英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

谁的, 什么人的, 与……有关的人, ……的

Whose 的含义在中文中

“whose” 是一个英语代词,主要用于表示所属关系,通常用于提问或引导定语从句。它在日常英语中非常常见,适用于各种正式和非正式场合。


  1. 提问:在询问某物或某人的所有者时使用。例如:

    • Whose book is this? (这是谁的书?)
    • Whose car is parked outside? (外面停的车是谁的?)
  2. 引导定语从句:用来连接主句和定语从句,指出某人的所属关系。例如:

    • The woman whose car was stolen reported it to the police. (那位车被偷的女士向警方报案。)
    • I met a student whose brother is a famous artist. (我遇到一个学生,他的哥哥是一位著名艺术家。)


  • Whose turn is it? (轮到谁了?)
  • Whose idea was this? (这是谁的主意?)


  • “whose” 可以用于人和物的所有关系,但通常用于人。
  • 在书面语和口语中均可使用,适用范围广泛。


  • 有些学习者可能会混淆“whose”和“who’s”。“who’s”是“who is”的缩写,而“whose”表示所属关系。
  • 另一个错误是将“whose”用于物体而非人,尽管在某些情况下是可以的,但通常更常见于人。


  • 同义词:none(没有),不适用,因为“whose”没有直接的同义词。
  • 反义词:none(没有),同样没有直接的反义词。


  • “whose”的发音为 /huːz/,注意它的发音与“who’s”相似,但“whose”没有停顿。


  • “whose” 是一个关系代词,源于古英语“hwæs”,表示“谁的”。它在句子中通常用作定语,修饰名词。

Whose 的含义在中文中


Whose book is this?
I found a wallet. Whose is it?
使用: formal/informal语境: Used when asking about ownership or possession.
笔记: 常用于疑问句,询问某物的拥有者。


Whose idea was it to go out?
Whose turn is it to speak?
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to inquire about the person responsible for an action or thought.
笔记: 可以在日常对话中使用,或在正式场合中询问责任人。


He is a person whose opinion matters.
She is someone whose talent is recognized.
使用: formal语境: Used to describe someone related to a specific quality or characteristic.
笔记: 通常在描述某人的品质或特点时使用。


A child whose parents are doctors.
A movie whose plot is intriguing.
使用: formal语境: Used in relative clauses to describe characteristics of a noun.
笔记: 在描述名词的特征时经常使用,尤其是在书面语中。



Used to indicate possession or ownership by asking about the person or thing that something belongs to.
例子: The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police.

of whom

A more formal way to express possession or ownership by indicating the person something belongs to.
例子: The student, of whom the teacher was proud, received an award.
笔记: Formal usage compared to 'whose'.

belonging to whom

A more direct way to inquire about possession or ownership.
例子: The keys belonging to whom?
笔记: More direct and less common than 'whose'.


whose fault is it

This phrase is used to inquire about the responsibility or blame for a particular situation.
例子: Whose fault is it that the project failed?
笔记: The phrase 'whose fault is it' specifically focuses on assigning responsibility, whereas 'whose' on its own simply asks about possession.

whose idea was it

This phrase is used to question the originator of a particular concept or plan.
例子: Whose idea was it to have a team-building exercise?
笔记: The phrase 'whose idea was it' delves into the creator of an idea, whereas 'whose' alone asks about ownership.

whose turn is it

This phrase is used to ask about the order or sequence in which individuals are expected to perform a certain action.
例子: Whose turn is it to present next?
笔记: The phrase 'whose turn is it' focuses on the order of actions, while 'whose' by itself asks about possession.

whose side are you on

This phrase is used to question someone's loyalty or allegiance in a conflict or disagreement.
例子: Whose side are you on in this argument?
笔记: The phrase 'whose side are you on' inquires about support or loyalty, whereas 'whose' alone asks about possession.

whose shirt is this

This phrase is used to inquire about the ownership or identity of an object.
例子: Whose shirt is this lying on the floor?
笔记: The phrase 'whose shirt is this' specifically asks about ownership of an object, while 'whose' on its own asks about possession in general.


Whose mans

Used to refer to someone's friend or associate.
例子: Whose mans is this? He's acting wild.
笔记: The word 'mans' is a slang term that is colloquially used to refer to a person or friend in a casual manner.

Whose line is it anyway?

Used to describe a situation where things are unpredictable or nonsensical.
例子: I have no idea what he's saying, it's like Whose Line Is It Anyway up in here.
笔记: The phrase 'Whose Line Is It Anyway' is a reference to the improvisational comedy show, drawing a parallel to a situation lacking structure or predictability.

Whose up?

Used to inquire who is available or interested in doing something.
例子: I'm bored, whose up for grabbing some food?
笔记: The word 'up' is added for emphasis and informality to ask who is willing to participate.

Whose girl is that?

Used to inquire about the relationship status or ownership of a female.
例子: Whose girl is that over there, she's cute.
笔记: The term 'girl' is used informally to refer to a female.

Whose mans is this?

Used to question the association or responsibility for someone's behavior.
例子: Look at this guy dancing, whose mans is this?
笔记: Similar to 'Whose mans,' this phrase specifically questions the responsibility for an individual's actions.

Whose bag is this?

Used to ask about the ownership of an item.
例子: Hey, whose bag is this in the hallway?
笔记: The term 'bag' is colloquially used to refer to any object or possession.

Whose - 例子

Whose book is this?
The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police.
Whose idea was it to go to the beach?


Whose - 限定词 (Determiner) / Wh-所有格代词 (Possessive wh-pronoun)
词元: whose
whose 包含1个音节: whose
音标: ˈhüz
whose , ˈhüz (红色音节是重读的)

Whose - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
whose: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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