英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

相似的, 相似之处, 类似的, 相仿的

Similar 的含义在中文中

“Similar” 是一个常用的形容词,表示两者或多者之间在某些方面有相似之处。这个词在日常英语中经常使用,适用于多种场合。


  1. 描述事物:可以用来比较物品、外观、特征等。例如:

    • "These two shirts are similar."(这两件衬衫很相似。)
    • "Her style is similar to mine."(她的风格与我相似。)
  2. 比较人:用来说明两个人在性格、行为或背景上的相似性。例如:

    • "They have similar interests."(他们有相似的兴趣。)
    • "The twins look very similar."(这对双胞胎看起来非常相似。)
  3. 学术或专业场合:在讨论理论、研究或数据时,常用“similar”来表达数据或结果的相似性。例如:

    • "The results are similar to previous studies."(结果与之前的研究相似。)


  • "Similar to"(与……相似)
  • "In a similar way"(以类似的方式)
  • "Similar but different"(相似但不同)



  1. 有时学习者会将“similar”与“same”混淆。需要注意,“similar”表示相似,而“same”表示完全相同。
  2. 使用时要注意搭配,比如“similar to”而不是“similar with”。


  • 同义词:alike, comparable, analogous
  • 反义词:different, dissimilar, unlike

“Similar”的发音为 /ˈsɪm.ɪ.lər/。注意重音在第一个音节上,后面的音节发音较轻。


Similar 的含义在中文中


The two paintings are very similar.
Their ideas are similar in many ways.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to compare two or more things that have likenesses or common characteristics.
笔记: 常用于描述外观、感觉、思想或概念的相似性。


There are some similarities between the two cultures.
Can you find any similarities in their approaches?
使用: formal/informal语境: Often used in discussions or analyses to identify shared traits or characteristics.
笔记: 通常用于比较不同事物时,强调共同的特点。


She has a similar style to her sister.
They wore similar outfits to the party.
使用: informal语境: Used to describe things that are alike but may not be identical.
笔记: 强调的是不完全相同的相似性,常用于日常交流中。


The two products are quite similar in function.
Their experiences were somewhat similar.
使用: formal语境: Used in more technical or formal contexts to indicate resemblance in function or experience.
笔记: 这个词常用于比较更专业的领域,比如技术、产品分析等。



Alike means similar in appearance or nature.
例子: The two sisters look very alike.
笔记: Alike specifically refers to resemblance in appearance or nature.


Resemble means to be similar or bear a likeness to something else.
例子: The new building closely resembles the old one.
笔记: Resemble emphasizes the likeness or similarity between two things.


Analogous means comparable in certain respects, typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the things compared.
例子: The relationship between the two concepts is analogous to that of a parent and child.
笔记: Analogous implies a comparison that highlights similarities in a particular aspect or relationship.


Like indicates similarity or resemblance.
例子: His behavior is like that of a child.
笔记: Like is a more general term for indicating similarity in various aspects.


Like two peas in a pod

This phrase means two people or things are very similar or nearly identical.
例子: Sarah and her sister are like two peas in a pod; they both love dancing.
笔记: This idiom implies a closer and more intimate similarity than just being similar.

Birds of a feather flock together

This idiom means people who are similar to each other tend to spend time together.
例子: They say birds of a feather flock together, which is why they are such good friends.
笔记: It emphasizes the tendency of similar individuals to associate with one another.

Cut from the same cloth

This phrase means two people are very similar in character or behavior.
例子: The two brothers are cut from the same cloth; they both have a great sense of humor.
笔记: It suggests that the similarities are deeply ingrained and fundamental.

Two of a kind

This phrase means two people or things that are very similar or alike.
例子: Those twins are two of a kind; they always finish each other's sentences.
笔记: It implies a close similarity often used in a positive context.

In the same boat

This idiom means being in the same situation or facing the same challenges.
例子: We're all in the same boat when it comes to dealing with the new regulations.
笔记: It emphasizes being in a shared circumstance rather than direct similarity.

Of a piece

This phrase means being similar or consistent in nature or character.
例子: The two proposals are of a piece in terms of their focus on sustainability.
笔记: It suggests a cohesive and interconnected similarity.

In the same vein

This phrase means similar in style, manner, or content.
例子: Her latest artwork is in the same vein as her earlier pieces, focusing on nature.
笔记: It highlights similarity in a particular aspect or approach.

On the same wavelength

This idiom means being in agreement or having a mutual understanding.
例子: They seem to be on the same wavelength when it comes to their taste in music.
笔记: It emphasizes a harmonious similarity in thoughts or communication.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other

This phrase means two alternatives are essentially the same or equally acceptable.
例子: Choosing between the two options is like six of one, half a dozen of the other; they are equally good.
笔记: It implies that the choices are equally similar or equivalent.


Same here

This term is used to express agreement or similarity with something that has been said.
例子: A: I really enjoyed that movie. B: Same here!
笔记: While 'similar' denotes likeness in general, 'same here' specifically indicates agreement or shared sentiments.

Right up my alley

This phrase means something is well-suited to one's interests or preferences, indicating a strong connection or similarity.
例子: Sports are right up my alley; I love playing and watching them.
笔记: Instead of just being similar, 'right up my alley' emphasizes a close match or fit with personal preferences or skills.

In the same ballpark

This term means an estimate or guess that is close to a correct or expected value, showing a similarity in range or proximity.
例子: Our budget estimates are not far off; we're in the same ballpark.
笔记: Unlike 'similar,' 'in the same ballpark' specifically refers to being close or approximately correct rather than strictly similar.


This term is used to indicate agreement, similarity, or confirmation of a previous statement without repeating it explicitly.
例子: A: I think this plan will work. B: Ditto.
笔记: While 'similar' conveys likeness, 'ditto' emphasizes echoing or seconding a previous statement without restating it.

Kindred spirits

This phrase refers to people who share a similar outlook, attitude, or personality, suggesting a deep connection or similarity.
例子: Even though we just met, it feels like we're kindred spirits.
笔记: Unlike 'similar,' 'kindred spirits' implies a strong emotional or spiritual affinity rather than just surface-level likeness.

Two peas in a pod

This idiom implies that two individuals are very similar or closely connected, often indicating a strong bond or compatibility.
例子: They're always together; like two peas in a pod.
笔记: Although similar to 'similar,' 'two peas in a pod' emphasizes an inseparable or nearly identical relationship between two entities.

Cut out of the same cloth

This saying means individuals are very similar in character, behavior, or traits, often suggesting a shared origin or upbringing.
例子: Those two siblings are cut out of the same cloth; they both have a strong work ethic.
笔记: While 'similar' denotes likeness in general, 'cut out of the same cloth' focuses on shared characteristics or backgrounds that make two entities alike.

Similar - 例子

Similar to the previous model, this car also has a hybrid engine.
The two paintings are identical in every detail.
The two roads run parallel to each other for several miles.


Similar - 形容词 (Adjective) / 形容词 (Adjective)
词元: similar
形容词 (Adjective): similar
similar 包含3个音节: sim • i • lar
音标: ˈsi-mə-lər
sim i lar , ˈsi lər (红色音节是重读的)

Similar - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
similar: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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