more significant or noticeable way.
例子: Her performance was superior to that of her competitors.
笔记: Superior carries a connotation of being of higher quality or rank than something else.


Improved means made better than before, showing progress or enhancement.
例子: The new design led to improved efficiency in production.
笔记: Improved specifically refers to enhancements or progress made in comparison to a previous state.


Enhanced means increased or improved in quality, value, or attractiveness.
例子: The enhanced version of the software includes new features and improved performance.
笔记: Enhanced suggests an improvement that goes beyond the original state, often through added features or qualities.


Better late than never

This phrase means that it is preferable to do something late than to never do it at all.
例子: I know I promised to help earlier, but I finally finished the report. Better late than never, right?
笔记: The phrase 'better late than never' emphasizes the importance of completing a task or fulfilling a promise, even if it's delayed.

Better safe than sorry

This idiom advises caution and preparation to avoid regrets or problems later.
例子: I'll bring an umbrella even though it might not rain. Better safe than sorry.
笔记: While 'better' implies improvement, 'better safe than sorry' emphasizes the importance of taking precautions over potentially facing negative consequences.

The sooner the better

This phrase means that it is preferable for something to happen as soon as possible.
例子: Let's finish this project now. The sooner the better!
笔记: It emphasizes the urgency or timeliness of completing a task or taking action.

You better believe it

This phrase is used to assert the truth of something with confidence.
例子: I aced my exam. You better believe it!
笔记: It adds emphasis and certainty to a statement, suggesting that there should be no doubt about its truth.

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't

This idiom suggests that it is safer or wiser to deal with a known, albeit unpleasant, situation than to risk an unknown alternative.
例子: I'm not happy in my job, but I'm afraid to look for a new one. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't, right?
笔记: While 'better' implies improvement, this idiom prioritizes familiarity and predictability over uncertainty.

Better luck next time

This expression is used to encourage someone who has not been successful to hope for success in the future.
例子: I didn't win the competition, but better luck next time.
笔记: It conveys optimism and support for a future opportunity despite a current setback or disappointment.

Make it better

This phrase is a call to improve or enhance something.
例子: Let's revisit the design and make it better before presenting it to the client.
笔记: While 'better' denotes an improvement or higher quality, 'make it better' specifically instructs to take action to enhance a situation or outcome.


Get the better of

To be overcome or defeated by someone or something. It implies that the other person or thing was stronger or more successful in a situation.
例子: I thought I could handle the situation, but it ended up getting the better of me.
笔记: It emphasizes being overcome or defeated by something or someone, rather than simply being better or superior.

Better off

To be in a more advantageous position or situation than before. It suggests that a different choice or action would result in a better outcome.
例子: You're better off applying for the job sooner rather than later.
笔记: It implies being in a more advantageous or improved state compared to a previous situation.

Better half

Refers to one's spouse or partner, typically indicating that they are a more important or better part of oneself. It implies a strong emotional connection and partnership.
例子: My wife is my better half; she complements me perfectly.
笔记: It denotes the significant other or partner in a relationship, emphasizing the closeness and complementarity between the two individuals.

All the better

Indicates that a situation has improved or become more favorable. It is often used to express satisfaction or contentment with a current circumstance.
例子: I finished my work early, so I have the rest of the day off. All the better for enjoying the sunshine.
笔记: It conveys an enhanced or improved state, often in response to a positive or advantageous change in a situation.

Better - 例子

The new version of the software is better than the old one.
The improved design of the car makes it more advanced.
The advantages of studying abroad are numerous and significant.


Better - 副词 (Adverb) / 副词,比较级 (Adverb, comparative)
词元: well
形容词,比较级 (Adjective, comparative): better
形容词,最高级 (Adjective, superlative): best
形容词 (Adjective): well
副词,比较级 (Adverb, comparative): better
副词,最高级 (Adverb, superlative): best
副词 (Adverb): well
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): wells, well
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): well
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): welled
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): welling
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): wells
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): well
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): well
better 包含2个音节: bet • ter
音标: ˈbe-tər
bet ter , ˈbe tər (红色音节是重读的)

Better - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
better: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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