英语 - 简体中文
400 - 500
400 - 500
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

事件, 活动, 事件 (在计算机科学中), 比赛

Event 的含义在中文中

“Event” 是一个常用的英语单词,主要指发生的事情或活动。它可以用于多种场合,既可以是正式的,也可以是非正式的。


  1. 正式场合

    • 在商业或学术环境中,常用“event”来描述会议、研讨会或庆典。例如:
      • “The annual conference is a significant event for our company.”(年度会议是我们公司的重要事件。)
    • 在新闻报道中,常提到“event”来描述重要的社会或政治事件。例如:
      • “The presidential debate was a major political event.”(总统辩论是一个重大的政治事件。)
  2. 非正式场合

    • 在日常生活中,朋友之间也会使用“event”来描述聚会、生日派对等。例如:
      • “Are you going to the birthday event this weekend?”(你这周末去参加生日聚会吗?)


  • Special event:特别活动

    • “We are organizing a special event for the charity.”(我们正在为慈善事业组织一场特别活动。)
  • Public event:公共活动

    • “The festival is a public event that everyone can attend.”(这个节日是一个所有人都可以参加的公共活动。)
  • Cultural event:文化活动

    • “The museum hosts various cultural events throughout the year.”(博物馆全年举办各种文化活动。)


  • 将“event”与“adventure”混淆。虽然两者都可以指经历,但“event”更强调发生的事情,而“adventure”则侧重于探险和体验。

  • 在某些情况下,使用“event”时可能忽略其复数形式“events”,例如在描述多个事件时需注意。


  • 同义词

    • Occasion(场合)
    • Happening(发生的事情)
  • 反义词

    • Inactivity(不活动)
    • Stagnation(停滞)


“Event” 的发音为 /ɪˈvɛnt/。注意重音在第二个音节上,发音时需清晰。


“Event” 是名词,源自拉丁语“eventus”,意为“发生的事情”。在语法上,通常与动词“to be”或其他动词搭配使用。

Event 的含义在中文中


The event will start at 7 PM.
This is a historical event.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to describe a specific occurrence or happening, often of significance.
笔记: 用于描述发生的事情,通常是重要的或有意义的事情。


Are you attending the charity event?
We organize various events throughout the year.
使用: informal语境: Used to refer to gatherings or activities, such as parties, festivals, or meetings.
笔记: 常用于指聚会、节日或会议等活动。

事件 (在计算机科学中)

The program triggered an event when the button was clicked.
Events in programming can be handled with functions.
使用: formal语境: Commonly used in computer science and programming to refer to actions or occurrences that can be detected and handled by software.
笔记: 在计算机科学和编程中,事件指的是可以被软件检测和处理的动作或发生的事情。


She won first place in the swimming event.
The athletics event will take place next week.
使用: formal语境: Used in sports contexts to refer to competitions or contests.
笔记: 在体育上下文中,用于指比赛或竞赛。



An occasion refers to a particular time or event that is special or important.
例子: The wedding was a joyous occasion for all attendees.
笔记: An occasion often implies a sense of celebration or significance.


A gathering is a coming together of people for a specific purpose or social interaction.
例子: The family gathering was filled with laughter and good food.
笔记: A gathering typically involves people assembling in one place for a shared activity or event.


A function refers to a social event or gathering organized for a specific purpose.
例子: The charity function raised thousands of dollars for a good cause.
笔记: Function often implies a formal or organized event with a specific objective or goal.


An occurrence is an event or incident that happens, especially one that is noteworthy or unusual.
例子: The unexpected occurrence of a meteor shower thrilled the stargazers.
笔记: Occurrence focuses on the happening or taking place of something, often highlighting its significance.


A happening is an event or situation that is exciting, interesting, or significant.
例子: The art exhibit opening was the happening event of the weekend.
笔记: Happening emphasizes the current, trendy, or noteworthy nature of an event.


Big event

An important or significant happening or occasion.
例子: The wedding was a big event in our small town.
笔记: The term 'big event' emphasizes the size, importance, or impact of the occasion.

Special event

An occasion that is out of the ordinary and has a particular significance or purpose.
例子: The company organized a special event to celebrate its anniversary.
笔记: The phrase 'special event' highlights the unique or exceptional nature of the occasion.

Social event

An event primarily aimed at socializing or interacting with others.
例子: The charity ball was a popular social event in the city.
笔记: It refers to an event where the main focus is on socializing and engaging with others.

Cultural event

An event that highlights or celebrates a particular culture or cultural aspect.
例子: The museum hosted a cultural event showcasing traditional dances.
笔记: This phrase emphasizes the cultural significance or context of the event.

Public event

An event that is open to or involves the general public.
例子: The concert was a public event open to all music lovers.
笔记: It emphasizes that the event is accessible to anyone interested in attending.

Major event

An event of significant importance or scale.
例子: The conference was a major event in the field of technology.
笔记: It highlights the substantial impact or significance of the event.

Sporting event

An event where sports competitions take place.
例子: The Olympics is a major sporting event that attracts athletes from around the world.
笔记: This phrase specifies that the event is related to sports competitions.

Corporate event

An event hosted by a business or organization for its employees, clients, or stakeholders.
例子: The company organized a corporate event to launch its new product.
笔记: It focuses on events organized by companies for business purposes or networking.



A shindig is a lively social gathering or party.
例子: Are you going to the shindig at Sarah's place tonight?
笔记: The term 'shindig' is informal and conveys a sense of excitement and informality.


A bash refers to a festive celebration or party.
例子: Let's throw a bash for Tom's birthday next weekend!
笔记: While 'event' is a neutral term, 'bash' implies a more enthusiastic and lively event.


An affair is a formal or elegant social gathering or event.
例子: The art gallery hosted a sophisticated affair showcasing local artists.
笔记: Beyond the traditional meaning of 'affair' referring to relationships, in this context, it denotes a high-class event.


In informal language, a gig refers to a performance or event, especially for musicians or performers.
例子: Are you playing a gig at the local bar this weekend?
笔记: Compared to 'event', 'gig' is more specific to performances or shows.


A soiree is a fancy evening party or social gathering, often with a sophisticated ambiance.
例子: They attended a lavish soiree hosted by a famous designer.
笔记: This term conveys a sense of elegance and exclusivity not always associated with a standard event.


A hoedown is a casual and lively social event, typically featuring country music and dancing.
例子: The community center is having a hoedown with live music and dancing.
笔记: Unlike the generic term 'event', 'hoedown' implies a more specific type of informal gathering typically associated with country or folk culture.

Event - 例子

The event was cancelled due to bad weather.
We are organizing a charity event next month.
The unexpected event caught us off guard.


Event - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: event
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): events
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): event
Event 包含1个音节: event
音标: i-ˈvent
event , i ˈvent (红色音节是重读的)

Event - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
Event: 400 - 500 (极其常见).
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