英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

运动, 运动(社交或政治), 移动, 行动, 乐曲的乐段

Movement 的含义在中文中


  1. 基本含义

    • “movement”通常指物体的移动。例如:The movement of the car was smooth.(汽车的移动很平稳。)
    • 它也可以指某种社会或政治活动,例如:The civil rights movement was important in the 1960s.(民权运动在1960年代非常重要。)
  2. 常见短语和表达

    • body movement(身体运动):指身体的动作或姿势,例如:Exercise improves body movement.(锻炼改善身体运动。)
    • in movement(在运动中):表示某物正在移动,例如:The leaves are in movement due to the wind.(树叶因风而在运动。)
    • make a movement(做一个动作):指进行某种特定的动作,例如:He made a movement to wave goodbye.(他做了一个挥手告别的动作。)
  3. 使用场合

    • “movement”可以在正式和非正式场合中使用。在学术讨论、新闻报道或社交活动中都常见。例如:The movement for climate change awareness is gaining momentum.(气候变化意识运动正在获得动力。)
  4. 常见错误

    • 一些学习者可能会将“movement”与“mood”混淆。注意“movement”指的是动作或活动,而“mood”指的是心情或气氛。
    • 另一个常见错误是将“movement”用于描述静态状态。应明确其指动态过程。
  5. 相关词汇

    • 同义词:motion(运动),activity(活动),gesture(手势)。
    • 反义词:stillness(静止),stagnation(停滞)。
  6. 发音细节

    • “movement”的发音为/ˈmuːvmənt/。注意重音在第一个音节。
  7. 语法与词源

    • “movement”是名词,通常用作可数名词和不可数名词。它源自拉丁语“movere”,意为“移动”。


Movement 的含义在中文中


Regular movement is important for a healthy lifestyle.
She enjoys movement and dance.
使用: formal/informal语境: Physical fitness, sports, dance.
笔记: This meaning relates to physical activity or exercise.


The civil rights movement changed many laws.
There is a movement for environmental protection.
使用: formal语境: Social and political activism.
笔记: Refers to a collective effort for social or political change.


The movement of the planets is predictable.
The movement of the crowd was chaotic.
使用: formal/informal语境: Physics, astronomy, crowd dynamics.
笔记: This meaning refers to the act of changing position or location.


The movement towards better education is gaining momentum.
Her movement to improve community health is inspiring.
使用: formal/informal语境: Campaigns, initiatives, personal endeavors.
笔记: This meaning emphasizes taking action to achieve a goal.


The symphony has four movements.
Each movement of the concerto is unique.
使用: formal语境: Music, classical compositions.
笔记: This meaning is specific to music and refers to sections of a larger musical work.



Motion refers to a change in position or location.
例子: The motion of the waves was mesmerizing.
笔记: Similar to movement but may emphasize the action of moving.


Activity refers to a specific action or series of actions.
例子: There was a lot of activity in the market today.
笔记: Focuses on actions or tasks being performed rather than just physical movement.


Action refers to something done or performed.
例子: The protesters demanded action from the government.
笔记: Can imply a purposeful or deliberate act, not just any kind of movement.


Progress refers to forward or onward movement towards a goal.
例子: We are making progress in our research.
笔记: Specifically denotes movement towards a desired outcome or achievement.


Shift refers to a change in position, direction, or focus.
例子: There has been a shift in public opinion on the issue.
笔记: Indicates a change or transition, often with a connotation of significance or impact.


Move on

To stop thinking or talking about something that happened in the past and to start thinking about new things or planning for the future.
例子: It's time to move on from the past and focus on the future.
笔记: This phrase focuses more on progressing forward mentally or emotionally rather than physically moving.

In motion

Refers to something that is actively happening or progressing.
例子: The project is in motion and progressing well.
笔记: While 'movement' can refer to physical motion, 'in motion' specifically emphasizes ongoing activity or progress.

Make a move

To take action or make a decision, often in a bold or decisive way.
例子: If you're interested in the job, you should make a move and apply.
笔记: This phrase implies taking action or making a decision, whereas 'movement' can refer to any type of physical or non-physical motion.

On the move

Constantly active or changing, often in a positive and forward-moving way.
例子: The company is always on the move, looking for new opportunities.
笔记: While 'movement' can simply refer to physical motion, 'on the move' implies being active or making progress.

Movement of ideas

Refers to the spread or exchange of ideas, beliefs, or principles among people or groups.
例子: The movement of ideas is crucial for social progress.
笔记: Unlike the general term 'movement', 'movement of ideas' specifically refers to the flow or transfer of abstract concepts.

Still as a statue

To be completely motionless or not moving at all.
例子: He stood still as a statue, waiting for her response.
笔记: In contrast to 'movement', this phrase emphasizes the absence of any physical motion or activity.

Loose movement

Refers to a style of movement that is relaxed, flowing, or unrestricted.
例子: The dancer's loose movement conveyed a sense of freedom.
笔记: Unlike the general term 'movement', 'loose movement' describes a specific style or quality of physical motion.


Get the ball rolling

This slang term means to start or initiate something. It is often used to encourage action or progress.
例子: Let's get the ball rolling on this project by assigning tasks to everyone.
笔记: The slang term 'Get the ball rolling' conveys a sense of initiating action in a more casual and metaphorical way compared to just saying 'start' or 'initiate'.

Get into the swing of things

To become accustomed to a new situation or task, often implying finding a rhythm or routine.
例子: It took me a while to get into the swing of things at my new job.
笔记: The slang term 'Get into the swing of things' emphasizes the process of adaptation and getting comfortable compared to simply saying 'adjusting'.

Keep it moving

To continue progressing without delays or distractions.
例子: We've got a tight deadline, so let's keep it moving with the project.
笔记: The slang term 'Keep it moving' emphasizes the need for continuous progress or action compared to just saying 'continue'.

Shake a leg

To hurry up or move quickly.
例子: Come on, shake a leg! We're going to be late for the movie.
笔记: The slang term 'Shake a leg' is a more colorful and informal way of telling someone to hurry compared to just saying 'hurry up'.

Hit the ground running

To start something quickly and with full energy and effort.
例子: She knew exactly what to do when she started the new job; she really hit the ground running.
笔记: The slang term 'Hit the ground running' suggests starting with great momentum and effectiveness, unlike just saying 'start quickly'.

Movement - 例子

Movement is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
The feminist movement fought for women's rights.
The artistic movement of impressionism emerged in the late 19th century.


Movement - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: movement
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): movements, movement
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): movement
movement 包含2个音节: move • ment
音标: ˈmüv-mənt
move ment , ˈmüv mənt (红色音节是重读的)

Movement - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
movement: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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