英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

选择, 挑选, 决定

Choose 的含义在中文中

“Choose” 是一个常用的英语动词,意为“选择”或“挑选”。它通常用于表示在多个选项中做出决定。此词在日常生活中广泛应用,适用于各种场合,包括正式和非正式的场合。


  1. 日常决策:在购物时,人们会说:“I need to choose a dress.”(我需要选择一件裙子。)
  2. 工作环境:在工作会议中,可能会听到:“We must choose a leader for the project.”(我们必须为这个项目选择一个领导。)
  3. 教育场合:学生在选择课程时会说:“I can choose my subjects next semester.”(我下学期可以选择我的科目。)


  • “Choose wisely” (明智地选择)
  • “Choose between” (在……之间选择)
  • “Choose to” (选择做……)

“Choose” 可以在正式和非正式的场合使用。在正式场合,如商业会议或学术讨论中,使用时通常比较严谨。在非正式场合,如朋友之间的对话,使用时则更加随意。


  1. 将“choose”与“chose”混淆。“Chose”是“choose”的过去式,使用时需注意时态。
  2. 在选择时,可能会错误地使用“pick”而不是“choose”,虽然两者意思相近,但“choose”更为正式。


  • 同义词:select, pick, decide
  • 反义词:reject, refuse

“Choose”的发音为 /tʃuːz/,注意元音的发音较长。

“Choose” 是一个不规则动词,其过去式为“chose”,过去分词为“chosen”。该词源自古英语“ceosan”,意为“选择”。


Choose 的含义在中文中


I choose the blue dress.
You can choose any book from the shelf.
使用: Formal/Informal语境: Used in situations where a decision is made between options.
笔记: The word '选择' is commonly used in both spoken and written Chinese. It implies a decision-making process.


She likes to choose fresh vegetables at the market.
He carefully chose the best apples.
使用: Informal语境: Often used when selecting or picking items, especially in physical contexts.
笔记: '挑选' emphasizes the act of selecting based on preference or care.


They need to choose a leader.
It's hard to choose which college to attend.
使用: Formal语境: Used in contexts where a decision leads to a significant outcome.
笔记: '决定' can be used interchangeably with '选择' in some situations, but it often implies a deeper level of commitment.



To choose something from a number of alternatives based on preference or suitability.
例子: She carefully selected a dress for the party.
笔记: Select often implies a more deliberate or careful decision-making process compared to choose.


To choose or select something from a group of options.
例子: I need to pick a gift for my friend's birthday.
笔记: Pick is more informal and can imply a quick or casual selection.

opt for

To choose or decide on a particular course of action or option.
例子: I opted for the vegetarian option at the restaurant.
笔记: Opt for often suggests a decision made after considering different choices or preferences.

decide on

To make a choice or reach a conclusion after consideration.
例子: Have you decided on a movie to watch tonight?
笔记: Decide on emphasizes the act of making a final choice after evaluating options.


Pick and choose

To select only the best or most desirable options from a range of choices.
例子: You can't just pick and choose which tasks you want to do; you have to complete all of them.
笔记: This idiom emphasizes selecting specific options from a larger set rather than simply making a general choice.

Choose at random

To make a selection without any particular thought or reason.
例子: I couldn't decide on a flavor, so I just chose at random and ended up with strawberry ice cream.
笔记: This phrase implies a lack of deliberate decision-making compared to the more intentional act of choosing.

Take your pick

To choose from a selection of options that are available.
例子: There are several desserts on the menu, so take your pick and I'll order for us.
笔记: This phrase invites someone to make a choice from a range of options, typically in a casual or informal manner.

Choose your battles

To decide when to engage in a conflict or argument and when to avoid it for the sake of peace or efficiency.
例子: In a heated argument, it's important to choose your battles wisely and not get caught up in every disagreement.
笔记: This idiom suggests strategic decision-making in conflicts or disagreements rather than a simple act of choosing.


To selectively choose the best or most beneficial items from a larger group, often for one's advantage.
例子: The report only highlighted the positive feedback and cherry-picked the best results to present to the board.
笔记: This term implies a deliberate and often biased selection of the most favorable options, contrasting with a more neutral or balanced choice.

Choose your poison

An informal way of asking someone to make a choice, especially among various options that may have different consequences or effects.
例子: There are cocktails, wine, and beer available – choose your poison!
笔记: This phrase adds a playful or slightly dramatic tone to the act of choosing, often used in a lighthearted context.

The lesser of two evils

To select the option that is less undesirable or harmful when faced with two unfavorable choices.
例子: I had to choose between working late again or missing the deadline; it was like picking the lesser of two evils.
笔记: This expression highlights making a decision based on avoiding the worse outcome rather than a positive choice.


Go for

To make a decision or choice.
例子: I think I'll go for the pasta instead of the salad.

Settle on

To make a decision or choice after considering options.
例子: After trying on multiple outfits, she finally settled on a black dress.

Set one's sights on

To choose a goal or target to aim for.
例子: She has set her sights on becoming a doctor since she was young.
笔记: Implies a more aspirational or long-term choice.

Take a fancy to

To develop a liking or preference for someone or something.
例子: He's taken a fancy to the new girl in his class.

Plump for

To choose or decide on something.
例子: I think I'll plump for the steak for dinner.
笔记: Conveys a sense of decisiveness or firm choice.

Choose - 例子

Choose your favorite color.
I can't decide which dress to choose.
The chosen candidate will start working next week.


Choose - 动词 (Verb) / 动词,原形 (Verb, base form)
词元: choose
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): chose
动词,过去分词 (Verb, past participle): chosen
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): choosing
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): chooses
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): choose
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): choose
choose 包含1个音节: choose
音标: ˈchüz
choose , ˈchüz (红色音节是重读的)

Choose - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
choose: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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