英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

之前, 以前, 以前的某个时刻

Ago 的含义在中文中

“ago” 是一个常用于英语中的副词,表示某个事件发生在现在之前的时间。它通常与时间词汇结合使用,帮助描述过去的时间段。


  1. 时间表达:常与具体时间段结合使用,如“two days ago”(两天前)、“a year ago”(一年前)等。

    • 例句:I visited my grandparents two weeks ago.(我两周前拜访了我的祖父母。)
  2. 与过去时态结合:在描述过去的事件时,常用“ago”来强调事件发生的时间。

    • 例句:She graduated from university three years ago.(她三年前大学毕业。)
  3. 适用场合:在日常交流中使用频率较高,适用于非正式和正式场合。无论是口语还是书面语,均可使用。


  • long ago:很久以前

    • 例句:Long ago, people traveled by horse.(很久以前,人们骑马旅行。)
  • not long ago:不久前

    • 例句:I saw him not long ago.(我不久前见过他。)


  1. 使用不当的时间词:有时学习者可能会将“ago”与未来时态混用,比如说“in two days ago”,这是错误的,正确的表达应为“two days ago”。
  2. 时态不一致:在句子中使用“ago”时,通常需要与过去时态动词搭配使用。


  • 同义词:之前(before),以前(previously)。
  • 反义词:将来(future)。




“ago” 是一个副词,通常放在句末或动词后面。它的词源可以追溯到古英语,意为“之前”。

Ago 的含义在中文中


I called you two days ago.
She moved here a year ago.
使用: informal语境: Used to indicate a time in the past relative to the present.
笔记: 常用于表示过去的某个时间,通常与时间单位(如天、月、年)结合使用。


I used to live in that city long ago.
He was a great artist long ago.
使用: informal语境: Used to refer to a time that is significantly further back in the past.
笔记: 常用来指代很久以前的事情,通常不具体说明时间。


We met three weeks ago.
The meeting was held a month ago.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to specify a particular event or action that happened in the past.
笔记: 可以与具体的时间单位结合使用,强调某个特定事件的发生。



Before refers to a time earlier than the present or a specified point in time.
例子: He left five minutes before.
笔记: Before can be used to indicate a point in time that is earlier than another point in time, whereas 'ago' is used to indicate a time period that has passed since the event.


Previously means at an earlier time or before the present time.
例子: I saw her previously at the store.
笔记: Previously is more formal and is often used in written language or formal speech.


Earlier means at a time before now or before a particular time.
例子: She called me earlier today.
笔记: Earlier can be used to refer to a time that is closer to the present compared to 'ago'.


A while ago

A period of time in the past, not specified exactly.
例子: I saw her a while ago at the store.
笔记: Adds emphasis on the unspecified nature of the time frame.

Long ago

Refers to a distant point in the past.
例子: Long ago, dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
笔记: Emphasizes the far-reaching distance in time.

Not long ago

A recent period of time in the past.
例子: I visited Paris not long ago.
笔记: Contrasts with 'long ago' to indicate a more recent timeframe.

Years ago

Refers to a specific number of years in the past.
例子: She moved to this city years ago.
笔记: Specifies the number of years passed since the event.

Months ago

Indicates a period of time in the past, measured in months.
例子: We last met months ago.
笔记: Specifies the time frame in months rather than years or days.

Decades ago

Refers to a period of ten years, often emphasizing a long time.
例子: The building was constructed decades ago.
笔记: Conveys a longer period than just years, usually implying several decades.

Weeks ago

Describes a recent past period, measured in weeks.
例子: I completed the project weeks ago.
笔记: Specifies the time frame in weeks, indicating a shorter duration.

Moments ago

Refers to a very brief moment in the past.
例子: The phone rang moments ago.
笔记: Emphasizes the immediacy and brevity of the past event.

Back in the day

Refers to a nostalgic period in the past, often associated with one's youth.
例子: Back in the day, we used to play in the park all day.
笔记: Informal expression to reminisce about the past, not specifying a precise timeframe.


ages ago

Used to emphasize a long time in the past.
例子: I last saw her ages ago.
笔记: It exaggerates the amount of time that has passed compared to just saying 'ago'.

eon(s) ago

A very long time in the past, emphasizing an extremely distant time.
例子: That happened eons ago.
笔记: Emphasizes an even longer period compared to 'ages ago' or 'long ago'.

donkey's years ago

An informal way to say a very long time ago in a humorous or exaggerated manner.
例子: I visited that place donkey's years ago.
笔记: Adds a humorous or whimsical tone to the expression.

yonks ago

A British slang term meaning a very long time ago.
例子: I haven't been there in yonks ago.
笔记: Less commonly used outside of British English contexts.

light years ago

Indicates a significant advancement or change from a past time or technology.
例子: That technology is light years ago from what we have now.
笔记: Stresses a huge difference or improvement over time.

aeons ago

A poetic or philosophical way of saying a very long time ago.
例子: Civilizations rose and fell aeons ago.
笔记: Conveys a sense of deep time or antiquity.

miles away

Expresses that something took place far in the past.
例子: Her birthday party seems like it happened miles away.
笔记: Uses distance as a metaphor for the passage of time.

Ago - 例子

I met her two years ago.
The concert ended an hour ago.
I used to live in this city a long time ago.


Ago - 副词 (Adverb) / 副词 (Adverb)
词元: ago
形容词 (Adjective): ago
副词 (Adverb): ago
ago 包含1个音节: ago
音标: ə-ˈgō
ago , ə ˈgō (红色音节是重读的)

Ago - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
ago: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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