英语 - 简体中文
500 - 600
500 - 600
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

关系, 亲属关系, 关联, 叙述

Relation 的含义在中文中


  1. 人际关系:在谈论家庭、朋友或工作关系时常用“relation”。

    • 例子:She has a good relation with her colleagues.(她与同事关系很好。)
  2. 事物之间的联系:在讨论概念、事件或数据时,可以用“relation”来描述它们之间的关联。

    • 例子:There is a strong relation between education and income.(教育和收入之间有很强的关系。)
  3. 正式与非正式场合:在学术、商业或正式交流中,使用“relation”较为合适。在非正式对话中,可能更倾向于使用“relationship”来表达人际关系。

  4. 常用短语

    • “in relation to”:用于引入相关主题。
      • 例子:In relation to your question, I think we should discuss it further.(关于你的问题,我认为我们应该进一步讨论。)
    • “relation of”:用于描述事物之间的联系。
      • 例子:The relation of cause and effect is important in science.(因果关系在科学中很重要。)
  5. 常见错误:学习者常常将“relation”和“relationship”混淆。虽然两者都表示关系,但“relationship”更强调人际之间的情感或互动,而“relation”则更侧重于联系或关联。

  6. 相关词汇

    • 同义词:connection, association
    • 反义词:disconnection, separation
  7. 发音:/rɪˈleɪʃən/。注意重音在第二个音节。

  8. 语法:通常用作名词,可以作为主语或宾语。

  9. 词源:源自拉丁语“relatio”,意指“联系”或“报告”。


Relation 的含义在中文中


The relation between the two countries is improving.
She has a close relation with her family.
使用: formal语境: Used in discussions about interpersonal or international relationships.
笔记: 通常指人与人或国家之间的联系,也可以用于描述事物之间的相互作用。


He is my relation by marriage.
They are distant relations.
使用: formal/informal语境: Used when discussing family connections and lineage.
笔记: 指家庭成员之间的血缘或婚姻关系。


There is a strong relation between education and income.
The report discusses the relation of these variables.
使用: formal语境: Used in academic or analytical discussions, often involving statistics or research.
笔记: 通常用于表达不同事物之间的联系,尤其在科学和社会科学领域。


The story is a relation of events that happened last year.
His relation of the incident was very detailed.
使用: formal语境: Used in literary or historical discussions.
笔记: 在某些情况下,指对事件或故事的描述或叙述。



Relationship refers to the way in which two or more people or things are connected or the state of being connected.
例子: Their relationship has always been strong.
笔记: Relationship is often used to describe a more personal or emotional connection compared to 'relation'.


Connection implies a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with another.
例子: There is a strong connection between music and emotions.
笔记: Connection can be used in a broader sense to indicate any type of link or association, not necessarily limited to personal relationships.


Association suggests a connection or relationship between two or more things, often based on a particular characteristic or shared feature.
例子: The association between diet and health is well-documented.
笔记: Association can imply a more formal or structured relationship compared to 'relation'.


Affiliation refers to a formal connection or association with a group, organization, or cause.
例子: Her affiliation with the political party is well-known.
笔记: Affiliation often implies a more official or institutional relationship compared to 'relation'.


Blood relation

Blood relation refers to a family member, someone related by birth or genetics.
例子: She is my cousin, we have a blood relation.
笔记: This phrase specifically emphasizes the biological connection between family members.

In relation to

This phrase is used to indicate a connection or comparison between two things.
例子: In relation to the recent events, we need to take immediate action.
笔记: It focuses on the relationship or connection between two entities or concepts.

Close relation

Close relation refers to someone who is closely related, usually indicating a strong bond or familiarity.
例子: She is a close relation of mine; we grew up together.
笔记: It suggests a stronger connection compared to just a general relation.

Distant relation

Distant relation refers to a family member who is not closely connected or known well.
例子: He's a distant relation of ours; we only see him at family reunions.
笔记: It implies a lack of close relationship or regular interaction compared to close relations.

Relation to

This phrase is used to inquire about someone's connection or relationship to another person or group.
例子: What is your relation to the bride and groom?
笔记: It focuses on the specific link or bond between individuals rather than just general relations.

Public relations

Public relations involves managing the communication and relationships between an organization and the public.
例子: She works in public relations, handling the company's image and communication.
笔记: It involves the strategic management of relationships with the public, media, and other stakeholders for a specific purpose.

Intimate relation

Intimate relation refers to a close and personal relationship, often implying a romantic or sexual connection.
例子: Their intimate relation was kept private from others.
笔记: It conveys a deeper and more personal bond than a general relation, often involving emotional closeness.



Fam is a slang term used to refer to close friends or family members. It is often used to indicate a strong bond or connection.
例子: My fam and I are going to the movies tonight.
笔记: Fam is a more casual and friendly term compared to 'family' or 'relatives.' It conveys a sense of closeness and familiarity.


Bae is a term of endearment used to refer to a boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other.
例子: Have you met my bae? She's the one in the blue dress.
笔记: Bae is a more affectionate and informal term compared to 'partner' or 'significant other.' It is often used in a romantic or intimate context.


Crew refers to a close-knit group of friends or colleagues who regularly spend time together.
例子: I'm meeting up with the crew for drinks after work.
笔记: Crew is a casual and informal term used to describe a group of people who share a common bond or activity. It is more relaxed than 'group' or 'team.'


Squad is similar to crew and refers to a group of friends or associates who hang out together and support each other.
例子: My squad and I are planning a weekend getaway.
笔记: Squad is often used in a more trendy or youthful context compared to 'group' or 'team.' It conveys a sense of camaraderie and unity.


Homies is a slang term used to refer to close friends or companions who share a strong bond or history together.
例子: I've known my homies since high school.
笔记: Homies is a more informal and familiar term compared to 'friends' or 'buddies.' It is often associated with loyalty and camaraderie.


Clique refers to a small, exclusive group of people who share similar interests or social status.
例子: She's part of the popular clique at school.
笔记: Clique carries a connotation of exclusivity and sometimes elitism compared to 'group' or 'circle.' It implies a tight-knit group with specific characteristics or commonalities.

Ride or Die

Ride or Die is a slang term used to describe a person who is loyal and supportive in all situations, even in the most challenging times.
例子: She's my ride or die; we've been through everything together.
笔记: Ride or Die conveys a sense of unwavering loyalty and commitment beyond what 'friend' or 'companion' may imply. It signifies a deep and enduring bond.

Relation - 例子

Relation between the two countries has been strained for years.
The study aims to explore the relation between stress and health.
She has a distant relation living in Hungary.


Relation - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: relation
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): relations, relation
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): relation
relation 包含3个音节: re • la • tion
音标: ri-ˈlā-shən
re la tion , ri ˈlā shən (红色音节是重读的)

Relation - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
relation: 500 - 600 (极其常见).
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