英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

以前的, 前者

Former 的含义在中文中

“Former” 是一个常用的英语单词,通常用来指代过去的状态、身份或职位。它常用于描述某人或某事在现在的身份或角色之前的状态。


  1. 描述职业或身份:在谈论某人的职业变化时,可以使用“former”来指代他们之前的职位。例如:

    • He is a former president of the company.(他是这家公司的前任总裁。)
    • She is a former teacher.(她是前教师。)
  2. 指代过去的事物:在谈论过去的事件或状态时,使用“former”可以清晰地表明某事物的历史。例如:

    • This building was a former school.(这栋建筑曾是学校。)
    • They visited their former home.(他们参观了他们以前的家。)
  3. 正式和非正式场合:这个词在正式和非正式场合都可以使用,但在正式书面语中更为常见,尤其是在新闻报道、学术文章或正式演讲中。


  • former colleague(前同事)
  • former athlete(前运动员)
  • former relationship(以前的关系)


  1. 有些学习者可能会将“former”与“latter”混淆。“Former”指代前者,而“latter”指代后者。
  2. 在使用时,注意“former”通常与具体的名词搭配,而不是单独使用。


  • 同义词:previous(以前的)、ex-(前,常用于名词前,如ex-husband)
  • 反义词:current(当前的)、later(后来的)

“Former”的发音为 /ˈfɔːrmər/,重音在第一个音节。学习者应注意清晰发音,以避免混淆。

“Former” 是形容词,用于形容名词。其词源来自拉丁语“formare”,意为“形成”或“塑造”。

Former 的含义在中文中


The former president gave a speech at the conference.
She visited her former school during the reunion.
使用: formal语境: 用于描述过去的身份或角色
笔记: 通常用于描述某人或某事在现在或最近的状态之前的身份或地位。


Between the two options, I prefer the former.
The former is more practical than the latter.
使用: formal语境: 用于比较两个或多个选项时
笔记: 在比较中使用时,通常指代在提到的选项中第一个提到的。



Previous refers to something that occurred or existed before the current time or situation. It is often used to describe the order of events or positions.
例子: I worked at a previous company before joining this one.
笔记: Former typically refers to a previous position or status held by a person, while previous can refer to any event or occurrence that happened before the current one.


Prior means existing or occurring before in time or order; earlier.
例子: His prior experience in marketing helped him excel in his new role.
笔记: Former is more commonly used to refer to a previous position or status held by a person, while prior can refer to any event or occurrence that happened before the current one.


Past refers to a time that has gone by or events that have already happened.
例子: In the past, she used to be a professional dancer.
笔记: Former is often used to refer to a previous position or status held by a person, while past can refer to events, experiences, or time that have already occurred.


Formerly known as

This phrase is used to indicate a previous name or identity that something or someone had before.
例子: The company, formerly known as XYZ Inc., rebranded itself last year.
笔记: It specifically refers to a previous name or title that has been changed.

Former self

This phrase refers to a previous state or condition that someone or something had before a change or event.
例子: After the accident, she struggled to regain her former self.
笔记: It emphasizes a previous state or condition, often implying a desire to return to that state.

In former times

This phrase is used to refer to a period of time in the past, typically before the present.
例子: In former times, people used to rely on handwritten letters for communication.
笔记: It specifies a particular time period in the past, indicating a historical context.

Former glory

This phrase describes a past state of greatness, splendor, or success that has since declined or deteriorated.
例子: The historic building, now in ruins, was once a symbol of former glory.
笔记: It highlights a previous state of grandeur or achievement that has diminished over time.

Former residence

This phrase refers to a previous place where someone lived or resided before moving elsewhere.
例子: The author's former residence has been turned into a museum for visitors to explore.
笔记: It specifies a previous dwelling place or location where someone used to live.

Former classmate

This phrase is used to describe someone who was in the same class or school as oneself in the past.
例子: I bumped into my former classmate from high school at the grocery store.
笔记: It denotes a past association with someone in an educational setting.

Former president

This phrase refers to a person who held a specific position, such as a leader or official, in the past.
例子: The former president of the country retired from politics after serving two terms in office.
笔记: It specifies a previous role or title that someone held in the past.



Short for 'ex-partner' or 'ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.' It refers to a person with whom one was previously in a romantic relationship.
例子: My ex called me yesterday.
笔记: This term specifically refers to a former romantic partner, different from the broader usage of 'former.'

Old flame

Refers to a former romantic partner or love interest from the past.
例子: I bumped into an old flame at the supermarket.
笔记: It emphasizes the romantic or sentimental connection, distinguishing it from a general 'former' relationship.

Used to be

Indicates a past state or condition that is no longer true or applicable.
例子: She used to be my best friend before we drifted apart.
笔记: Emphasizes the transformation or change from a previous state, distinguishing it from a straightforward 'former' relationship.


Refers to someone who was previously associated with or connected to a group, but is no longer part of it.
例子: He was an onetime ally but betrayed us later.
笔记: It conveys a sense of past affiliation or involvement without explicitly stating the former relationship.

Former - 例子

Former president Barack Obama visited Hungary in 2019.
The company's former CEO was fired last year.
She is a former Olympic champion.


Former - 形容词 (Adjective) / 形容词 (Adjective)
词元: former
形容词 (Adjective): former
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): formers, former
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): former
former 包含2个音节: for • mer
音标: ˈfȯr-mər
for mer , ˈfȯr mər (红色音节是重读的)

Former - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
former: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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