英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

白色, 清白, 无辜, 空白, 白种人

White 的含义在中文中


  1. 颜色描述

    • “白色”作为颜色的名称,常用于形容物体的颜色。例如:
      • “The walls are white.”(墙壁是白色的。)
      • “She wore a white dress.”(她穿了一件白色的裙子。)
  2. 象征意义

    • “白色”在文化中常常象征纯洁、清新和简单。例如:
      • “White is often associated with purity.”(白色常与纯洁相关联。)
      • “In many cultures, white is worn at weddings.”(在许多文化中,白色在婚礼上穿着。)
  3. 日常表达

    • “White”在一些常用短语中出现,例如:
      • “White lie”(善意的谎言):指小谎言,通常是为了保护他人感情。
      • “White-collar worker”(白领工人):指在办公室工作的专业人士。
  4. 使用场合

    • “白色”在正式和非正式场合均可使用。在描述颜色时,通常是非正式的,而在讨论象征意义时,可能更为正式。
  5. 常见错误

    • 学习者可能会混淆“白色”和“白”的用法。在英语中,“white”是形容词,而“white”作为名词时通常指颜色本身或某种物体(如“the white of an egg”指蛋白)。
  6. 相关词汇

    • 同义词:pale(苍白的)、light(浅色的)
    • 反义词:black(黑色的)、dark(深色的)
  7. 发音细节

    • “White”的发音为/wait/,注意“wh”发音类似于“w”,而“i”发音为长音,类似于“ai”。
  8. 语法与词源

    • “White”作为形容词可以用来修饰名词,如“white paper”(白色纸张)。作为名词时,可以独立使用,表示颜色。词源上,“white”源自古英语“hwita”,与德语中的“weiß”同源,均表示颜色。


White 的含义在中文中


The walls are painted white.
She wore a white dress to the party.
使用: formal/informal语境: Describing colors in everyday situations.
笔记: 白色是中文中对颜色的常用表达,适用于各种场合。


He proved his innocence and is now white as snow.
She was found to be white in the investigation.
使用: formal语境: Legal or ethical discussions.
笔记: 在法律或道德语境中,'白'通常表示无罪或清白。


She is white of any wrongdoing.
He is white regarding the accusations.
使用: formal语境: Legal or moral discussions.
笔记: 这个用法侧重于表示某人没有做错事。


Please fill in the white space on the form.
There was a white in his memory about that event.
使用: formal/informal语境: Writing or documentation.
笔记: 在文书或记录中,'空白'表示未填写的部分。


He identifies as a white person.
The study focused on the experiences of white people.
使用: formal/informal语境: Discussions about race and ethnicity.
笔记: 在谈论种族和民族时,'白种人'是一个常用的术语。



Ivory is a creamy white color resembling the material from elephant tusks.
例子: She wore an elegant ivory dress to the party.
笔记: Ivory is more specific and often associated with a luxurious or elegant appearance.


Cream is a pale yellowish-white color, similar to the color of dairy cream.
例子: The walls of the living room were painted in a warm cream color.
笔记: Cream is warmer in tone compared to plain white.


Snowy describes a bright white color similar to that of snow.
例子: The mountain peaks were covered in a snowy blanket.
笔记: Snowy specifically refers to the color associated with snow.


Pearl is a smooth, lustrous white color resembling the surface of a pearl.
例子: Her necklace was adorned with lustrous pearl beads.
笔记: Pearl is often used to describe a soft, iridescent white color.


Alabaster is a fine-grained, translucent white or tinted variety of gypsum.
例子: The sculpture was carved from pure alabaster.
笔记: Alabaster is more specific and often refers to a natural stone material.


White lie

A white lie is a harmless or small lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
例子: She told a white lie to protect her friend's feelings.
笔记: The color white in this phrase is used metaphorically to indicate something innocent or harmless rather than the literal color.


White-collar refers to office or professional work that does not involve manual labor.
例子: He works in a white-collar job as a financial analyst.
笔记: The term white-collar contrasts with blue-collar, which refers to manual or industrial work.

White as a sheet

To be white as a sheet means to be extremely pale due to fear, shock, or illness.
例子: When she saw the ghost, she turned white as a sheet.
笔记: The phrase emphasizes the extreme whiteness of someone's complexion, likening it to a white sheet of paper.

White elephant

A white elephant refers to a costly possession that is burdensome or useless.
例子: The expensive vase she bought turned out to be a white elephant in her living room.
笔记: The term originates from the practice of giving white elephants as gifts in Southeast Asia, which were expensive to maintain but culturally significant.


A white-knuckle experience is thrilling, intense, or nerve-wracking, often involving danger or excitement.
例子: The white-knuckle ride on the roller coaster left her exhilarated.
笔记: The phrase describes gripping something tightly due to fear or excitement, causing the knuckles to turn white.

White flag

To wave the white flag is to surrender or admit defeat.
例子: After hours of negotiation, they finally waved the white flag and agreed to a truce.
笔记: The white flag symbolizes peace or surrender, especially in the context of war or conflict.

White noise

White noise refers to a constant background noise that can mask other sounds and promote relaxation or concentration.
例子: The fan in the room provided a soothing white noise that helped her sleep.
笔记: The term comes from white light, which contains all the wavelengths of the visible spectrum, and in this context, it refers to a sound that contains all audible frequencies.



This slang term is used to refer to a white-colored animal or person.
例子: I saw a whitey cat in the neighborhood.
笔记: This term is informal and colloquial compared to simply saying 'white.'


A playful term used to describe white-colored screws, nuts, or bolts that are tightened or fastened.
例子: Make sure you fasten the whitey-tighty screws securely.
笔记: It adds a whimsical touch to the term 'white,' making it more engaging to use.


A slang term used for a white-colored weed eater or lawn trimmer.
例子: He mowed the lawn with the new whitey-whacker he bought.
笔记: It is a creative and informal way to refer to a specific item by using color and adding a fun twist to the term.

White - 例子

The walls of the room were painted white.
The snow was so white it hurt my eyes.
She used a white bleach to whiten her clothes.


White - 专有名词 (Proper noun) / 专有名词,单数 (Proper noun, singular)
词元: white
形容词,比较级 (Adjective, comparative): whiter
形容词,最高级 (Adjective, superlative): whitest
形容词 (Adjective): white
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): whites, white
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): white
动词,过去时 (Verb, past tense): whited
动词,动名词或现在分词 (Verb, gerund or present participle): whiting
动词,第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): whites
动词,原形 (Verb, base form): white
动词,非第三人称单数现在时 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): white
white 包含1个音节: white
音标: ˈ(h)wīt
white , ˈ(h)wīt (红色音节是重读的)

White - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
white: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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