英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

通常, 一般, 往往

Usually 的含义在中文中

“Usually” 是一个常用的副词,表示某事在大多数情况下发生或存在。它常用于日常对话和书面语中,适合各种场合,包括正式和非正式的环境。


  1. 表示频率
    “Usually” 用于描述某个行为或事件的常规性。例如:

    • I usually wake up at 7 AM.(我通常在早上7点起床。)
    • She usually goes to the gym after work.(她通常在下班后去健身房。)
  2. 搭配动词
    “Usually” 通常与动词连用,放在动词前面或句末。例如:

    • They usually eat dinner at 6 PM.(他们通常在晚上6点吃晚餐。)
    • He reads books usually before bed.(他通常在睡觉前看书。)
  3. 用于疑问句和否定句
    在疑问句中,“usually” 用于询问某事的常规情况。例如:

    • Do you usually take the bus to work?(你通常坐公交去上班吗?)
    • I don’t usually drink coffee.(我通常不喝咖啡。)


  • Usually, I...(通常,我……)
  • It’s usually the case that...(通常情况下……)
  • Usually, people...(通常,人们……)


“Usually” 在日常交流中很常见,适用于描述个人习惯、普遍现象或常规情况。它可以用于正式的书面语,如报告、文章,也可以用于非正式的口语交流。


  1. 位置错误:有时学习者可能会把“usually”放在错误的位置。应确保它位于动词前或句末。

    • 错误:I wake usually up at 7 AM.
    • 正确:I usually wake up at 7 AM.
  2. 与其他频率副词混淆:学习者可能会将“usually”与“often”或“sometimes”混淆。要注意它们之间的频率差异。


  • 同义词:generally(一般),normally(正常情况下),ordinarily(通常)。
  • 反义词:rarely(很少),seldom(不常)。


“Usually”的发音为 /ˈjuːʒuəli/。注意“u”发音为 /juː/,而“ally”的发音较快,常被简化为 /əli/。


“Usually” 是由“usual”加上副词后缀“-ly”构成,表示“通常的”状态。其词源来自拉丁语“usus”,意为“使用”。

Usually 的含义在中文中


I usually go for a walk in the morning.
She usually drinks coffee instead of tea.
使用: Informal语境: Everyday conversation, expressing habits or routines.
笔记: Usually indicates a frequency or a general tendency, but not an absolute certainty.


Usually, the meeting starts at 10 AM.
He usually finishes his homework early.
使用: Formal/Informal语境: Used in both spoken and written language to describe norms or standards.
笔记: Can also imply a comparison to other situations or behaviors.


In winter, it usually snows in this region.
People usually feel happier during holidays.
使用: Informal语境: Describing tendencies or frequent occurrences.
笔记: Often used when suggesting a likelihood based on past experiences.



Generally means in a general or broad sense, without specifying exact details. It is often used to describe common behavior or practices.
例子: Generally, people tend to arrive on time for meetings.
笔记: Generally implies a broader scope compared to usually, as it can refer to a wider range of situations or circumstances.


Normally means in a way that is usual or expected according to a particular situation. It implies a regular or standard occurrence.
例子: Normally, I would have finished this task by now.
笔记: Normally is similar to usually but may convey a stronger sense of conformity to a set pattern or norm.


Commonly means in a way that is frequently or generally observed. It suggests a behavior or occurrence that is widespread or prevalent.
例子: Commonly, people prefer to shop online rather than in-store.
笔记: Commonly focuses on what is widely accepted or practiced, similar to usually, but with an emphasis on the frequency of occurrence.


More often than not

This phrase implies that something happens more frequently than not or most of the time.
例子: More often than not, I prefer to take the bus instead of driving.
笔记: It emphasizes a higher frequency than the word 'usually.'


This phrase indicates something that is characteristic or usual for a particular person, thing, or situation.
例子: She typically arrives at the office around 8:30 a.m.
笔记: It is often used in a more formal context compared to 'usually.'

As a rule

This phrase means following a general principle or standard behavior.
例子: As a rule, I try to avoid eating fast food.
笔记: It suggests a sense of adherence to a principle or guideline.

By and large

This phrase means generally or mostly.
例子: By and large, the project was a success.
笔记: It conveys a broader sense of encompassing most aspects.

In general

This phrase refers to something that is true as a whole or overall.
例子: In general, people tend to prefer warmer climates.
笔记: It presents a more overarching view compared to 'usually.'

Most of the time

This phrase indicates a high frequency of occurrence, similar to 'usually.'
例子: Most of the time, I enjoy spending time outdoors.
笔记: It emphasizes a slightly higher occurrence rate than the word 'usually.'

As usual

This phrase suggests that something is happening in the customary or expected manner.
例子: As usual, he was the first one to arrive at the meeting.
笔记: It implies a sense of predictability or regularity in a situation.

In most cases

This phrase indicates something that is true for the majority of instances.
例子: In most cases, students are required to submit their assignments online.
笔记: It emphasizes the prevalence of a particular situation or condition.



Refers to something that happens most commonly or habitually.
例子: I usually go for a run in the morning.
笔记: This is the standard, non-slang term for 'typically'


Means frequently or many times.
例子: Oftentimes, people forget to check their emails.
笔记: Less formal than 'usually', but similar in meaning.

More times than not

Indicates a frequency greater than half of the time.
例子: More times than not, she wears a blue dress to work.
笔记: A colloquial expression similar to saying 'more often than not'

Nine times out of ten

Implies a high probability or frequency of occurrence.
例子: Nine times out of ten, the bus is late.
笔记: Emphasizes a high rate of occurrence, more than 'usually'


Refers to happening often or at short intervals.
例子: He frequently visits his grandmother on weekends.
笔记: More formal than using the slang term 'usually'.


Means occurring at fixed times or with consistency.
例子: I regularly go to the gym three times a week.
笔记: Indicates a habitual action, similar to 'usually'.

Usually - 例子

I usually wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
She usually takes the bus to work, but sometimes she drives.
We usually have pizza on Fridays.


Usually - 副词 (Adverb) / 副词 (Adverb)
词元: usually
副词 (Adverb): usually
Usually 包含3个音节: usu • al • ly
音标: ˈyü-zhə-wə-lē
usu al ly , ˈyü zhə (红色音节是重读的)

Usually - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
Usually: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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