英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

普通的, 共同的, 常见的, 公共的

Common 的含义在中文中

“common” 这个词在日常英语中有多种用法,通常表示“共同的”、“普通的”或“常见的”。它可以用在不同的上下文中,适用于正式和非正式场合。

  1. 基本用法

    • 表示普遍性:用于形容某事物在某个群体或地区中是常见的。例如:
      • “It is common to see people jogging in the park.”(在公园里看到人们慢跑是很常见的。)
    • 表示共同性:指多个事物或人之间的共同特征。例如:
      • “They have a common interest in music.”(他们对音乐有共同的兴趣。)
  2. 常用短语

    • “common sense” (常识):指普遍接受的基本判断能力。
    • “common knowledge” (常识性知识):指大多数人都知道的信息。
    • “common ground” (共同点):指不同人或团体之间的共同利益或观点。
  3. 使用场合

    • 正式场合:在学术论文、报告或公共演讲中,使用“common”来描述普遍现象或共同特征。
    • 非正式场合:在日常对话中,描述普通事物或习惯时也常用此词。
  4. 常见错误

    • 将“common”与“normal”混淆。虽然两者都表示某种普遍性,但“normal”更强调标准或正常状态,而“common”强调频率或普遍存在。
  5. 相关词汇

    • 同义词:ordinary(普通的)、usual(通常的)、frequent(频繁的)。
    • 反义词:rare(稀有的)、uncommon(不常见的)。
  6. 发音细节

    • “common”的发音为 /ˈkɒm.ən/。注意重音在第一个音节。
  7. 语法与词源

    • “common” 是形容词,通常用来修饰名词。其词源来自拉丁语“communis”,意为“共同的”。


Common 的含义在中文中


He is just a common man.
This is a common issue in our community.
使用: informal语境: Used to describe something that is not special or unique.
笔记: Often used to refer to people or situations that are typical or average.


They share a common interest in music.
We have a common goal to achieve.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to indicate shared characteristics or interests.
笔记: This meaning is often used in discussions about teamwork or collaboration.


It's common to see tourists here.
This type of mistake is quite common among students.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used to describe something that frequently occurs or is prevalent.
笔记: Often used in contexts like education, social observations, and statistics.


This is a common area for residents.
They organized a common meeting for all members.
使用: formal语境: Used to describe something that is shared by a group or available to all.
笔记: Commonly used in legal or administrative contexts.



Ordinary means something that is not special or unique, similar to common but may imply a lack of distinction.
例子: It's just an ordinary day at work.
笔记: Ordinary can sometimes carry a slightly negative connotation compared to common.


Typical refers to something that is characteristic or representative of a particular kind, similar to common in the sense of being usual or expected.
例子: This is a typical example of his work.
笔记: Typical emphasizes the idea of being a standard or usual example.


Frequent means happening or occurring at short intervals, similar to common but focusing on the regularity of something.
例子: He makes frequent trips to the city.
笔记: Frequent emphasizes the repeated nature of occurrence.


Widespread means existing or happening over a large area or among many people, similar to common in the sense of being prevalent.
例子: The disease is widespread in the region.
笔记: Widespread emphasizes the extensive distribution or occurrence.


Usual refers to something that is habitual, customary, or expected, similar to common in the sense of being what is typically done or encountered.
例子: My usual route to work was blocked.
笔记: Usual emphasizes the idea of being what is commonly or normally expected.


Common knowledge

Information or facts that are widely known and accepted by most people.
例子: It's common knowledge that the sun rises in the east.
笔记: This phrase emphasizes the widespread acceptance and familiarity of the information.

Common sense

Practical judgment based on experience and reasoning that is shared by many people.
例子: Using common sense, she decided not to go out in the pouring rain without an umbrella.
笔记: Common sense refers to practical wisdom and judgment rather than mere prevalence.

Common ground

Shared beliefs, interests, or opinions that provide a basis for mutual understanding or agreement.
例子: Despite their differences, they found common ground on the need for environmental protection.
笔记: Common ground emphasizes the shared aspects that can unite people despite their differences.

In common

Something shared or mutually possessed by two or more people.
例子: They discovered they had a love for hiking in common.
笔记: This phrase highlights the shared possession or attribute among individuals.

Common courtesy

Polite behavior and manners that are considered standard in social interactions.
例子: It's just common courtesy to hold the door open for the person behind you.
笔记: Common courtesy refers to expected politeness in social situations rather than its prevalence.

Common practice

A behavior or action that is widely accepted and followed as customary or standard.
例子: In many cultures, it's a common practice to bow as a sign of respect.
笔记: Common practice emphasizes the customary nature of the behavior rather than its frequency.

Common thread

A recurring theme, idea, or characteristic that is present in different situations or contexts.
例子: The common thread in all her stories is the theme of redemption.
笔记: Common thread refers to a unifying element connecting disparate things rather than their prevalence.

Common cause

A shared goal, purpose, or objective that unites individuals or groups in working towards a common aim.
例子: They joined forces in a common cause to fight against poverty in their community.
笔记: Common cause emphasizes the unity in pursuing a shared goal rather than its frequency.



Used to describe something ordinary, average, or unexceptional.
例子: The job was just another run-of-the-mill office position.
笔记: The slang term 'run-of-the-mill' is more informal and casual compared to the formal word 'common.'

Dime a dozen

Refers to something common and easily available, often without much value.
例子: Those cheap sunglasses are a dime a dozen at the mall.
笔记: The slang term 'dime a dozen' emphasizes the abundance and lack of uniqueness compared to the word 'common.'

Two a penny

Derives from 'a penny for two' and means something very common and of little value.
例子: Those trinkets are two a penny in that store.
笔记: The slang term 'two a penny' highlights the commonness and low worth compared to the original word 'common.'

As common as muck

Used to describe something extremely common or widespread.
例子: The gossip about him is as common as muck around here.
笔记: The slang term 'as common as muck' adds a colloquial flair and emphasizes the ubiquity of something compared to 'common.'


Describes something or someone simple, basic, or unremarkable.
例子: She always goes for the plain-Jane options when shopping.
笔记: The slang term 'plain-Jane' conveys a more informal and sometimes slightly derogatory tone compared to 'common.'

Ten a penny

Means something very common, abundant, and easily obtainable.
例子: Those knockoff bags are ten a penny on the streets.
笔记: The slang term 'ten a penny' emphasizes the sheer number and availability of something compared to 'common.'


Describes something very ordinary, basic, or unremarkable.
例子: It's just a bog-standard printer, nothing special.
笔记: The slang term 'bog-standard' carries a more informal and perhaps slightly dismissive tone compared to 'common.'

Common - 例子

Common sense is not so common.
It's common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health.
The common cold is a viral infection.


Common - 形容词 (Adjective) / 形容词 (Adjective)
词元: common
形容词,比较级 (Adjective, comparative): commoner
形容词,最高级 (Adjective, superlative): commonest
形容词 (Adjective): common
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): commons
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): common
common 包含2个音节: com • mon
音标: ˈkä-mən
com mon , ˈkä mən (红色音节是重读的)

Common - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
common: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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