Angličtina - Japonština


Velmi Běžný
~ 2200
~ 2200
Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000. Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.

区別する (くべつする), 識別する (しきべつする), 見分ける (みわける), 区分する (くぶんする)

Významy Distinguish v japonštině

区別する (くべつする)

It's important to distinguish between fact and opinion.
He can easily distinguish different bird species.
Použití: FormalKontext: Used in discussions or writings where clarity between two or more items is needed.
Poznámka: This meaning emphasizes the ability to recognize differences.

識別する (しきべつする)

The software can distinguish between legitimate and fraudulent transactions.
She has a keen sense to distinguish tastes in food.
Použití: FormalKontext: Often used in technical or scientific contexts.
Poznámka: This term is more about identifying or recognizing characteristics.

見分ける (みわける)

Can you distinguish between the two paintings?
It's hard to distinguish her voice in a crowd.
Použití: InformalKontext: Used in everyday conversation when talking about recognizing differences.
Poznámka: This is a more casual term often used in daily life.

区分する (くぶんする)

We need to distinguish the categories of data for the analysis.
The law distinguishes between minor and major offenses.
Použití: FormalKontext: Commonly used in legal or technical discussions.
Poznámka: This meaning focuses on categorization.

Synonyma Distinguish


To recognize or ascertain what makes someone or something different.
Příklad: It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.
Poznámka: While 'distinguish' focuses on recognizing differences, 'differentiate' emphasizes the process of distinguishing between similar things or concepts.


To perceive or recognize something with difficulty by sight or intellect.
Příklad: She could discern the subtle nuances in the painting that others overlooked.
Poznámka: Similar to 'distinguish,' but 'discern' often implies a deeper level of perception or understanding.


To establish or indicate who or what someone or something is.
Příklad: Can you identify which bird is making that sound?
Poznámka: While 'distinguish' focuses on recognizing differences, 'identify' emphasizes recognizing and naming specific individuals or things.


To identify someone or something previously seen, known, or experienced.
Příklad: I couldn't recognize her at first with the new hairstyle.
Poznámka: Similar to 'distinguish,' but 'recognize' often involves recalling a previous encounter or familiarity with the person or thing.

Výrazy a časté fráze Distinguish

Distinguish between

To recognize the difference or contrast between two or more things.
Příklad: It's important to distinguish between right and wrong.
Poznámka: This phrase indicates making a clear distinction or differentiation between things.

Distinguish oneself

To stand out from others due to exceptional qualities or actions.
Příklad: She distinguished herself as the top performer in the competition.
Poznámka: This phrase suggests achieving recognition or distinction through notable actions or qualities.


Capable of being perceived as different or distinct.
Příklad: The two types of birds are easily distinguishable by their color patterns.
Poznámka: This term refers to the quality of being able to be distinguished or recognized as distinct from something else.


Recognized as successful, authoritative, or prestigious in a particular field.
Příklad: He is a distinguished professor in the field of economics.
Poznámka: This term implies having achieved a high level of respect or honor in a specific area.

Hard to distinguish

Difficult to recognize or differentiate one from another.
Příklad: The twins looked so alike that it was hard to distinguish between them.
Poznámka: This phrase indicates the challenge in perceiving or discerning a clear difference.

Distinguish každodenní (slangové) výrazy

Tell apart

This slang term means to distinguish between two similar things or people.
Příklad: Their twin brothers were so identical it was hard to tell them apart.
Poznámka: The slang term 'tell apart' specifically refers to distinguishing between similar things without using the word 'distinguish.'

Pick out

To select or identify something from a group, indicating the act of distinguishing it.
Příklad: Can you pick out the best piece of artwork from the collection?
Poznámka: While 'pick out' involves selection, it also involves the act of discerning or recognizing something, not just choosing it.

Spot the difference

Refers to identifying discrepancies or variations between similar things or images.
Příklad: In the spot-the-difference game, players have to find the discrepancies between two seemingly identical pictures.
Poznámka: This term is often used to describe a game or activity where participants have to identify small discrepancies rather than general distinctions.

Distinguish - Příklady

English: It's important to distinguish between fact and opinion.
English: The unique design of the building distinguishes it from the others in the area.
English: Her talent for languages distinguishes her from her peers.

Gramatika Distinguish

Distinguish - Sloveso (Verb) / Sloveso, základní tvar (Verb, base form)
Lemma: distinguish
Sloveso, minulý čas (Verb, past tense): distinguished
Sloveso, gerundium nebo přítomné příčestí (Verb, gerund or present participle): distinguishing
Sloveso, 3. osoba jednotného čísla přítomného času (Verb, 3rd person singular present): distinguishes
Sloveso, základní tvar (Verb, base form): distinguish
Sloveso, přítomný čas ne 3. osoba jednotného čísla (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): distinguish
Slabiky, Rozčlenění a Přízvuk
distinguish obsahuje 3 slabik: dis • tin • guish
Fonetický přepis: di-ˈstiŋ-(g)wish
dis tin guish , di ˈstiŋ (g)wish (Červená slabika je přízvučná)

Distinguish - Důležitost a četnost používání

Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000.
distinguish: ~ 2200 (Velmi Běžný).
Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy ti pomáhá snadno objevovat, organizovat a učit se nová slova a fráze. Vytvářej personalizované sbírky slovní zásoby a procvičuj kdykoli a kdekoli.