Angličtina - Japonština


Velmi Běžný
~ 2100
~ 2100
Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000. Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.

平均 (へいきん, heikin), 普通 (ふつう, futsuu), 標準 (ひょうじゅん, hyoujun), 一般的 (いっぱんてき, ippanteki)

Významy Average v japonštině

平均 (へいきん, heikin)

The average score of the class was 75.
To find the average, add all the numbers and divide by the total count.
Použití: FormalKontext: Mathematical or statistical discussions.
Poznámka: Used in academic or formal settings to refer to the statistical average.

普通 (ふつう, futsuu)

He is an average student, not outstanding but not failing.
The food at the restaurant was average.
Použití: InformalKontext: Everyday conversation, describing quality or performance.
Poznámka: Often used to describe something that is neither good nor bad.

標準 (ひょうじゅん, hyoujun)

This is the average price for this type of product.
We need to meet the average standards set by the industry.
Použití: FormalKontext: Business or technical discussions regarding standards.
Poznámka: Refers to standards that are commonly accepted in a particular field.

一般的 (いっぱんてき, ippanteki)

On average, people spend two hours a day on social media.
The average person can understand this concept.
Použití: Formal/InformalKontext: General discussions or presentations.
Poznámka: Used to indicate what is typical or common among a group.

Synonyma Average


Typical refers to what is considered normal or usual for a particular situation or group.
Příklad: The typical student in our class is around 20 years old.
Poznámka: While 'average' can refer to a mathematical mean, 'typical' focuses more on what is commonly expected or representative.


Median is a statistical measure that divides a set of values into two equal halves.
Příklad: The median income of the population is used to assess economic trends.
Poznámka: While 'average' refers to the sum of values divided by the number of values, 'median' specifically represents the middle value in a dataset.


Ordinary describes something that is not special or exceptional.
Příklad: The prices at this store are quite ordinary for this neighborhood.
Poznámka: Unlike 'average' which can refer to a numerical calculation, 'ordinary' focuses on the quality of being common or unremarkable.


Standard refers to a level of quality or achievement that is commonly accepted or expected.
Příklad: This is considered a standard procedure for handling customer complaints.
Poznámka: While 'average' can refer to a midpoint or mean value, 'standard' implies a level of quality or expectation.

Výrazy a časté fráze Average

The average

Refers to the typical or normal level of a certain quantity or quality.
Příklad: The average student in the class scored 80% on the test.
Poznámka: Focuses on the mean or typical value among a group of items or individuals.

Above average

Means better or higher than the typical or normal level.
Příklad: Mary's performance was above average compared to her colleagues.
Poznámka: Indicates a level that exceeds the mean or typical value.

Below average

Refers to something that is worse or lower than the typical level.
Příklad: The restaurant's service was below average, with slow wait times.
Poznámka: Indicates a level that falls short of the mean or typical value.

Average Joe

Describes an ordinary or typical person, often with no special qualities or characteristics.
Příklad: He's just an average Joe, working a regular job and living a simple life.
Poznámka: Personifies the concept of the mean or typical individual in society.

Take the average

Means to calculate the mean or average value of a set of numbers or data points.
Příklad: To find the average, you need to take the average of all the numbers.
Poznámka: Focuses on the process of deriving the mean value.

Average out

Refers to balancing or leveling off over a period of time to reach a typical or normal value.
Příklad: Despite fluctuations, the prices eventually average out over time.
Poznámka: Emphasizes achieving a stable or standard value despite initial variations.

Averaging down

Involves buying more of an asset at a lower price to reduce the average cost per unit.
Příklad: Investors sometimes practice averaging down by buying more shares as the price drops.
Poznámka: Focuses on the financial strategy of lowering the average cost of an investment.

Average každodenní (slangové) výrazy


Used to express indifference or lack of enthusiasm about something.
Příklad: The movie was just meh, nothing special.
Poznámka: Indicates a more casual and less descriptive way to express mediocrity compared to 'average.'


Describes something that is neither particularly good nor bad.
Příklad: How was the concert? It was so-so, not great but not terrible either.
Poznámka: Conveys a similar meaning to 'average' but in a more informal and subjective manner.

Middle of the road

Refers to something that is moderate or average in quality.
Příklad: His performance was just middle of the road, nothing outstanding.
Poznámka: Implies a sense of being unremarkable or ordinary, similar to but slightly more informal than 'average.'


Used to convey a sense of disappointment or boredom with something.
Příklad: I thought the book was a bit ho-hum, didn't really capture my interest.
Poznámka: Suggests a lack of excitement or enthusiasm, often implying a lower level of satisfaction compared to 'average.'


Refers to something that is ordinary or average, with nothing exceptional about it.
Příklad: It's just a run-of-the-mill office job, nothing too exciting.
Poznámka: Emphasizes the idea of being commonplace or standard, typically in a slightly negative or unexciting connotation.

Fair to middling

Indicates something that is average or moderate in quality but not exceptional.
Příklad: How was the food? I'd say it was fair to middling, not the best I've had.
Poznámka: An idiomatic expression that stresses the idea of being moderately satisfactory, often used in a more colloquial context than 'average.'


Expresses a neutral or mediocre opinion about something.
Příklad: The movie was okay, I've seen better.
Poznámka: Conveys a lukewarm or tepid response, indicating a level of satisfaction that is not particularly high compared to 'average.'

Average - Příklady

The average temperature in July is 25 degrees Celsius.
His grades are just average.
The movie was mediocre, just a run-of-the-mill romantic comedy.

Gramatika Average

Average - Přídavné jméno (Adjective) / Přídavné jméno (Adjective)
Lemma: average
Přídavné jméno (Adjective): average
Podstatné jméno, množné číslo (Noun, plural): averages, average
Podstatné jméno, jednotné nebo hromadné (Noun, singular or mass): average
Sloveso, minulý čas (Verb, past tense): averaged
Sloveso, gerundium nebo přítomné příčestí (Verb, gerund or present participle): averaging
Sloveso, 3. osoba jednotného čísla přítomného času (Verb, 3rd person singular present): averages
Sloveso, základní tvar (Verb, base form): average
Sloveso, přítomný čas ne 3. osoba jednotného čísla (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): average
Slabiky, Rozčlenění a Přízvuk
average obsahuje 3 slabik: av • er • age
Fonetický přepis: ˈa-v(ə-)rij
av er age , ˈa v(ə )rij (Červená slabika je přízvučná)

Average - Důležitost a četnost používání

Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000.
average: ~ 2100 (Velmi Běžný).
Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy ti pomáhá snadno objevovat, organizovat a učit se nová slova a fráze. Vytvářej personalizované sbírky slovní zásoby a procvičuj kdykoli a kdekoli.