Angličtina - Japonština


Velmi Běžný
~ 2100
~ 2100
Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000. Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.

警告 (けいこく), 注意 (ちゅうい), 警告音 (けいこくおん), 警告メッセージ (けいこくめっせーじ)

Významy Warning v japonštině

警告 (けいこく)

The warning indicated a severe storm was approaching.
He received a warning about the potential hazards.
Použití: formalKontext: Used in official situations, safety announcements, and communications where potential dangers or risks are addressed.
Poznámka: This term is commonly used in formal contexts, such as in weather reports, official documents, and safety instructions.

注意 (ちゅうい)

Please pay attention to the warning signs!
The teacher gave a warning to the students about using their phones.
Použití: informalKontext: Used in everyday conversations and casual situations to alert someone about something they should be cautious about.
Poznámka: This term is often used in social contexts and can refer to advice or reminders, not just serious warnings.

警告音 (けいこくおん)

The alarm emitted a warning sound.
The car's warning sound alerted the driver to low fuel.
Použití: formalKontext: Used in technical or mechanical contexts, referring to sounds that indicate a warning or alert.
Poznámka: This term is specific to audio alerts and is commonly used in discussions about machinery, vehicles, and alarms.

警告メッセージ (けいこくめっせーじ)

The computer displayed a warning message about the virus.
She ignored the warning message from the application.
Použití: formalKontext: Used in digital communication, particularly in software and applications to indicate problems or necessary actions.
Poznámka: This term is specifically used in the context of technology and digital devices, often indicating an error or caution.

Synonyma Warning


An alert is a notification or message that warns of a potential danger or problem.
Příklad: The weather service issued an alert for a severe thunderstorm.
Poznámka: An alert is often used in situations where immediate action is required to prevent harm or damage.


An admonition is a gentle or friendly warning or advice given to someone to correct a behavior.
Příklad: She received an admonition from her boss about coming in late to work.
Poznámka: Admonition implies a more gentle or cautionary tone compared to a warning.


Caution is a warning or piece of advice given to prevent something dangerous or risky from happening.
Příklad: The sign at the construction site gave a caution about falling debris.
Poznámka: Caution often implies a suggestion to be careful or to take preventive measures.


Advice is guidance or recommendations given to help someone make better decisions or avoid problems.
Příklad: His doctor gave him advice about reducing stress to improve his health.
Poznámka: Advice can encompass a broader range of suggestions and may not always be related to warning of imminent danger.

Výrazy a časté fráze Warning

Red flag

A red flag is a warning sign or signal of potential danger or a problem.
Příklad: When she saw him talking to her ex-boyfriend, it was a red flag for her.
Poznámka: A red flag is a visual symbol representing a warning, unlike the word 'warning' itself.

Cautionary tale

A cautionary tale is a story or narrative that serves as a warning to others, typically highlighting the consequences of certain actions.
Příklad: The movie was a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed.
Poznámka: It emphasizes the narrative aspect of a warning, often in the form of a story or lesson.

Forewarned is forearmed

This phrase means that being informed or aware of a potential problem allows one to be prepared for it.
Příklad: I knew there might be traffic, so I left early. Forewarned is forearmed, after all.
Poznámka: It emphasizes the importance of being informed as a means of being prepared.

Wake-up call

A wake-up call is an event or experience that alerts someone to a problem or danger and prompts them to take action.
Příklad: Failing that test was a real wake-up call for him to start studying harder.
Poznámka: It implies a sudden realization or realization of the need for action.


A heads-up is a warning or advance notice given to someone to inform them about something.
Příklad: Just a heads-up, there's a meeting at 2 p.m. today.
Poznámka: It is a more informal and friendly way of giving a warning or notice.

Bells and whistles

Bells and whistles refer to extra features or enhancements that serve as alerts or warnings.
Příklad: The new security system comes with all the bells and whistles to warn you about any intruders.
Poznámka: It emphasizes additional features beyond just a basic warning.

Caveat emptor

Caveat emptor is a Latin phrase meaning 'let the buyer beware,' warning buyers that they are responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before purchase.
Příklad: The salesman didn't mention the car's history, but remember, caveat emptor.
Poznámka: It specifically relates to consumer protection and the buyer's responsibility to be cautious.

Warning každodenní (slangové) výrazy

Watch out

To watch out means to be cautious or vigilant to avoid danger or harm.
Příklad: Watch out for that slippery floor!
Poznámka: Less formal than 'warning,' and often used for immediate or physical dangers.


FYI stands for 'For Your Information' and is used to provide someone with information they may find useful or relevant.
Příklad: FYI, the deadline for the project has been moved up.
Poznámka: More subtle than a direct 'warning,' often used to inform rather than caution.

Heads will roll

A warning indicating that there will be severe consequences or punishments for a particular action or failure.
Příklad: If you don't finish the report on time, heads will roll.
Poznámka: Carries a stronger sense of impending consequences compared to a standard 'warning.'

Look out

Similar to 'watch out,' it means to be aware of potential danger or risks in one's surroundings.
Příklad: Look out for that car coming around the corner!
Poznámka: Used more for physical dangers or immediate threats, like warning someone of an approaching hazard.

Be careful

To be careful means to act with caution and avoid potential harm or mistakes.
Příklad: Be careful when handling that glass, it's fragile.
Poznámka: Although a common phrase, it is more general and less forceful than a specific 'warning.'

Take heed

To take heed means to pay attention to or take notice of advice or warnings given.
Příklad: You should take heed of the weather forecast before planning your trip.
Poznámka: A bit more formal and old-fashioned than 'warning,' urging someone to seriously consider advice or caution.

Warning - Příklady

Warning: Do not touch the hot stove.
The weather forecast issued a warning about the approaching storm.
The warning sign on the road indicated a sharp turn ahead.

Gramatika Warning

Warning - Sloveso (Verb) / Sloveso, gerundium nebo přítomné příčestí (Verb, gerund or present participle)
Lemma: warn
Sloveso, minulý čas (Verb, past tense): warned
Sloveso, gerundium nebo přítomné příčestí (Verb, gerund or present participle): warning
Sloveso, 3. osoba jednotného čísla přítomného času (Verb, 3rd person singular present): warns
Sloveso, základní tvar (Verb, base form): warn
Sloveso, přítomný čas ne 3. osoba jednotného čísla (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): warn
Slabiky, Rozčlenění a Přízvuk
warning obsahuje 2 slabik: warn • ing
Fonetický přepis: ˈwȯr-niŋ
warn ing , ˈwȯr niŋ (Červená slabika je přízvučná)

Warning - Důležitost a četnost používání

Index frekvence a důležitosti slov ukazuje, jak často se slovo v daném jazyce vyskytuje. Čím menší je číslo, tím častěji se slovo používá. Nejběžněji používaná slova se obvykle pohybují od 1 do 4000.
warning: ~ 2100 (Velmi Běžný).
Tento index důležitosti vám pomůže soustředit se na nejdůležitější slova během procesu učení se jazyka.
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy, efektivní učení jazyků
Vocafy ti pomáhá snadno objevovat, organizovat a učit se nová slova a fráze. Vytvářej personalizované sbírky slovní zásoby a procvičuj kdykoli a kdekoli.