

100 - 200
100 - 200
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

Many -

A large number or amount of something

例子: There are many people waiting in line.
使用: informal语境: everyday conversations
笔记: This is the most common meaning of 'many' and is used to indicate a large quantity or number.

A considerable number or amount but less than a lot

例子: I have many friends, but only a few close ones.
使用: formal语境: written or formal speech
笔记: This meaning implies a significant number or amount, but not an overwhelming quantity.

Used to emphasize the extent or degree of something

例子: There are many reasons why I can't go.
使用: informal语境: casual conversations
笔记: In this context, 'many' is used to stress the abundance or variety of reasons.



Numerous means a large number or quantity, similar to many but with a slightly more formal tone.
例子: There are numerous reasons for his success.
笔记: Numerous is often used in more formal or academic contexts compared to many.


Plenty means a plentiful amount, more than enough, or a sufficient quantity.
例子: There are plenty of opportunities for growth in this company.
笔记: Plenty can imply an abundance or more than what is needed, while many simply refers to a large number.


Several means more than two but not many, indicating a moderate amount.
例子: Several students volunteered to help with the project.
笔记: Several is used when you want to indicate a specific but not overly large number, whereas many is more general.


Numerical refers to something that is related to numbers or numerical values.
例子: The numerical data shows a clear trend in consumer behavior.
笔记: Numerical is more specific and relates to quantifiable data, while many is a general term for a large quantity.


A dime a dozen

This phrase means something is very common and easy to get. It implies that the item is not unique or valuable.
例子: Those souvenirs are a dime a dozen in this area.
笔记: The original word 'many' simply indicates a large quantity, but 'a dime a dozen' emphasizes the commonness and lack of value of something.

Many hands make light work

This phrase suggests that when many people help with a task, the work becomes easier and quicker.
例子: Let's divide the tasks among everyone; many hands make light work.
笔记: While 'many' just denotes a large number, this phrase emphasizes the collaborative aspect and efficiency of having many people contribute to a task.

Too many cooks spoil the broth

This idiom warns against having too many people involved in a task or decision-making process, as it may lead to confusion or mistakes.
例子: We can't have everyone giving input on this project, remember, too many cooks spoil the broth.
笔记: Although 'many' refers to a large quantity, this phrase focuses on the negative consequences of having too many individuals involved in a specific situation.

The more, the merrier

This saying indicates that a larger number of people participating in an activity or gathering makes it more enjoyable.
例子: Feel free to invite your friends; the more, the merrier!
笔记: While 'many' denotes quantity, this phrase highlights the positive aspect of having a greater number of individuals, emphasizing the enjoyment and festivity that comes with it.

Many moons ago

This phrase is a poetic way of saying 'a long time ago' or 'in the distant past'.
例子: I visited that place many moons ago; it's been a long time.
笔记: Using 'many moons ago' adds a touch of nostalgia or poetic imagery to indicate a significant amount of time has passed since the event mentioned.

As many as

This phrase is used to emphasize the high quantity of something, often to show abundance or comparison.
例子: We have as many as ten applicants for the job opening.
笔记: While 'many' alone indicates a large number, 'as many as' is used to highlight the specific quantity, often in comparison to other amounts.

Not too many

This phrase suggests a limited or insufficient number of something, contrary to what might be expected.
例子: The store didn't have too many options to choose from, just a few.
笔记: By adding 'not too' to 'many', the phrase indicates a smaller quantity than anticipated or desired, rather than a plentiful amount.

One too many

This expression implies that someone has consumed more of something than is advisable or appropriate, often referring to alcohol.
例子: I think he had one too many drinks last night; he's not feeling well today.
笔记: While 'many' indicates a large number, 'one too many' suggests an excess or overindulgence that may lead to negative consequences.


Loads of

Loads of is used informally to mean a large or excessive number of something.
例子: There are loads of options to choose from at the store.
笔记: It emphasizes abundance or quantity more casually than just saying 'many'.

Tons of

Tons of is a colloquial expression meaning a great amount or a large number of something.
例子: I have tons of homework to do this weekend.
笔记: It conveys a sense of abundance in a more exaggerated or informal way compared to 'many'.

Oodles of

Oodles of is a fun and informal way to express a large or excessive amount of something.
例子: We have oodles of time before the event starts.
笔记: It adds a playful or whimsical tone while indicating a plentiful quantity.

A boatload of

A boatload of means an abundance or a large quantity of something, often more than expected.
例子: She bought a boatload of clothes during the sale.
笔记: It conveys the idea of a substantial amount in a vivid and vividly descriptive way.

A plethora of

A plethora of indicates a large or excessive amount of something, suggesting an overwhelming array of choices.
例子: There's a plethora of activities to choose from in this city.
笔记: It conveys a sense of variety and plentiful options, often with a sophisticated or formal tone.

A slew of

A slew of refers to a large number or variety of something, typically in a rapid or overwhelming manner.
例子: She received a slew of compliments on her new hairstyle.
笔记: It implies an unexpectedly large or diverse quantity, often used in a more casual or conversational context.

A myriad of

A myriad of means a countless or extremely large number of something, indicating a wide range of possibilities.
例子: The book offers a myriad of solutions to common problems.
笔记: It suggests an almost infinite amount or a vast array of options, often with a more formal or literary flair.

Many - 例子

I have many books.
There are many people in the park.
She has many friends.
We have eaten many apples.


Many - 形容词 (Adjective) / 形容词 (Adjective)
词元: many
Many 包含1个音节: many
音标: ˈme-nē
many , ˈme (红色音节是重读的)

Many - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
Many: 100 - 200 (极其常见).
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