英语 - 简体中文
600 - 700
600 - 700
词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。 这个重要性指数帮助你在语言学习过程中集中于最有用的词语。

宽的, 广泛的, 充分的, 开放的, 分散的

Wide 的含义在中文中

“wide” 是一个常用的英语形容词,主要用于描述物体的宽度、范围或程度。它可以用于多种场合,包括日常交流、书面表达和描述性语言。


  1. 描述物体的宽度

    • 例句:The table is very wide.(这张桌子很宽。)
    • 应用场景:在家具、建筑或任何物体的尺寸描述中使用。
  2. 描述范围或程度

    • 例句:She has a wide range of interests.(她有广泛的兴趣。)
    • 应用场景:用于谈论个人的兴趣、知识或技能的多样性。
  3. 用于形容情感或态度

    • 例句:He has a wide smile.(他微笑得很灿烂。)
    • 应用场景:在描述人的表情或情绪时使用。
  4. 用在比喻或抽象的上下文中

    • 例句:The discussion covered a wide array of topics.(讨论涉及了广泛的话题。)
    • 应用场景:在学术或正式的讨论中,表示内容的多样性。


  • wide open:完全打开

    • 例句:The door was wide open.(门完全打开。)
  • wide awake:完全清醒

    • 例句:I am wide awake after that coffee.(喝了咖啡后我完全清醒了。)


“wide” 可以在正式和非正式场合中使用。描述物体尺寸时,通常是中性语气;而在形容情感或范围时,可以根据上下文调整语气。


  1. 与“broad”混淆:尽管“broad”也表示宽,但通常用来形容抽象的概念或思想,而“wide”更常用于具体的物体。
  2. 不正确的搭配:避免将“wide”与不合适的名词搭配,例如说“wide car”是正确的,而“wide person”则不常用。


  • 同义词:broad, expansive, vast
  • 反义词:narrow, tight, limited


“wide” 的发音为 /waɪd/。注意“w”音和“i”音的结合,保持清晰。


“wide” 是形容词,通常用作定语或表语。其词源来自古英语“wīd”,意指“广阔的”或“宽的”。

Wide 的含义在中文中


The river is wide.
He bought a wide table.
使用: formal/informal语境: Describing physical dimensions or spaces.
笔记: This is the most common meaning, typically used to describe the width of objects or areas.


She has a wide range of interests.
The project has wide implications.
使用: formal/informal语境: Describing variety or scope in abstract contexts.
笔记: This meaning is often used in discussions about topics that encompass many areas or aspects.


He has a wide understanding of the subject.
The committee provided wide support for the initiative.
使用: formal语境: Describing depth or extent of knowledge or support.
笔记: This usage emphasizes the thoroughness or extent of something, often in a more formal context.


She has a wide smile.
He has a wide perspective on life.
使用: informal语境: Describing emotions, attitudes, or expressions.
笔记: In this context, 'wide' conveys a sense of openness or generosity.


The wide distribution of the product helped its success.
Wide variability in results can indicate different factors.
使用: formal语境: Used in discussions related to statistics or distribution.
笔记: This meaning is often relevant in academic or technical contexts, particularly in research or analysis.



Broad refers to a wide extent from side to side, often suggesting a spacious or expansive quality.
例子: The river flowed through a broad valley.
笔记: Broad can imply a greater degree of width compared to wide.


Vast indicates a very great extent or quantity, often with a sense of immense size or scale.
例子: The vast expanse of the desert stretched out before us.
笔记: Vast emphasizes the idea of great extent or size more strongly than wide.


Expansive suggests a wide or extensive area or space, often with a feeling of openness or grandeur.
例子: The hotel lobby had an expansive layout with high ceilings.
笔记: Expansive can convey a sense of openness or grandeur in addition to width.


Broaden means to make or become wider or more extensive in scope or range.
例子: We need to broaden our perspective on this issue.
笔记: Broaden is a verb that indicates the action of making something wider or more extensive, rather than describing the width itself.


Wide awake

This phrase means to be fully awake and alert.
例子: After a good night's sleep, I was wide awake and ready to start the day.
笔记: The word 'wide' in this context emphasizes the extent of being awake and alert.

Wide open

When something is wide open, it means fully open with no obstructions.
例子: The door was left wide open, letting in a breeze.
笔记: The addition of 'wide' emphasizes the extent of openness or lack of obstruction.

Wide range

Refers to a broad selection or variety of something.
例子: The store offers a wide range of products to choose from.
笔记: The term 'wide' expands the scope or variety of the range.


Describes someone who is surprised, amazed, or in awe.
例子: The children looked wide-eyed at the magician's tricks.
笔记: The use of 'wide' emphasizes the expression of the eyes being open wide due to surprise or wonder.

Wide of the mark

Means to be inaccurate or incorrect in one's estimation or prediction.
例子: His prediction was wide of the mark as the actual results were very different.
笔记: The addition of 'wide' emphasizes a significant deviation from the intended target or expectation.

Far and wide

Refers to a large area or distance, often indicating widespread coverage or reach.
例子: News of the festival spread far and wide, attracting visitors from neighboring towns.
笔记: The phrase 'far and wide' emphasizes the extensive distance or range over which something is spread or known.

Cast the net wide

To consider a wide range of options or possibilities in order to increase the chances of success.
例子: In order to find the best candidate, the company decided to cast the net wide and consider applicants from various backgrounds.
笔记: The phrase 'cast the net wide' highlights the act of exploring diverse options or opportunities to achieve a desired outcome.


Wide load

Refers to a vehicle or object that is wider than standard and requires caution in passing or maneuvering around.
例子: Be careful passing that truck; it's carrying a wide load.
笔记: The term 'wide load' specifically highlights the width of the object or vehicle, often indicating a potential obstacle on the road.

Wide boy

Typically used to describe a man who is flashy, brash, and self-assured, often with questionable morals or behaviors.
例子: He struts around like a wide boy, acting as if he owns the place.
笔记: The term 'wide boy' implies a sense of arrogance and flamboyance, not just referring to physical width.

Go wide

In sports or other activities, it means to move towards the sideline or expand the playing area to create space or avoid opposition.
例子: During the game, remember to go wide to avoid the defenders.
笔记: The term 'go wide' focuses on moving away from the center or other players, emphasizing a strategic positioning rather than just a general extent.

Wide body

A term used to describe someone who is physically large or muscular, especially in terms of body width or girth.
例子: The gym always has a few wide bodies working out, lifting massive weights.
笔记: While 'wide' refers to broadness or width in general, 'wide body' specifically denotes a person's physique, usually highlighting muscularity or size.

Wide - 例子

The road is wide enough for two cars to pass.
She has a wide range of interests.
The company offers a wide variety of products.


Wide - 副词 (Adverb) / 副词 (Adverb)
词元: wide
形容词,比较级 (Adjective, comparative): wider
形容词,最高级 (Adjective, superlative): widest
形容词 (Adjective): wide
副词,比较级 (Adverb, comparative): wider
副词,最高级 (Adverb, superlative): widest
副词 (Adverb): wide
名词,复数 (Noun, plural): wides
名词,单数或不可数 (Noun, singular or mass): wide
wide 包含1个音节: wide
音标: ˈwīd
wide , ˈwīd (红色音节是重读的)

Wide - 重要性和使用频率

词频和重要性指数显示一个词在特定语言中出现的频率。 数字越小,词语使用频率越高。 最常用的词通常在1到4000之间。
wide: 600 - 700 (极其常见).
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