英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

各种各样的, 不同的, 多样的

Various 的含义在中文中

“Various” 是一个常用的英语形容词,表示“多种的”或“各种各样的”。它通常用来描述多个不同的事物、种类或类型。


  1. 日常对话:在日常交流中,人们常用“various”来形容不同的选择或类型。例如:

    • There are various options available for dinner.(晚餐有多种选择。)
    • She has various hobbies, including painting and hiking.(她有多种爱好,包括绘画和远足。)
  2. 学术和正式场合:在学术论文或正式报告中,使用“various”可以强调多样性。例如:

    • The study examines various factors affecting climate change.(该研究考察了影响气候变化的多种因素。)
    • Various studies have shown the benefits of exercise.(多项研究表明锻炼的好处。)
  3. 商业和广告:在商业环境中,“various”常用于描述产品或服务。例如:

    • Our store offers various brands of electronics.(我们的商店提供多种品牌的电子产品。)
    • The website features various articles on health and wellness.(该网站有多种关于健康和保健的文章。)


  • Various kinds of(各种类型的)
  • Various factors(各种因素)
  • Various reasons(多种原因)


  • “Various” 不用于单数名词。应与复数名词搭配。
    • 错误:There is various option available.
    • 正确:There are various options available.


  • 同义词:diverse, different, numerous
  • 反义词:single, one, same

“Various”的发音为 /ˈvɛəriəs/,重音在第一个音节。注意“v”和“r”的发音。

“Various” 源自拉丁语“varius”,意为“多样的”。作为形容词,它通常放在名词前面,描述名词的多样性。

Various 的含义在中文中


There are various options available.
She has various hobbies, including painting and hiking.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to describe a range of different items, ideas, or people.
笔记: This meaning emphasizes diversity and variety, often used when listing or discussing different aspects.


They faced various challenges during the project.
The team includes various specialists.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to highlight differences among items or people.
笔记: This meaning can imply not just variety, but also distinctiveness among the items or people being described.


The festival featured various performances.
We have various flavors of ice cream.
使用: formal/informal语境: Often used in contexts such as art, culture, or food.
笔记: This usage conveys a sense of richness and variety, often in a positive connotation.



Used to indicate a distinction or contrast between two or more things.
例子: There are different ways to approach this problem.
笔记: Different emphasizes contrast or distinction, whereas various suggests a range of different things.


Refers to a small number of things that are more than two but not many.
例子: I have several options for you to choose from.
笔记: Several implies a specific number of items, while various is more general and can indicate a larger range of things.


Indicates a large number or quantity of something.
例子: There are numerous benefits to regular exercise.
笔记: Numerous emphasizes a high quantity, while various suggests a diversity of things.


Refers to a variety of different types or forms.
例子: The group is made up of people from diverse backgrounds.
笔记: Diverse emphasizes a range of different types or forms, while various suggests a broader assortment of things.


Various ways

Refers to different methods or approaches that can be used.
例子: There are various ways to solve this problem.
笔记: The phrase 'various ways' specifically highlights the existence of different options or possibilities.

Various reasons

Indicates multiple possible explanations or causes.
例子: There could be various reasons why she didn't show up.
笔记: Emphasizes the presence of multiple causes or factors for a situation.

In various fields

Denotes different areas or disciplines.
例子: He has expertise in various fields such as technology and finance.
笔记: Highlights the diversity of expertise across different subject areas.

Various options

Refers to a range of choices or alternatives.
例子: We have various options to choose from for our vacation destination.
笔记: Emphasizes the availability of different choices or selections.

Various people

Represents a diverse group of individuals.
例子: Various people attended the conference, including experts and academics.
笔记: Points out the diversity or variety among the attendees.

In various ways

Denotes different manners or methods of expressing something.
例子: She expressed her gratitude in various ways, from a thank-you note to a small gift.
笔记: Shows the diversity in the ways or forms of expression.

Various sources

Refers to different origins or references.
例子: The report cited various sources to support its claims.
笔记: Highlights the variety of places or references where information is obtained.

Of various kinds

Denotes different types or categories.
例子: The museum exhibits artifacts of various kinds, from ancient pottery to modern art.
笔记: Emphasizes the diversity in the types or classifications of objects.

Various aspects

Refers to different facets or viewpoints.
例子: The project will be evaluated from various aspects, including cost, efficiency, and impact.
笔记: Highlights the multiple dimensions or perspectives from which something is considered.


All sorts of

This slang term emphasizes the variety and diversity of something.
例子: I have all sorts of books at home - mystery, romance, even some science fiction.
笔记: While 'various' implies a selection from a range of options, 'all sorts of' suggests a broader and more comprehensive assortment.

Mixed bag

Refers to a combination of different types or qualities.
例子: The concert featured a mixed bag of musical genres, appealing to different tastes in the audience.
笔记: Unlike 'various', 'mixed bag' conveys a sense of unpredictability or inconsistency in the assortment.

Every which way

Describes something happening in all possible directions or in a chaotic manner.
例子: The project seemed to be going every which way with no clear direction.
笔记: This slang term goes beyond the idea of various to imply disorder, confusion, or lack of direction.


Refers to a varied collection of different types of things.
例子: She brought an assorted selection of pastries to the party.
笔记: Similar to 'various', 'assorted' also indicates a mix of different items, but it often implies a curated or intentionally selected assortment.

A little bit of everything

Indicates a wide variety or diverse range of items or choices.
例子: Their shop offers a little bit of everything - from vintage clothes to handmade crafts.
笔记: While 'various' suggests a range of options, 'a little bit of everything' emphasizes inclusivity and diversity in a more casual manner.

Across the board

Refers to something being applied universally or affecting all parts.
例子: The company made changes across the board, affecting all departments.
笔记: Unlike 'various', 'across the board' focuses on a comprehensive scope of impact or coverage.

Various - 例子

Various types of flowers were blooming in the garden.
The menu offers various options for vegetarians.
The book contains various stories from different cultures.


Various - 形容词 (Adjective) / 形容词 (Adjective)
词元: various
形容词 (Adjective): various
various 包含3个音节: var • i • ous
音标: ˈver-ē-əs
var i ous , ˈver ē əs (红色音节是重读的)

Various - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
various: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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