英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

服务, 供应, 传递, 任职, 服役

Serve 的含义在中文中


  1. 提供食物和饮料

    • 在餐厅或家庭聚会中,服务员或家长会“serve”食物和饮料。
    • 例句:The waiter serves the food to the customers.(服务员把食物端给顾客。)
  2. 提供帮助或服务

    • 在商业或社交环境中,某人可以“serve”他人,意味着提供帮助或支持。
    • 例句:She serves the community by volunteering at the shelter.(她通过在收容所做志愿者来服务社区。)
  3. 执行职务或职责

    • 在工作场合,员工可以“serve”公司,意味着履行职责。
    • 例句:He serves as the manager of the team.(他担任团队经理。)
  4. 法律和正式文书

    • 在法律领域,“serve”可以指送达法律文件。
    • 例句:The lawyer served the papers to the defendant.(律师将文件送达被告。)
  5. 体育用语

    • 在网球等运动中,“serve”指发球。
    • 例句:She served the ball to start the game.(她发球开始比赛。)


  • Serve dinner/lunch/breakfast:提供晚餐/午餐/早餐。
  • Serve a purpose:有其用途。
  • Serve someone right:某人自作自受,得到应有的结果。


  • “Serve”在大多数情况下是中性的,可以在正式和非正式场合使用。餐厅、商店、办公室等场合都常见其使用。


  • 使用“serve”时,注意不要与“serve to”混淆。“Serve”后通常直接跟宾语,而“serve to”后则需要一个动作。例如,错误用法:“He serves to his customers.” 正确用法:“He serves his customers.”


  • 同义词:provide, assist, help
  • 反义词:refuse, deny


  • “Serve”的发音为/sɜrv/,注意“s”音和“v”音的清晰发出。


  • “Serve”是一个动词,来源于拉丁语“servire”,意为“服务”或“工作”。在语法上,通常用于主动语态,也可用于被动语态。

Serve 的含义在中文中


The restaurant serves Italian cuisine.
They serve the community by volunteering.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used in contexts related to providing assistance, food, or services.
笔记: The term '服务' can refer to both professional services and community service.


The store serves fresh produce.
This company serves a wide range of customers.
使用: formal语境: Commonly used in business and economics to indicate providing goods.
笔记: '供应' emphasizes the aspect of providing products or goods.


He served the ball to his teammate.
The waiter served the drinks to the guests.
使用: informal语境: Used in sports or casual contexts where something is passed or handed over.
笔记: This meaning is often associated with sports, especially in games like tennis or volleyball.


She served as the president of the association.
He has served in various capacities throughout his career.
使用: formal语境: Used in professional or organizational settings to describe someone's role.
笔记: This usage often relates to holding a position or office in an organization.


He served in the military for five years.
Many young people are required to serve their country.
使用: formal语境: Used to describe military service or national service.
笔记: This meaning is specific to military and governmental contexts.



To help or support someone in a task or action.
例子: Can I assist you with anything?
笔记: Serving implies fulfilling a role or function, while assisting focuses on providing help or support.


To provide assistance or support, especially in a difficult situation.
例子: The organization provides aid to those in need.
笔记: Similar to assist, aid emphasizes providing help or support to someone.


To take care of or deal with something or someone.
例子: The waiter will attend to your table shortly.
笔记: Serving involves fulfilling a duty or function, while attending focuses on taking care of someone or something.

wait on

To serve food or attend to the needs of guests or customers.
例子: The butler will wait on the guests during dinner.
笔记: Waiting on someone specifically refers to serving them, often in a formal or hospitality context.


Serve a purpose

To be useful or fulfill a function.
例子: This tool serves a purpose in the kitchen.
笔记: This phrase emphasizes the utility or functionality of something.

Serve the community

To help or assist the people in a particular area.
例子: She has dedicated her life to serving the community.
笔记: This phrase highlights providing assistance or support to a group of people.

Serve a sentence

To spend a period of time in prison as punishment for a crime.
例子: He will serve a five-year prison sentence for his crime.
笔记: This phrase specifically refers to fulfilling a punishment imposed by the legal system.

Serve as

To hold a particular position or have a particular role.
例子: She serves as the director of the company.
笔记: This phrase indicates functioning in a specific role or capacity.

Serve up

To provide or offer something, especially food.
例子: The chef served up a delicious meal for the guests.
笔记: This phrase is often used in the context of serving food or drinks to others.

Serve on a jury

To act as a member of a jury in a court of law.
例子: She was selected to serve on a jury for a high-profile case.
笔记: This phrase refers to participating in the legal process by serving on a jury.

Serve notice

To officially inform someone about a decision or action, often in a formal written document.
例子: The landlord served notice to the tenants to vacate the premises.
笔记: This phrase involves formally notifying someone about a decision or change.


Serve looks

To 'serve looks' means to display a fashionable or striking appearance with confidence and style.
例子: She always serves looks whenever she walks into a room.
笔记: This slang term focuses on the act of presenting oneself stylishly rather than performing a service as in the original word.

Serve face

When someone 'serves face,' it means they are projecting a particularly strong and captivating facial expression, often in photography or modeling contexts.
例子: Wow, she really knows how to serve face in her Instagram photos.
笔记: This slang term highlights the skill or artistry in conveying emotions or attitude through facial expressions.

Serve tea

To 'serve tea' means to share or spread gossip or juicy information, usually in a dramatic or entertaining manner.
例子: She loves to serve tea about celebrity gossip.
笔记: While 'serving tea' involves the act of sharing information, it is done in a more colorful or embellished way different from the traditional service.

Serving vibes

When something or someone is 'serving vibes,' it means they are exuding a specific mood, atmosphere, or energy that is noticeable and impactful.
例子: The cafe is really serving cozy vibes with its decor and music.
笔记: The slang term 'serving vibes' emphasizes the transmission of a particular feeling or ambiance, unlike the literal act of providing a service.

Serve an ace

In sports like tennis, 'serving an ace' refers to hitting a serve that the opponent cannot touch, resulting in a point scored immediately.
例子: She served an ace to win the tennis match.
笔记: This slang term retains the sports context of serving but specifically highlights achieving a high level of success or excellence in a single action.

Serve sass

To 'serve sass' means to respond with witty, sarcastic, or bold remarks, particularly in a conversation or argument.
例子: She knows how to serve sass in her comebacks during arguments.
笔记: This slang term focuses on delivering sharp and confident responses, highlighting attitude and style rather than offering a conventional service.

Serve it up

When someone 'serves it up,' they deliver an outstanding or impressive performance or action that captures attention and admiration.
例子: He really served it up with that amazing performance at the concert.
笔记: This slang term emphasizes excelling in a particular action or presentation, showcasing skills or qualities that stand out from regular actions related to serving.

Serve - 例子

Serve me a cup of coffee, please.
The waiter will serve us in a minute.
The hotel serves breakfast from 7 to 10 am.


Serve - 动词 (Verb) / 动词,原形 (Verb, base form)
词元: serve
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): serves, serve
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): serve
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): served
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): serving
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): serves
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): serve
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): serve
serve 包含1个音节: serve
音标: ˈsərv
serve , ˈsərv (红色音节是重读的)

Serve - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
serve: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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