英语 - 简体中文
400 - 500
400 - 500
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

部门, 系 (used in academic contexts), 部 (as in a government department), 部门 (in a general sense)

Department 的含义在中文中



  1. 商业环境:在公司中,常见的部门包括人力资源部(Human Resources Department)、财务部(Finance Department)、市场部(Marketing Department)等。例如:“我在市场部工作。”(I work in the Marketing Department.)
  2. 教育机构:大学通常有不同的学术部门,如数学系(Department of Mathematics)、历史系(Department of History)。例如:“她是历史系的教授。”(She is a professor in the Department of History.)
  3. 政府机构:政府也有不同的部门,如卫生部门(Department of Health)、交通部门(Department of Transportation)。例如:“卫生部门发布了新的健康指南。”(The Department of Health released new health guidelines.)


  • Department store:百货商店。例句:“我们去百货商店购物。”(We are going shopping at the department store.)
  • Department head:部门主管。例句:“部门主管负责管理团队。”(The department head is responsible for managing the team.)




  • 同义词:division(分部),branch(分支)
  • 反义词:whole(整体)



Department 的含义在中文中


The marketing department is responsible for advertising.
She works in the finance department.
使用: formal语境: Used in business, government, and organizational settings.
笔记: 部门指的是一个组织或公司的特定分支,负责特定的任务或职能。

系 (used in academic contexts)

He studies in the psychology department.
The chemistry department has a new lab.
使用: formal语境: Used in educational institutions.
笔记: 系通常用来指大学或学院内的学科分支。

部 (as in a government department)

The health department issued new regulations.
The education department is reviewing the curriculum.
使用: formal语境: Used in governmental contexts.
笔记: 部通常指政府的某个职能机构。

部门 (in a general sense)

We need to improve communication between departments.
Each department has its own budget.
使用: formal/informal语境: Can be used in various organizational contexts.
笔记: 该词可以用于描述不同部门之间的关系及其职能。



A division is a distinct part or section of an organization that deals with specific tasks or functions.
例子: The marketing division is responsible for promoting the company's products.
笔记: Division often implies a more specialized or segmented area within an organization compared to a department.


A section refers to a distinct part or subdivision within an organization that focuses on particular activities or responsibilities.
例子: The finance section handles budgeting and financial planning.
笔记: Section is often used to describe a smaller or more specific unit within a larger organization.


A branch is a separate location or office of an organization that operates independently but is still connected to the main entity.
例子: The company opened a new branch in a different city to expand its operations.
笔记: Branch typically refers to a physical location or office, while a department can encompass multiple functions within a single location.


Department store

A large retail store that offers a wide variety of goods organized into different departments such as clothing, electronics, and household items.
例子: I need to buy a new dress, let's go to the department store.
笔记: The term 'department store' specifically refers to a type of retail establishment with multiple specialized sections for different types of products.

Department head

The person who is in charge of a specific department within an organization or company.
例子: The department head will be leading the meeting tomorrow.
笔记: While 'department' generally refers to a distinct section or division within an organization, 'department head' specifically denotes the individual responsible for overseeing that section.


To organize or divide something, such as work or tasks, into separate departments or categories.
例子: It's important to departmentalize tasks to ensure efficiency.
笔记: The verb 'departmentalize' involves the action of categorizing or dividing things into distinct departments, whereas 'department' itself refers to the section or division created by this process.

Departmental meeting

A meeting that involves members of a specific department within an organization to discuss matters relevant to their work.
例子: Please make sure to attend the departmental meeting scheduled for Friday.
笔记: The term 'departmental meeting' specifies a gathering focused on the activities and issues concerning a particular department, emphasizing the localized and specialized nature of the discussion.

Departmental budget

The financial plan that outlines the expected expenses and revenues for a specific department or division within an organization.
例子: We need to review the departmental budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
笔记: While 'department' indicates a distinct unit within an organization, 'departmental budget' refers to the financial plan specifically allocated to that unit.

Departmental policy

Rules, guidelines, or regulations established for a particular department within an organization to govern its operations and conduct.
例子: It's crucial to adhere to the departmental policy regarding data protection.
笔记: Unlike 'department' which denotes the organizational unit, 'departmental policy' refers to the specific rules and regulations designed for governing the activities within that unit.

Departmental structure

The organizational layout or hierarchy within a company that outlines the relationships and divisions between different departments.
例子: The departmental structure of the company underwent significant changes after the merger.
笔记: While 'department' refers to a specific division within an organization, 'departmental structure' encompasses the overall arrangement and relationships between these divisions.



Abbreviation for department, commonly used in informal settings to refer to a specific section within an organization.
例子: I work in the marketing dept.
笔记: Informal abbreviation of the original word.


Short for division or department, often used interchangeably with 'dept' to denote a particular area of work.
例子: She's in the HR div.
笔记: Informal shortening of either division or department in a casual context.


Derived from section, indicating a distinct part or area of an organization or company.
例子: John is in the finance sec.
笔记: Casual abbreviation for section within an entity.


Referring to a specialized division within a larger organization, often with a specific function or focus.
例子: The sales unit is working on a new project.
笔记: Commonly used to denote a distinct operational group within an organization.


Informal term that suggests a subsection or specialized area within a larger entity, similar to a department.
例子: The marketing wing of the company is expanding.
笔记: Conveys a sense of being a distinct part within a larger structure.


Denotes a distinct area of activity or specialization within an organization, often used in a business context.
例子: The IT sector is hiring new staff.
笔记: Commonly used to convey a specific industry or field within a broader organization or market.

Department - 例子

The marketing department is responsible for promoting the company's products.
She works in the HR department.
The IT department is in charge of maintaining the company's computer systems.


Department - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: department
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): departments
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): department
department 包含3个音节: de • part • ment
音标: di-ˈpärt-mənt
de part ment , di ˈpärt mənt (红色音节是重读的)

Department - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
department: 400 - 500 (极其常见).
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