英语 - 简体中文
400 - 500
400 - 500
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

委员会, 小组, 审查委员会, 临时委员会

Committee 的含义在中文中



  1. 公司:在企业中,委员会通常负责管理特定项目或制定政策。例如:“The finance committee is reviewing the budget.”(财务委员会正在审查预算。)

  2. 学校:学校常设有委员会来处理教育事务或组织活动。例如:“The school committee is planning the annual fair.”(学校委员会正在筹备年度集会。)

  3. 政府:政府中有许多委员会负责不同的政策领域。例如:“The health committee is discussing new healthcare policies.”(卫生委员会正在讨论新的医疗政策。)

  4. 社区:社区委员会负责地方事务,如环境保护或公共安全。例如:“The neighborhood committee is organizing a cleanup event.”(社区委员会正在组织一次清理活动。)


  • Advisory committee(顾问委员会):提供建议的委员会。
  • Executive committee(执行委员会):负责日常管理的委员会。
  • Steering committee(指导委员会):负责指导项目方向的委员会。




  • 将“committee”与“committees”混淆。注意“committee”是单数形式,表示一个委员会;“committees”是复数形式,表示多个委员会。
  • 在语境中混淆“committee”和“group”。“Committee”通常有特定的任务或目标,而“group”则更广泛。


  • 同义词:board(董事会),panel(小组),task force(工作组)。
  • 反义词:individual(个人),solo(独自)。





Committee 的含义在中文中


The committee will meet next week to discuss the proposal.
She was appointed as a member of the finance committee.
使用: formal语境: Used in organizational, governmental, or academic settings to refer to a group of people appointed for a specific function.
笔记: 委员会通常由多个成员组成,负责审议、讨论特定问题或制定政策。


A small committee was formed to handle the event planning.
The committee of volunteers worked tirelessly to help the community.
使用: informal语境: Used in casual contexts to refer to a smaller, less formal group working together on a project.
笔记: 小组可以是非正式的,通常用于特定项目或活动的计划和执行。


The review committee evaluated all applications before making a decision.
The ethics committee reviewed the research proposal for compliance.
使用: formal语境: Common in academic or research settings, where a specific group reviews proposals or applications.
笔记: 审查委员会通常负责确保符合某些标准或规范,尤其是在科研和学术领域。


A temporary committee was set up to address the urgent issues.
The temporary committee will dissolve after the project is completed.
使用: formal语境: Used in contexts where a committee is formed for a short duration to address specific issues.
笔记: 临时委员会通常在特定情况下成立,解决特定问题,完成后即解散。



A board typically refers to a group of people who are in charge of overseeing and making decisions for an organization or company.
例子: The board of directors meets monthly to discuss company policies.
笔记: While a committee is usually a group of individuals assigned to perform a specific task or function, a board generally has more authority and responsibility in managing an organization.


A panel is a group of individuals selected to discuss or investigate a particular issue or topic.
例子: The panel of experts deliberated on the best course of action.
笔记: Unlike a committee, a panel is often formed for the purpose of providing opinions, recommendations, or expertise rather than executing specific tasks.


A council is a group of people chosen to represent and govern a specific area or organization.
例子: The city council held a meeting to address community concerns.
笔记: While a committee may focus on a particular project or task, a council is typically involved in broader decision-making and policy-setting for a community or organization.


Call the shots

To make the decisions or be in charge
例子: The committee chair calls the shots during our meetings.
笔记: This phrase implies having authority and control, unlike being part of a committee where decisions are made collectively.

In the driver's seat

To be in control or in charge
例子: After being elected president of the committee, she found herself in the driver's seat of important decisions.
笔记: Similar to 'call the shots,' this phrase emphasizes being in control, which is different from being part of a committee where decisions are shared.

Behind closed doors

Privately or secretly
例子: The committee met behind closed doors to discuss the sensitive issue.
笔记: While committees typically have open meetings, 'behind closed doors' suggests secrecy or confidentiality in the decision-making process.

On the same page

To have a shared understanding or agreement
例子: It's important for the committee members to be on the same page to avoid misunderstandings.
笔记: Unlike a committee where diverse opinions may exist, 'on the same page' implies consensus and unity in understanding.

Pass the buck

To shift responsibility or blame to someone else
例子: When faced with a difficult decision, the committee often tries to pass the buck to another department.
笔记: Contrary to the collaborative nature of committees, 'pass the buck' involves avoiding responsibility or accountability by transferring it to others.

On the fence

Undecided or neutral
例子: The committee members were on the fence about whether to approve the budget proposal.
笔记: While committees aim to reach decisions collectively, being 'on the fence' indicates indecision or lack of commitment to a particular stance.

Bite the bullet

To face a difficult situation or make a difficult decision
例子: The committee had to bite the bullet and make tough budget cuts to stay within their financial limits.
笔记: This phrase conveys the idea of courageously confronting challenges or tough choices, which may be necessary in committee decision-making.


Brainstorming session

A meeting or gathering where ideas and suggestions are discussed and shared.
例子: Let's have a quick brainstorm to generate some new ideas for the committee's project.
笔记: Derived from the process of brainstorming, commonly used in a committee context.

Power struggle

A situation where individuals or groups compete for influence or control.
例子: There's a power struggle within the committee to decide on the budget allocation.
笔记: Reflects internal conflicts within a group, often associated with decision-making processes.

Roundtable discussion

An open and inclusive discussion where all participants are encouraged to contribute.
例子: Let's have a roundtable discussion to hear everyone's opinions on the matter.
笔记: Symbolizes equality and collaboration, commonly used in committee settings.

Brain trust

A group of highly intelligent or skilled individuals who provide expertise and advice.
例子: I really rely on our committee's brain trust to come up with innovative solutions.
笔记: Emphasizes the collective intelligence and knowledge within the committee.

The think tank

A group or institution that generates ideas and advice on specific issues.
例子: We need to consult the think tank within the committee for strategic planning.
笔记: Focuses on the intellectual capacity and problem-solving skills of the committee members.

Committee - 例子

The committee will meet next week to discuss the budget.
She was appointed as a member of the committee.
The committee's decision was unanimous.


Committee - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: committee
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): committees
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): committee
committee 包含3个音节: com • mit • tee
音标: kə-ˈmi-tē
com mit tee , ˈmi (红色音节是重读的)

Committee - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
committee: 400 - 500 (极其常见).
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