英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

医院, 疗养院, 急救中心, 医院(特定类型)

Hospital 的含义在中文中



  1. 日常对话:人们在谈论健康、疾病或急救时常提到“医院”。

    • 例句:I need to go to the hospital.(我需要去医院。)
    • 例句:She was admitted to the hospital last night.(她昨晚被送进医院。)
  2. 专业环境:医生、护士和其他医疗工作者在工作中经常使用“医院”一词。

    • 例句:The hospital has a new emergency department.(医院有一个新的急救科。)
  3. 紧急情况:在突发事件或事故中,常提到“医院”。

    • 例句:Call an ambulance; we need to get him to the hospital.(叫救护车;我们需要把他送到医院。)


  • go to the hospital(去医院)
  • hospital staff(医院工作人员)
  • emergency hospital(急救医院)
  • hospital bed(病床)



  • 将“医院”与“诊所”混淆。诊所通常指较小的医疗机构,提供基本医疗服务,而医院提供更全面的医疗服务。
  • 在表达紧急情况时,可能会遗漏“医院”这个词,导致信息不明确。


  • 同义词:medical center(医疗中心),clinic(诊所)
  • 反义词:home(家),outpatient(门诊病人)

“医院”的发音为 /ˈhɒspɪtl/。注意重音在第一个音节。


Hospital 的含义在中文中


I need to go to the hospital for a check-up.
The hospital is very busy today.
使用: formal语境: Medical situations, emergencies, health check-ups.
笔记: 医院 is the most common term for 'hospital' in Mandarin Chinese, used in both formal and informal contexts.


She is staying at a sanatorium for her recovery.
The sanatorium provides long-term care.
使用: formal语境: Long-term care facilities, recovery, rehabilitation.
笔记: 疗养院 specifically refers to institutions focused on rehabilitation and long-term recovery, not general hospitals.


He was taken to the emergency center after the accident.
The emergency center is equipped to handle crises.
使用: formal语境: Emergency situations, urgent medical care.
笔记: 急救中心 refers specifically to emergency medical facilities, often part of a larger hospital.


The children's hospital specializes in pediatric care.
She works at a psychiatric hospital.
使用: formal语境: Specific types of hospitals, specialized medical care.
笔记: This term is used to describe hospitals that focus on specific fields, such as pediatrics or psychiatry.


medical center

A medical center is a facility where medical treatments are provided, similar to a hospital.
例子: She was admitted to the medical center for surgery.
笔记: Medical centers may offer specialized services and treatments beyond what a traditional hospital provides.


A clinic is a healthcare facility where patients can receive medical treatment or consultations.
例子: He visited the clinic for a routine check-up.
笔记: Clinics are often smaller in scale compared to hospitals and may focus on specific medical services.


An infirmary is a small medical facility typically found in institutions like schools or military bases.
例子: The school infirmary provided basic medical care to students.
笔记: Infirmaries are usually smaller and may offer limited medical services compared to hospitals.

health center

A health center is a facility that provides primary healthcare services to a specific community or population.
例子: The community health center offers affordable healthcare services to residents.
笔记: Health centers may focus on preventive care and wellness in addition to medical treatment.


In the hospital

This phrase indicates that someone is staying or receiving medical treatment in a hospital.
例子: She is currently in the hospital recovering from surgery.
笔记: The phrase specifies the location within the hospital where a person is situated.

Hospitalize someone

To admit someone to a hospital for medical treatment or care.
例子: The accident was severe, and they had to hospitalize him immediately.
笔记: This phrase focuses on the action of admitting someone to a hospital.

Hospital ward

A section or division of a hospital where patients are accommodated based on their medical needs or conditions.
例子: He was transferred to the pediatric ward of the hospital for specialized care.
笔记: This phrase refers to a specific area within a hospital designated for patient care.

Hospital bed

A bed specifically designed for patients in a hospital for treatment or recovery.
例子: Due to high demand, there was a shortage of hospital beds for incoming patients.
笔记: This phrase emphasizes the specialized beds used in a hospital setting.

Hospital staff

The collective term for all the employees and workers in a hospital who provide medical services and support.
例子: The hospital staff worked tirelessly during the holiday season to ensure patient care.
笔记: This phrase encompasses all the personnel working in a hospital.

Hospital gown

A garment worn by patients in a hospital, typically open at the back and tied at the waist.
例子: Before the surgery, she changed into a hospital gown provided by the nurse.
笔记: This phrase refers to the specific type of clothing worn by patients in a hospital setting.

Hospital stay

The duration of time a patient spends in a hospital for treatment or recovery.
例子: His hospital stay lasted two weeks, during which he underwent intensive physical therapy.
笔记: This phrase highlights the period of time a person remains in a hospital.



Shortened form of 'doctor', commonly used to refer to a medical professional.
例子: The doc said I need to rest for a few more days.
笔记: Informal way to refer to a doctor rather than specifically saying 'doctor'.


Abbreviation for 'emergency room', the section of a hospital where urgent medical treatment is provided.
例子: They rushed her to the ER after the accident.
笔记: Casual or shorthand way to refer to the emergency room within a hospital setting.


Informal term for someone who provides medical treatment, often used in military contexts or emergency situations.
例子: The medic bandaged his wound before they reached the hospital.
笔记: Less formal than 'medical professional', typically implying a more immediate and on-site care provider.


Casual term for the comfortable and practical clothing worn by medical personnel in hospitals.
例子: She changed into scrubs before starting her shift at the hospital.
笔记: Refers specifically to the clothing worn by medical staff, often characterized by its loose-fitting design.

Code Blue

Medical emergency code used in hospitals to signify cardiac or respiratory arrest.
例子: The nurses reacted quickly when they heard 'code blue' over the hospital intercom.
笔记: Used as an urgent alert within a hospital setting to mobilize medical staff for a critical situation.

Candy striper

Informal term for a hospital volunteer, typically used for young volunteers who wear red-and-white striped uniforms.
例子: My niece volunteers as a candy striper at the local hospital.
笔记: Describes a specific type of hospital volunteer with a distinct uniform, often associated with younger volunteers.

Paging Dr. Feelgood

Humorous slang referring to a doctor who provides emotional support or boosts morale in a hospital setting.
例子: The nurses joked about paging Dr. Feelgood whenever they needed a morale boost.
笔记: A lighthearted way to refer to a doctor who brings positivity or comfort to patients and staff, not a formal medical term.

Hospital - 例子

The hospital is located in the city center.
She works as a nurse in a clinical center.
The hospital department is specialized in cardiology.


Hospital - 名词 (Noun) / 名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass)
词元: hospital
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): hospitals
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): hospital
hospital 包含3个音节: hos • pi • tal
音标: ˈhä-(ˌ)spi-tᵊl
hos pi tal , ˈhä (ˌ)spi tᵊl (红色音节是重读的)

Hospital - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
hospital: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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