英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

服务器, 服务员, 服务机构

Server 的含义在中文中


  1. 计算机领域:在科技和计算机领域,“server”指的是一种提供服务的计算机或程序。它通常用于存储数据、处理请求和管理网络资源。例如:

    • “The web server is down.”(网络服务器宕机了。)
    • “Our company needs a new database server.”(我们公司需要一台新的数据库服务器。)
  2. 餐饮行业:在餐厅或咖啡馆中,“server”指的是服务员,负责为顾客提供食物和饮料。这个用法通常在非正式场合中使用。例如:

    • “The server took our order quickly.”(服务员很快就记录了我们的订单。)
    • “I asked the server for a recommendation.”(我请服务员推荐菜品。)
  3. 体育领域:在体育,特别是网球中,“server”指的是发球员,负责发球的运动员。例如:

    • “He is known as a powerful server.”(他以强力发球著称。)


  • file server(文件服务器)
  • web server(网络服务器)
  • mail server(邮件服务器)
  • waitstaff(服务员,通常指多名服务员的集合)




  • 将“server”误用为“serve”的形式。需要注意“server”是名词,而“serve”是动词。
  • 在餐饮行业中,有时会混淆“server”和“waiter/waitress”。虽然“server”是中性的用法,但在某些文化中,可能更倾向于使用“waiter”或“waitress”。


  • 同义词:provider(提供者),waitstaff(服务人员)
  • 反义词:client(客户),customer(顾客)





Server 的含义在中文中


The website is hosted on a powerful server.
We need to upgrade our server to handle more traffic.
使用: formal语境: Technology, IT, Networking
笔记: 在计算机科学中,服务器是指提供服务的计算机或设备,通常用于存储、处理数据并向其他计算机提供服务。


The server took our order quickly.
Our server was very friendly and helpful.
使用: formal/informal语境: Hospitality, Restaurants
笔记: 在餐饮行业中,服务员指负责为顾客提供服务的人,通常是在餐厅或咖啡馆工作。


The organization acts as a server for various community programs.
This server provides essential support to local charities.
使用: formal语境: Non-profit, Community Services
笔记: 在非营利组织中,服务机构指提供帮助或支持的组织。



A waiter is a person who serves food and drinks in a restaurant.
例子: The waiter brought us our drinks.
笔记: Waiter specifically refers to someone who serves food and drinks in a restaurant, whereas a server can be used in a broader context.


A waitress is a female server who serves food and drinks in a restaurant.
例子: The waitress took our orders with a smile.
笔记: Similar to waiter, waitress specifically refers to a female server in a restaurant.


An attendant is a person employed to provide a service or give assistance.
例子: The flight attendant served snacks to the passengers.
笔记: Attendant is a more general term that can refer to someone providing services or assistance in various contexts, not just in restaurants.


A host is a person who receives or entertains guests.
例子: The host greeted us at the entrance and led us to our table.
笔记: While a host can also refer to someone who entertains guests, it can encompass a broader range of responsibilities beyond serving food and drinks.



A person who serves food and drinks in a restaurant.
例子: The waiter brought us the menu as soon as we sat down.
笔记: Waiter/waitress specifically refers to someone who serves in a restaurant setting.

Service provider

An individual or company that provides a service to customers.
例子: The company is a leading service provider in the IT industry.
笔记: Service provider is a broader term that can refer to various types of services beyond just food service.

Customer service

The support and assistance provided by a business to its customers.
例子: The customer service representative helped me resolve my issue quickly.
笔记: Customer service focuses on assisting customers with their inquiries, complaints, or issues.

Serve a purpose

To be useful or fulfill a particular function.
例子: The new software update serves a dual purpose of improving performance and security.
笔记: Serve a purpose broadens the concept to include any kind of utility or function beyond serving food or drinks.

Serve someone right

To be deserved or appropriate as a consequence.
例子: After being rude to the waiter, it served him right when his order was wrong.
笔记: Serve someone right implies a sense of deserved consequence or justice, usually in a negative context.

Serve notice

To formally inform someone of a decision or action that will be taken.
例子: The landlord served notice to the tenant to vacate the property within 30 days.
笔记: Serve notice is a legal term indicating the formal delivery of information or action.

Serve the purpose

To fulfill the intended goal or function adequately.
例子: A simple tool can serve the purpose just as effectively as a complex one.
笔记: Serve the purpose is a more direct way of expressing utility or functionality without the formality of 'serve a purpose'.


Serve up

This term is commonly used to indicate the action of serving or providing something, especially in a restaurant or food service setting.
例子: The server will serve up the drinks in just a few minutes.
笔记: It's a more casual and colloquial way of saying 'serve'.


This term is a blend of 'waiter' and 'patron' and is sometimes used to refer to waitstaff in restaurants.
例子: The waitron took our orders quickly and efficiently.
笔记: It's a less formal and more playful term compared to 'waiter' or 'waitress'.

Server farm

This term refers to a collection of computer servers working together, typically in a data center or other centralized location.
例子: The company has a large server farm to store all their data.
笔记: It's a technical term specific to the field of information technology.

Table touch

In the restaurant industry, a table touch is a quick visit to a table by the server to check on guests, ensure satisfaction, or offer additional assistance.
例子: Make sure to do a table touch after you deliver the dessert.
笔记: It's a specialized term mainly used in the context of restaurant service.

Sling drinks

To 'sling drinks' means to serve or mix drinks quickly and skillfully, often in a high-paced environment like a bar.
例子: After the dinner rush, the bartender will start slinging drinks at the bar.
笔记: It's a more informal and energetic way of describing the act of bartending.

Back server

In restaurant terminology, a back server assists the main server in various tasks such as clearing tables, refilling drinks, and delivering food.
例子: The back server will help clear the tables and bring out the main courses.
笔记: It's a specific term used within the restaurant industry to distinguish roles and responsibilities.

Serving platter

A serving platter is a large, flat plate or tray used for presenting and serving food, typically by a server in a formal setting.
例子: The server carried out the entrees on a beautiful silver serving platter.
笔记: It refers specifically to the serving vessel rather than the act of serving itself.

Server - 例子

The server is down.
The website is hosted on a dedicated server.
The company provides server maintenance services.


Server - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: server
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): servers
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): server
server 包含2个音节: serv • er
音标: ˈsər-vər
serv er , ˈsər vər (红色音节是重读的)

Server - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
server: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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