

400 - 500
400 - 500
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

Particularly -

Especially; in particular

例子: I love all kinds of music, particularly jazz and classical.
使用: formal语境: academic or professional discussions
笔记: Used to single out one specific thing among others

To a great extent; notably

例子: The team played particularly well in the second half of the game.
使用: formal/informal语境: sports commentary, everyday conversations
笔记: Emphasizes a high degree or level of something

In a detailed or precise manner

例子: She explained the process particularly clearly during the presentation.
使用: formal语境: academic or technical writing
笔记: Indicates a detailed explanation or description



In particular

This phrase is used to specify a particular thing or person among others. It emphasizes the specific choice or preference.
例子: I enjoy all kinds of music, but I love rock music in particular.
笔记: It adds emphasis to the specific aspect being referred to.


This phrase indicates a special preference or emphasis on a particular thing or person.
例子: I love all animals, especially cats.
笔记: It indicates a stronger preference or emphasis compared to 'particularly.'


This phrase highlights a particular person or thing as being worthy of attention or notice.
例子: Many famous actors, notably Meryl Streep, attended the event.
笔记: It emphasizes the significant or outstanding nature of the person or thing mentioned.


This phrase indicates something done in a precise or exact manner, focusing on a particular detail or aspect.
例子: The instructions were specifically for the advanced class.
笔记: It indicates a clear focus on a particular detail or aspect, often used for clarification.

Particularly so

This phrase is used to emphasize that something is especially true in a particular context or situation.
例子: I find classical music calming, particularly so on stressful days.
笔记: It emphasizes the truth or significance of a statement, especially in a specific context.

Specifically speaking

This phrase is used to introduce a specific point or detail in a conversation or explanation.
例子: I can't eat spicy food, specifically speaking, I have a sensitive stomach.
笔记: It is often used to introduce a more detailed or focused explanation.

Above all

This phrase indicates a higher priority or preference for a particular thing above others.
例子: I love all kinds of sports, but above all, I enjoy playing tennis.
笔记: It emphasizes the topmost preference or priority among other choices.



Used informally to refer to something specific or individual without being too definite.
例子: I'm not looking for any job in particular right now.
笔记: Slang term retains the general idea but implies a more relaxed or casual tone.


Used to describe something as strange, odd, or unusual.
例子: He was dressed rather peculiarly for the occasion.
笔记: Slang term emphasizes the eccentric or abnormal nature of the described situation.


Informal shortening of 'particularly', used in casual conversation.
例子: I'm partic'ly interested in the latest fashion trends.
笔记: Slang term emphasizes informality and possibly speed of speech.


Used informally to place emphasis on a specific detail or aspect of the topic.
例子: I want to know specifical(ly) why you made that decision.
笔记: Slang term adds an extra emphasis on the specificity of the detail mentioned.


Informal variation of 'particularly', denoting a strong preference or reason.
例子: It's partictly why I love living in this neighborhood.
笔记: Slang term could denote a personal or emotional connection to the situation.

Particularly - 例子

I particularly enjoyed the second act of the play.


Particularly - 副词 (Adverb) / 副词 (Adverb)
词元: particularly
副词 (Adverb): particularly
Particularly 包含5个音节: par • tic • u • lar • ly
音标: pər-ˈti-kyə-(lər-)lē
par tic u lar ly , pər ˈti kyə (lər )lē (红色音节是重读的)

Particularly - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
Particularly: 400 - 500 (极其常见).
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