英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

最近, 新近, 近来

Recent 的含义在中文中

“Recent” 是一个常用的英语形容词,表示“最近的”或“近来的”。它通常用于描述时间上离现在不远的事件、情况或信息。以下是“recent”在日常英语中的使用情况。


  1. 新闻报道:在新闻中,常用“recent”来描述最新发生的事件。

    • 例句:There was a recent earthquake in the region.(该地区最近发生了一次地震。)
  2. 学术研究:在学术或专业领域中,研究人员使用“recent”来指代最新的研究成果或数据。

    • 例句:Recent studies show that exercise improves mental health.(最近的研究表明,锻炼有助于改善心理健康。)
  3. 个人经历:人们在谈论自己的经历时,也会使用“recent”来描述最近的活动或事情。

    • 例句:I watched a recent movie that I really enjoyed.(我看了一部我非常喜欢的最近上映的电影。)


  • recently:副词形式,表示“最近”。

    • 例句:I recently moved to a new city.(我最近搬到了一个新城市。)
  • in recent years:用于描述过去几年内的变化或趋势。

    • 例句:In recent years, technology has advanced rapidly.(近年来,科技迅速发展。)




  1. 混淆“recent”和“new”:虽然“recent”指的是时间上的接近,但“new”则是指事物的全新状态。使用时要注意区分。

    • 错误:This is a recent invention.(这是一项最近的发明。)
    • 正确:This is a new invention.(这是一项新的发明。)
  2. 使用时态不当:在描述最近的事件时,通常使用过去时或现在完成时。

    • 错误:I see a recent movie.(我看了一部最近的电影。)
    • 正确:I saw a recent movie.(我看了一部最近的电影。)


  • 同义词:new, fresh, latest
  • 反义词:old, past


“Recent”的发音为 /ˈriː.sənt/。注意重音在第一个音节上。



Recent 的含义在中文中


I have seen a lot of changes in my neighborhood recently.
The weather has been very nice recently.
使用: Informal语境: Used in everyday conversation to refer to a time period close to the present.
笔记: 通常指的是几天、几周或几个月前的时间,具体取决于上下文。


The new policy was implemented recently.
He is a recent graduate from university.
使用: Formal语境: Used in formal writing or discussions, often relating to events or changes that have occurred in a relatively short time frame.
笔记: 常用于书面语,表示与时间相关的最新事件或状态。


I haven’t heard from her in a while, but she seemed happy when we spoke recently.
There have been many reports of increased activity in the area in recent weeks.
使用: Informal/Formal语境: Can be used in both spoken and written contexts to talk about something that has happened not long ago.
笔记: 可以在书面和口头表达中使用,通常指代相对不久的过去。



Recently means in the recent past or not long ago. It is often used to describe events or actions that have occurred very recently.
例子: I just read a recently published book on economics.
笔记: Recently emphasizes the time frame more explicitly than 'recent'.


New refers to something that has just been made, discovered, or started to exist. It can imply a sense of novelty or freshness.
例子: Have you seen the new movie that just came out?
笔记: New can imply a sense of novelty or innovation, whereas 'recent' simply refers to something that happened not long ago.


Fresh can mean recently produced, harvested, or arrived. It can also refer to something that is new or different.
例子: We need to buy some fresh vegetables for dinner.
笔记: Fresh can refer to physical items like food or products, whereas 'recent' is more commonly used for events or occurrences.


Up-to-date means current or modern, not out of date. It is often used in the context of technology, information, or knowledge.
例子: Make sure your software is up-to-date to avoid any security vulnerabilities.
笔记: Up-to-date specifically refers to being current or modern, while 'recent' can refer to a broader range of events or occurrences.


In recent years

Refers to the years that have just passed or the most current years.
例子: In recent years, technology has advanced rapidly.
笔记: Emphasizes a specific time frame within the broader concept of 'recent'.

As of late

Refers to a more recent period of time, typically the immediate past.
例子: As of late, she has been very busy with work.
笔记: Suggests a sense of immediacy or urgency compared to just using 'recent'.

Fresh off the press

Indicates something is newly available or just released.
例子: This information is fresh off the press, so it may be subject to updates.
笔记: Conveys a sense of newness or immediacy, often used in journalism or media contexts.

Hot off the press

Similar to 'fresh off the press,' indicating something is new or just published.
例子: The latest edition of the magazine is hot off the press.
笔记: Emphasizes the speed and immediacy of production, often used in publishing contexts.

Brand new

Refers to something newly manufactured or acquired.
例子: I just bought a brand new car yesterday.
笔记: Highlights the novelty and pristine condition of the object, distinct from just being 'recent'.

Just out

Indicates something has recently become available or released.
例子: The movie is just out in theaters this weekend.
笔记: Implies a sense of immediacy or timeliness, often used for new products or media.

In the past few days

Refers to a recent period of time, typically within a few days prior to the present.
例子: In the past few days, I have been feeling under the weather.
笔记: Specifies a more precise timeframe than the general term 'recent'.



Lately means in the near past up to now. It is commonly used to refer to recent events or experiences.
例子: I've been feeling tired lately.
笔记: Lately specifically refers to a period of time that extends from the near past up until the present moment.


Up-to-the-minute means the very latest or most current information or situation.
例子: They provide up-to-the-minute updates on the situation.
笔记: Up-to-the-minute emphasizes receiving information or updates that are current and immediately available.

In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye means very quickly or in a short period of time.
例子: The project was completed in the blink of an eye.
笔记: It conveys the idea of something happening so rapidly that it is almost imperceptible, emphasizing the speed and suddenness of the action.

As of now

As of now means at the present time or from this moment onwards.
例子: There are no updates as of now regarding the meeting.
笔记: As of now emphasizes the current state or situation from the moment the statement is made.

In the here and now

In the here and now means focusing on the present moment or current circumstances.
例子: Let's focus on what needs to be done in the here and now.
笔记: It emphasizes paying attention to the current moment or immediate situation without being distracted by past events or future concerns.


Presently means soon or in a short while from now.
例子: The results will be available presently.
笔记: Presently indicates a short period of time before something happens or becomes available.

In the immediate term

In the immediate term means in the short or near future.
例子: We need to address this issue in the immediate term.
笔记: It refers to taking action or addressing a situation that needs to be dealt with promptly or without delay.

Recent - 例子

Recent studies have shown that exercise can improve mental health.
I bought this shirt recently.
The recent changes in the company's policies have caused some controversy.


Recent - 形容词 (Adjective) / 形容词 (Adjective)
词元: recent
形容词 (Adjective): recent
recent 包含2个音节: re • cent
音标: ˈrē-sᵊnt
re cent , ˈrē sᵊnt (红色音节是重读的)

Recent - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
recent: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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