

0 - 100
0 - 100
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

Than -


例子: She is taller than her brother.
使用: formal语境: academic writing, formal discussions
笔记: Used to compare two things or people, indicating a higher degree in a particular quality.


例子: I would go for a walk than sit here all day.
使用: informal语境: casual conversations, everyday speech
笔记: Used to express a preference or choice between two options.


Instead of

Instead of is used to indicate a choice or substitution of one thing for another.
例子: I will have water instead of soda.
笔记: Instead of emphasizes the replacement or substitution aspect, whereas than is more general in comparison.

In comparison to

In comparison to is used to highlight similarities or differences between two things.
例子: The new model is faster in comparison to the old one.
笔记: In comparison to explicitly indicates a comparison is being made, while than is more straightforward.


Rather than

Used to indicate a preference for one thing over another.
例子: I would prefer tea rather than coffee.
笔记: It emphasizes a choice or preference between two options.

Other than

Excluding something or someone; apart from.
例子: He doesn't eat anything other than vegetables.
笔记: It denotes an exception or exclusion.

Better than

Indicates that one thing is superior or more preferable to another.
例子: I think pizza is better than burgers.
笔记: It compares the quality or value of two things.

Less than

Used to show a smaller amount or degree.
例子: She earns less than her brother.
笔记: It denotes a comparative degree of quantity or quality.

Rather than not

Used to indicate a preferable alternative to the absence of any choice.
例子: I would eat the salad rather than not eat anything at all.
笔记: It suggests choosing an option over having no option.

More than meets the eye

Indicates that there is more to something than what is initially apparent.
例子: The situation is complex; there's more than meets the eye.
笔记: It implies hidden depth or complexity beyond initial impressions.

Easier said than done

Expresses that something is more easily spoken about than actually accomplished.
例子: It's easier said than done to wake up early every day.
笔记: It highlights the difficulty of turning words into actions.

Bigger fish to fry

Refers to more important or pressing matters to attend to.
例子: Let's focus on this project first; we have bigger fish to fry.
笔记: It signifies prioritizing significant issues over smaller ones.

Rather you than me

Expresses relief that one is not in the same situation as another.
例子: You have to work late tonight? Rather you than me!
笔记: It conveys a sense of gratitude for not being in someone else's difficult position.


Other fish to fry

Having other matters or concerns that require attention.
例子: I can't spend time on that project; I have other fish to fry at the moment.
笔记: Similar to 'Bigger fish to fry' but with a slightly different nuance, suggesting alternative priorities rather than necessarily bigger ones.

Than - 例子

I am taller than my sister.
He is more intelligent than his classmates.
She prefers tea rather than coffee.
They arrived earlier than expected.


Than - 介词 (Adposition) / 介词或从属连词 (Preposition or subordinating conjunction)
词元: than
Than 包含1个音节: than
音标: t͟hən
than , t͟hən (红色音节是重读的)

Than - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
Than: 0 - 100 (极其常见).
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